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IBC News - EXCLUSIVE interview with Flightless militant!

Discussion in 'Archives' started by DeltaV, May 14, 2015.

  1. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Yep, it's everyone's favorite reporter again! He sips his cup of coffee and then turns to address the camera, a serious look on his face.

    "Good day, Antares. I'm Brian Davis, and welcome to another issue of IBC News. Today, we have a special segment: Our field reporter was recently contacted by an anonymous Flightless militant, who agreed to conduct a short interview through StarNet. Our informant has some very interesting things to say in regards to recent events. I'll let the interview speak for itself."


    I am part of a flightless organization who has come to Antares with the intention of disarming and neutralizing threats to Avian culture. Chief among these are sky pirates and militant grounded. I have been involved with several skirmishes, prejudices, and assaults which have been carried out against my people. It is time the people of Antares know the truth.

    Can you give some examples of these skirmishes, prejudices and assaults?

    The other evening a flightless male went to Katune seeking medical aid. There, he was held at gunpoint and later shot. Two bystanders came to the scene, and attempted to retrain the injured avian. The original attacker fired upon the crowd and the flightless male was able to escape, though he was chased down by all three of these people, all illegally carrying firearms on Katune. There was no law enforcement, no punishments met. Simply more injustices while the security staff of the colony moonlights as assassins and its kingpin leader secretly funds these grounded terrorists.

    Please elaborate on these assassins and Grounded terrorists.

    This weekend a unite of flightless were tipped off about militant grounded planning an assault on our people. A small team was sent to investigate these claims. What we found were indeed militant grounded. Extremists, working along side Katune and the United Systems with the like minded goal of slaughting us all. They had set the location up as a trap. Tried to bury and bomb, shoot and stab each and every one of the flightless who set foot into that place. This sort of brazen cowardice is sickening. Even now they speak to us as if they are blissfully ignorant of the suffering they cause.

    They killed our people, and took some as hostages. They are currently holding these two for ransom, though we are not certain we will be able to secure their release. All due to the fact these large bodies of militant criminals run unopposed throughout Antares. They answer to no one but themselves.

    I see. What is your response to the claims that militant Flightless have been attacking Avian villages and killing the inhabitants?

    We ask that the violent grounded of Antares lay down their arms so we may be allowed to continue our efforts here. What we do, we do for the good of all Avians. It is not too late to return to Kluex's good graces, but they must stop these senseless attacks on our people for such peace to come.

    One last question. If you could say one thing to all of Antares, what would it be?

    Judgment comes to us all in the end.


    "There you have it, folks - an inside view of the thought processes and motivations of the less-seen side of recent religious hostilities, and claims of plenty of crimes from the 'good guys' as well. Is there substance to any of these claims? Only time will tell. Until then, I'm Brian Davis, and this has been IBC News. Have a good day, and stay safe."
  2. Zephzer

    Zephzer Level Over 9000

    Feb 2, 2015
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    From one reporter to another, you do some good work. This was an interesting read.
    - [email protected]
  3. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Tanij ~ Surprise, surprise, this new source can actually produce good news.