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Human Lore

Discussion in 'Unofficial Lore Discussion' started by Clem, Feb 24, 2016.


Human History

Poll closed Mar 2, 2016.
  1. Option 1

    1 vote(s)
  2. Option 2

    5 vote(s)
  3. Option 3

    3 vote(s)
  1. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Hey all,

    First off thanks for everyone giving me the oppertunity to give Antares a solid lore which can be depended on.
    I want to start with the Human History/Political system pertaining Humanity in general.

    We all know that Earth was a pretty good place to live for most, until that tentacle beasty destroyed it. And that there was a war for Mars. But otherwise, Chucklefish was vague on the rest and still is. Until they get a proper lore writer. Hoping to change that here atleast.

    What I have come up with are three settings/scenarios of which Humanity is in right now following the destruction of Earth and people fleeing across the four winds.

    Option 1 : Humanity began to set aside their major differences and formed the federation to ensure stability and peace. This would eventually lead humanity to find a new seat of power in a nearby system. It'll mean that Humans are of one mind and mostly stand behind the fedaration goverment with a good representative in the Council.

    Option 2 : Humanity is still struggling to find its feet and remain an chaotic association with the United Systems government being the only notable administrative body to represent Humans in the Council. This will mean less stability, more corperative worlds and bussineses controlling the future of mankind.

    Option 3 : Following the destruction of Earth, the United Systems did not fall into disarray. Instead, they solidified their power by wiping out the opposition on Mars and bring a measure of stability and security for mankind. Allowing them to put Earth in the past and set their eyes towards the future. United Systems will be represented in the Council too, but it'll be less one-sided since most of humanity stands behind them.

    I'm open to hear feedback, additions on this.
    Intending to keep the rest of the relations with other species as is, because they seem alright and dont bring much change to these three options.

    Note : Poll and thread will close in one week time from now.
  2. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I dunno, I'd like to wait and see where they're going with this whole... "protectorate-thing" first.

    Maybe it's trash and we retcon something, maybe it actually turns out to be interesting, more than just a lame plot device for the singleplayer story?
  3. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Its gonna be a lame plothole for the singleplayer story. Rather have something based off but not dependant on CF lore. So we dont have to constantly keep attention to the lore.
    1 person likes this.
  4. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Alright. Being the person who has spent an unhealthy amount of time working on human lore the past few months, here's what I got.

    239? - The first relevant date. The resource wars start, with countries fighting over dwindling resource supplies. Insurrectionists rule most of Mars and Earth is littered with civil war. The United Systems is relatively powerless in the ordeal.

    2406 - The resource wars come to a stop after the United Systems resolidifies its power over humanity, and largely buffs its military might. Reforms turn the United Systems into a strong military and civil power. Its territories engulf all of Sol and parts of Alpha Centauri, bunkers and isolated settlements being present in outer core space and the frontiers.

    Early 2407 - After the populations of the United Systems begin to recover from the decade of warfare, a mysterious tentacled beast appears on the Earth. A few days after its discovery, seismic activity is sensed all around the Earth. The United Systems evacuates most of Earth, and the planet's crust is engulfed by the monster.

    Late 2407 - Floods of refugees on Venus and Mars seriously overcrowd population centers, forcing many humans to spread amongst the stars.

    2411 - Population levels start to stabalise, but there are fractures in the galactic human population, and communication with outer core space settlements and military posts is unavailable.

    2414 - Contact with outer settlements and posts is re-established. Most military units are recalled to Sol and Alpha Centauri, but small military task forces are left to hold the frontiers.

    2415 - Contact with frontier forces is severed without warning for an unknown reason. Most bunkers and settlements in the frontiers are abandoned.

    2416 - Present year.

    I've shown this to countless people and gotten opinions on it. Do note it is roughly stitched together and could be improved, but I am currently satisfied with my work. Those I have not shown please leave opinions and questions if you want.
    1 person likes this.
  5. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Honestly I like both what Clem and Britton have done. Personally I would like to see a good calibration between the two of you. This way there would a good comprise as well as a very interesting after math of what happened to humanity.

    I would also like to see in the lore that Humanity has not given up retaking the earth from the tentacle monster no matter how futile it will be. That is still home and it is work fighting for, no expense to great. Even human base corporation are giving some or there profit to the cause. As this is just something human are stubborn about. Never give up without a fight, no matter the odds.

  6. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Britton has to apply for the wiki editor spot imho.

    I'm going off the base lore what CF has produced. Then change and expand the part what has been chosen by the community. I dont think Humans would be so naive as to fight for something what is truely lost. I think they would rather create some kind of blockade or perimiter to prevent further spreading of this threat.

    Since if putting all the available resources to reclaiming Earth, is it worth looking towards the future?
  7. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    You really think that all of humanity would just give up? Sure in Titan A.E they did but there was nothing to fight for. Here they do have. You hear stories on the news where people fight for hopeless causes all the time. Women save child by lifting cars off them, when physically it should not be possible. Really if you have seen enough news. People will fight, specially for a goal.

    Sure they would set up a blockage/perimeter. As far as resource. The universe is infinite, unlimited resources at humanities hand to use for the fight. So why not?

    Hell, look at Mass Effect series as an example.

    -Additive Deleted-
    -Cole edit-
    Keep it civil. Clem was merely expressing that Brittons ideas are worthy of a Wiki Editor position.

    -Poster addition-
    Interesting... it starts already.
    #7 Yotan, Feb 25, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2016
  8. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Option None is not an option.

