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Hydnellum's Audio

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by invictus69, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. invictus69

    invictus69 New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    ((This is a series of recordings Hydnellum has done at seemingly random intervals and are saved on her ships computer))

    "...Voice recording? Yess, itss working now. Hydnellum find device to capture voice. Better then writing. Usse thiss often, never forget anything again."

    "Huff....huff, ssecond recording... sship damaged. Bad sship come, sshoot at Hydnellum, fire everywhere. Hydnellum trapt insside. Burning growss...everything burning, Hydnellum....sscared."
    "Musst esscape, find help. Help...ssomone..."

    "...Hydnellum ssleep in cockpit, wake up, burning sstop. Can't go to back of sship, too damaged. Usse radio, find help, repair sship. Hydnellum live through fire, Hydnellum live through anything."

    "Hydnellum find help, radio help. Voice ssay to go to planet, Hydnellum go. Human greetss Hydnellum, human squishy, pink meat thing, but Hydnellum doessn't eat. Avian there too, Hydnellum not kill Avian, sself control."
    *long silence*
    "Human buildss sstrange buildings, plant inside, building outside. Building protect from nature, but nature insside? It iss sstrange to Hydnellum. Won't sstay for long here...maybe."
    *More silence*
    "Sship fixed, Hydnellum fix holes with flat metal. Not pretty, but thatss okay, Hydnellum likess anyway."