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IBC News: Interview With the Talekas Quick Reaction Force

Discussion in 'StarNet News' started by DeltaV, May 26, 2016.

  1. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    IBC News: Interview With the Talekas Quick Reaction Force
    Wow, this guy practically has a monopoly on the news at this point. He takes a sip of coffee, smiles brightly enough that a civilization several thousand light years away could see it, and begins to speak.

    "Good evening, folks -- or morning, or afternoon, or night, depending on where it is you might be. I'm Brian Davis, and thank you for tuning in to IBC News. Tonight, we bring you an inteview with Ms. Sarah McKinley, head of the newly-created private military contracting organization known as the Talekas Quick Reaction Force. Our news correspondent had the opportunity to sit down with Ms. McKinley for a few moments to discuss this organization and its activity in recent events within the sector."


    Thanks for being with us, Ms. McKinley. What can you tell us about this Talekas Quick Reaction Force?
    "The Talekas Quick Reaction force is a private military and humanitarian force designed to protect people around this sector of Council Space. We pick up contracts with local settlements to fund our operations and provide cost-free services to people in need."

    What do you mean by "People in need?"
    "People who're looking to live their lives peacefully in this sector, without worrying about the threat of raiders, pirates, and terrorists. Even those struggling with a damaged ship, low on fuel, or . . . some sort of natural disaster. We provide fuel, medical assistance and food and water to those in need along with security and military assistance. While most of our recent operations have been military in nature, I assure you these are not our only focus."

    On the topic of your recent operations, what was it that led your group to be contracted on Upside when the events of several days ago unfolded?
    "We responded to several distress signals around the planet in the last week. One involved a situation with an Agaran, and another with the infectious parasite known to us only as 'Umbra'. At the time, we'd been trying to secure a contract for at least a month, but it was our operations on the planet that led to us securing a contract there. We've also secured a contract on Mud, and we provide security to both colonies; although the means by which we provide it differs heavily per planet."

    How does the form of security differ between the two?
    "Well, Upside is a very . . ."

    ". . . Well, yes. Very high-risk, and since it's more . . . Human-oriented -- or Apex-oriented, seeing as the mayor is an Apex -- it's culture is different, too. Thus, we're allowed to carry weapons and perform intensive duties on the planet. On Mud, however, my teams are restricted to only one contractor at a time being on-world unless there is an emergency, and we're only allowed to carry defensive, non-lethal equipment. We do our best to protect people, but we also want to ensure we follow the corresponding laws."

    Do you feel that the restrictions placed on your Mud contracting hinder your ability to provide services to the colony?
    "Quite honestly, it doesn't matter what I think or don't think."

    Is that a yes?
    "Our job is to defend people, Mr. Davis, but only so far as they permit us to do so."

    Has there been any tension with local security on either planet?
    "I'm not at liberty to say at this time. However, the Talekas QRF uses lethal equipment more openly than the Mud security teams do. So there is a bit of tension there. Like I said before, though, we follow the wishes of our contractees."

    I see. Let's return back to Upside, though. Where were you personally in the hours and minutes leading up to the Floran attack on the colony? Did you notice any signs of danger beforehand?
    "Unfortunately, no. We had a majority of our personnel on-world, however, as we had just returned from rescuing a crashed pilot from off-world."

    Your personnel were quick to respond when the actual attack occurred, I will say that. Do you have a site at which training is performed?
    "We do. However, for security reasons, I am not allowed to disclose the name or the planet at which we handle our training. I will say that our staff goes through intensive military training that mirrors human military training done on Earth before it fell."

    To be sure. What is the ratio of military to nonmilitary personnel in your organization?

    "Currently, our organization is one-hundred percent field operators, although my staff have desk work they complete. Everone does a little bit of pencil-pushing, regardless."

    Your statement that Talekas conducts more than military operations is more of a hope for the future, then?

    "We're trained to it, anyways. We just haven't had the opportunities or requests for humanitarian aid yet."

    Do you train your personnel for humanitarian matters at the same times and with the same frequency as military ones?

    "We have, originally. However, our next training class will probably focus more on military matters, since they seem to be the primary focus. We plan to cross-train once humanitarian operations become more commonplace."

    No doubt. On the topic, how many individuals does your organization consist of?

    "Again, for security reasons I'd like to keep that off-the-record. However, it is more than enough to support operations on Mud and Upside at the same time. And we'll be adding at least another handful in the coming weeks."

    Do all of your personnel have past military and humanitarian experience?

    "Most do, yes. Varied backgrounds, of course, but most have a professional, if limited, military background. I myself have the most extensive."

    I see. What made you decide to create this organization?

    "Honestly? I was sick and tired of losing my homes. Being kicked from colony to colony. Seeing good people crushed by all the bullshit."

    And you founded Talekas in the hopes that you can prevent such calamities from happening in the future?

    "There's no way to prevent them. Eventually someone's going to break the line and cause some damage. My hope is that Talekas can at least delay the inevitable . . . and help people rebuild when it happens."


    "There you have it, folks. We here at IBC News wish Ms. McKinley and her organization the best of luck in continuing to attempt to protect the people of the sector, and hope that, if successful, the Talekas QRF will be able to inspire an atmosphere of safety and security within its area of operation. For now, though, I'm Brian Davis, and this has been IBC News. As always, if you think you know something that might make for a good story, contact us! If your information leads to the creation of an article, you could make up to two hundred pixels. Keep safe, folks, and have a good night."​
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