So. I found a thing. What should I do with it? <Attached is the picture of what looks like an irregularly shaped thing with a circle object attached to it. It looks vaguely like a computer mouse but thingier.>
I personally believe you should donate the object to a scientific organisation such as Carroli Corporation, as it may be a alien artifact from a race unheard of and hold many interesting finds! but definitely get it appraised by a professional, you may get paid pretty well for doing so in my experience! - Delinous
--((Processing voice to text...))-- Try flailing your limbss at it, gently. Be very careful, sso you don't dissrupt whatever sscience or strange massters it may be beholden to. -Crim
Allow me to analyze it. I have an electron microscope and a particle film scanner, along with knowledge of circuitry and mechanics. I could check it out for you. -Ray Beluga, Lead Engineer, Carroli Corporation