Yeah, the second part of "gaseous wannabe space cowboys" is the exact bit that basically put me off them. It just doesn't fit their look what so ever, unlike the feel of other races. Avians fit the Aztec/Mesoamerican feel of things with the bird masks and stuff, and Hylotl also fit into their feudal-japan-inspired culture. Hell, even the idea of Medieval sentient robots works with the clunky armour and what not. But sentient plasma-nebula clouds running around with ten gallon hats, wearing nothing but leather everything and with the technological level of the early 1800's? No thank you.
I'm more excited for their armor than I am for the actual race. Having ten new sets (excluding the updated human armor, which has gotten me hyped by itself) will give a much-needed breath of fresh air to the staleness that is outfit/armor creation. Some of those chest pieces in particular are practically asking to be recolored.
This also. I dunno. The Nova Kid race itself i like obviously, hence the post. But my tastes are different. For example the only races i really like in starbound are either the humans or glitch. Not a fan of the avians culture. Sesame street comes to mind. Floranssss ssslur to damn much and lack intelligence. Hylotl i actually like the culture. Just not crazy about the way the race looks. Apex.. Novakids for me is something fresh. Strange ass race but i dont mind a good western and dont mind the look of these Nova kids.
The only cool thing I foresee with this new race is an influx of characters ripped from old spaghetti westerns. "You see, in this galaxy there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig."
mom's spaghetti in all seriousness though novakids are dumb i dont like them their design is cheesy and feels forced but thats just me
Novakid are a poorly conceived race. All the other races have a certain twist applied to the usual stereotypes that makes them interesting (admittedly the avian fall short in this regard) whereas the novakid are just energy beings who are also space-cowboys with short attention spans. The wild west aesthetic feels so out of place it's like they ran out of ideas and just chose one at random. Add to that their shallow and utterly annoying quirk of the short-attention span, and you have a race that obviously stands apart from the others. Basically all the people who are happy with their inclusion admit to only wanting to use their armorsets. Understandable, really, since the actual character sprites are rather ugly.
I don't like the race, but I love the armor. I'm worried the Novakids themselves will just add people being edgy with the new twist of thinking they can light people on fire. EDIT: Does the nightly build add Hylotl lore? I'm curious now.
Not yet, some more lore on FTL drives, and Florans mostly xD... (Yay!) Edit: also considering Metadept said next stable update won't have Hylotl villages yet, i doubt there'll be more Hylotl lore, sadly also no trace of any Novakid lore, aside from some item descriptions etc... Post edit edit: I do think Novakids will be even more random and "short-sighted/short attention-spanned" than Florans, perhaps not in the same agressive way, but they'll be at least as annoying as Florans, if not more. (In general.) Can't wait to see a Floran go like: Hsss... Floran know how meatmanss feel nowss...
One thing's for certain, Oak's gonna have fun disecting some Hylotls & Novakid(somehow). ((By which I mean i'm gonna analyse the shit out of all the item descriptions detailing stuff on Hylotls and Novakid... Oh and lore books))
I'm curious now. If Novakids are effectively Mini Star People, how is it that they don't set everything they stand near on fire and blind everyone who glances in their direction? Not to mention how they're effectively wearing clothing directly on flames or something to that effect...
I believe all the hot gas is kept inside the outer membrane (Which I think is held together by their brand; don't quote me on this I haven't looked this shit up). And that membrane is warm to the touch I guess?