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IBC News SPECIAL REPORT - Conflict in the Gardens

Discussion in 'Archives' started by DeltaV, May 15, 2015.

  1. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Get ready, Antares, because it's that time of day again! Everyone's favorite reporter takes a long sip of coffee, and then looks to the camera.

    "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Brian Davis, and welcome to a special edition of IBC News: Antares Edition. Today's episode is about a particularly high-stakes confrontation today at the colony of Dexter's Gardens, one in which yours truly was caught in the crossfire. Your humble reporter was on-scene to capture video footage of the entire ordeal, which I will let speak for itself."


    The video opens with a shaky camera peering over the edge of a wooden piano, taking in the scene of two Florans pointing weapons at one another and shouting, as a man in black and purple flees the bar.


    After a heated argument between the two Florans, another masked Floran appears at the entrance and the two masked Florans exit. Shortly afterwards, a robot in power armor storms up, holding a minigun, and he and the Floran with the assault rifle flee, the camera some distance behind.


    The camera cuts back in at the entrance to the building, as an Avian shouts at the armored assailant. When the armored figure lowers their weapon the Avian makes a grab at it -- in response, the figure attempts to take the Avian as a human shield. The Avian backs away quickly. In the distance two Florans can be seen, as well as rapidly-arriving security forces. The camera turns as the man holding it attempts to convince the Floran with the assault rifle to lower their weapon.


    As security continues to beam down, the armored figure shuts the door and he and the Floran attempt to flee. While the Floran disappears out of view, the door is quickly reopened by security forces, one of whom attempts to stun the armored figure with a shot from their weapon.


    The armored figure, seemingly unaffected by the electricity, drops its weapon and surrenders to the rapidly-arriving security. Meanwhile, the Floran flees out the opposite exit.


    The final clip of video is of the armored figure being held at gunpoint and searched by security. It cuts back to Brian Davis at his desk, with another serious expression on his face.

    "There you have it, folks: Earlier just today, the colony of Dexter's Gardens was home to a confrontation between security, several Florans and the notorious robot Max. From what our humble reporter witnessed firsthand, the Floran Hakachi arrived in the colony alone and raided the bar for alcohol, speaking incoherently, when they were confronted by several masked Florans, who claimed that Hakachi had attempted to murder the leader of their tribe. This accusation quickly led to guns drawn, and a standoff ensued until the robot Max arrived heavily-armed in an attempt to rescue Hakachi.

    "As the fleeing two ran into Glauen, the colony's owner, the situation nearly developed into all-out war in the streets, but was quickly handled by late-arriving security who attempted to stun Max, who eventually was convinced to give up.

    "As of now, the Floran Hakachi is still a fugitive, wanted on suspicion of attempted assassination and for illegal firearms carrying by the colonial authorities and local Floran tribes. The robot Max has been apprehended and is under the custody of Dexter's Gardens at this time.

    "When pressed for comment, the leader of the colony had this to say:

    "We do not approve of weapons of any kind. Our colony is a save haven, but . . . we do not approve of vigilantes coming in with weapons hot to enact their own justice. We do not take part in the dealings of Florans and their attempts at succession. That Hakachi came here was potentially an attempt to escape Floran justice, but in doing so she broke our laws as well. Hakachi and Max are both outlaws now. We have Max in for [assault] against the colony owner, and we will apprehend Hakachi for bringing in a rifle to our colony. She is banished for carrying a weapon and fleeing justice."

    "Sensible words from a sensible birds. This has been an IBC News Special Report -- stay safe, Antares."​
  2. NovaZenk

    NovaZenk New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    Hakachi need die.
  3. Clockai Pyrosik

    Clockai Pyrosik New Member

    Apr 9, 2015
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    Huh. My old boss got arrested.
    -Clockai Pyrosik
  4. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Man, Max is spending all those donations on weapons and armor.
  5. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Tanji ~ Very interesting. Discontent in the Floran tribe, it sounds like someone what making a play for tribe leader. I get the other floran credit for holding her ground against multiple foe. As for the gltich Max... What a shame going from distinguish leader of a colony to criminal. How the mighty have fallen.

    To this Hylotl eyes I would say that Max was in with Hakachi'Jita on the attempted assassination. Perhaps paid to do so. An old Hylotl saying says, "Cut the head of the eel and the body will die." I would say that it is Hakachi'Jita that need to found, find her and you find Max and any other eels in the nest that went with them.

    Lastly don't quote me on this but isn't there some Floran battle tradition where one floran can challenge another floran to fight to the death for rights to lead the tribe? Granted it would be only the toughest of Florans that would attempt such a challenge. Obviously Hakachi'Jita is not one.


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    Organics.... Always fighting for something. However this does explain the rather rude security running the bar the other day at the Equinox Bar. That still does not excuse the behavior.

    Lamont Cranston

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  6. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    Good to see Max got removed from Valius administration, now I can be more sure of where my money is going seeing as I recently donated.
