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IBC News: Floran Attack on Upside!

Discussion in 'StarNet News' started by DeltaV, May 24, 2016.

  1. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    IBC News: Floran Attack on Upside!
    Man, this guy's been on Starnet News a lot at this point. It appears to be another somber story, as he does not smile before beginning to speak into the camera.

    "Good evening, folks -- or morning, or afternoon, or night, depending on where it is you might be. I'm Brian Davis, and thank you for tuning in to IBC News. Tonight, we bring you breaking news from the colony Upside, which just yesterday was rocked by what appears to have been an organized attack by a group of a half-dozen militant Florans."

    The camera cuts to shaky footage of a firefight in the doorway of the main teleporter building of Upside, with Florans tossing acid grenades out of the door as several security personnel return fire with more traditional weapons. Two Florans are caught in the fire and fall dead down the short stairs.

    "What appeared to be a usual afternoon on the planet erupted into chaos when patrolling security forces entered Upside's teleporter building, and were ambushed by armed Florans. One managed to escape relatively unharmed in time to alert other security staff, while the other was fired at and seriously injured by the Florans. The attackers then attempted to fight their way out of the building, and were repelled at the building's doorway by the coordinated effort of multiple security personnel. Several were killed, and the others retreated off-planet.

    "In the ensuing investigation it was discovered that the Florans had taken several hostages in the teleporter room, and robbed them of some belongings. Luckily, those captured were left alive as the Florans beat their hasty retreat -- but no doubt it gives us some insight into the purpose of the raid on the town.

    "IBC News correspondents will be standing by to report on new developments as they occur. For now, though, I'm Brian Davis, and this has been IBC News. As always, if you think you know something that might make for a good story, contact us! If your information leads to the creation of an article, you could make up to two hundred pixels. Keep safe, folks, and have a good night."