    I am not digging these blanket options that appear so black and white. I've noticed that with human lore in particular on our server, its completely ambiguous, generally vague, and sometimes inconsistent. I personally think that this has been a nice feature of the server for a long time, since humans are generally a good race for players just starting out that need to read very little in order to come up with a backstory and engage in the server.

    I've seen characters that act as if they have never seen Earth in their life, and I've seen characters who act like the Earth was destroyed somewhat recently, and is sometimes explained via cryo.

    I'm all for expanding the lore of the server, but in particular I actually think that humanity and certain aspects of history should remain intentionally vague and ambiguous.
  9. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    I'd like to clarify something here: The position of wiki editor is meant to be in charge of organizing lore and expressing it in a clear, understandable manner. It's important to keep in mind that the community should have as much say in the writing of lore as any wiki editor. Any criticism offered up by the community should be considered graciously; Just because someone isn't apart of staff does not mean their thoughts and opinions have any less merit. The purpose of staff is to serve the community, not to dictate them. Please keep this in mind in the future.
    2 people like this.
  10. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Human is published by CaptainBritton02, kudos to him for writing it all down.
  11. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I wanted to add something to this by the way. Being the currently the server tech level is... well equal to that of Mass effect. I believe. I could be wrong or it got changed and I didn't see the memo. Which would be my mistake.

    Clem. The statement you made above struck a cord with me and the Mass Effect series. Think about the Shepard's speeches all of them. Basically it came down to two MAJOR aspects of human nature. Revenge and Hope. We are all humans, we all know these feeling. And in every story, game, MMO, or what not there seems to be two common results. Either we destroy yourselves, or we raise up like the boss race we humans seem to feel that we are.

    A good example is the world wars. Despite the brutality of the war and the lives lost. One aspect of humanity just leaps and fricken bounces which aided and even pushing technology. What is that you may ask? Medicine. Yeah that is right. Out of war, our ability to extend our own life expectancy rocketed up.

    In the 1930 of both sexes and all races was an average of 59.7 years. Jump ten years that numbers are up to 62.9 years. Jump massively to 2010 and you get to 78.7 years on a average. For a full break down look here.

    So what is my point?

    Well think about it. Why would humans not try to continue to fight an un-beatable enemy (currently)? If there is anything that us as human have shown that even in the dire of situations with on way out. We rise up in one way or another. As much as people hate war, hate seeing lives lot, hate seeing the dead pile up and love one crying from the lost. War proved an underlying silver lining. In fall out that famous phrase, "War. War never changes." It is true war does not change, it is always the same. However what changes is those involved in it and outside of it.

    Another example. US went to war against Afghanistan in 2001. In just 4 years UAV (drones) technology truly took off. Sure there were dabbles in history with UAV's but nothing like they are now. In that time drones are not commercially available to consumers, and MASSIVE part of our military (at least the US's), and it is projected to continue beyond the year of 2025.

    To answer your question Clem. Yes I think we as humans would. With humanity in starbound having the ability to gather resources from not only other races by trabe, but also the universe it self. Which means that humanity has unlimited resources at our disposal.

    Would it be worth humans to reclaim earth. Generally speaking it is not about reclaiming Earth itself but improving our race as a whole through reclaiming. Yes it sounds convoluted but in the grand seem of things, it makes sense... TOO much sense.

    So I would like to see human in the lore. Is that humans are still fighting the tentacle monster slowing eating earth, but in the war against the beast. Reflect the technologies that has arising from that war. IE. FTL, Stims, weapons, armor, etc.

    Have this reflection in the timeline of the humans history.

    Yes humans should be fighting the tentacle beast.
    The war should reflect human specie rising up in areas of humanity beyond the war.
    All should be reflect in the human lore timeline.
  12. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    As the person who has undertaken the task of creating the Human lore, here's how I see it. Humanity has set up a blockade to hopefully keep the tentacle thing from getting to Venus or Mars. However, after the demonstration that the United Systems even with all their manpower and technology could not effectively combat the tentacles, that blockade was kept in place while researchers began looking for ways to combat the tentacle thing. I see where you're coming from, and while I agree humanity would fight for their home, I highly doubt the United Systems would just charge in their forces with a very slim chance of winning. That would be literal suicide.

    Also I'd like to address that the 'FTL' drives used by Humans were developed before the tentacle invasion. Stimpaks are ingame items, not IC items, and even if they were a thing they would most definitely not be an instant heal-all drug. While true weaponry, armor, and tech are being developed to combat the tentacle back in Sol, it has not seen use as of yet.

    EDIT: Human Lore Timeline Human History | Antares Roleplay
    #12 CaptainBritton02, Mar 9, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2016
  13. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Very well. I looked over the timeline and there is a few things I question. I want to make it clear I get the Resource Wars, I just hope that there will be more of an indepth lore on that. When did the Resource wars actually start? I assume on the 2395 date?

    However I want to break down my thoughts on the following.

    I feel that Venus and Mars are the only two major place in the system to colonies is rather short-sided. Venus with even floating cities would manageable but still. There are other places in the Sol system that could colonizes for major populations. There are at least 23 different places in our solar system that has water humanity could colonize. So have just the two planets in the goldie lock zone of our system to colonize again is short sided. Hell, a bunch of good place would be Europa, Enceldus, Ganymede for underwater oceans and more for surface colonization like our moon. Which BTW has some water in the surface. Also this goes back to the resource wars as if there was a depletion of resource in the whole system it would effect that ENTIRE system.

    Second question is, what are the civil affiars that cause the severing? Did it pertain to the beast, left over hosility from the resource wars? what?

    There is a contradicory statement here. If most of the frontier military forces were called back to Sol and Alpha. Then why in 2415 most packed up and headed back to sol? Seem odd just saying. Probably better if in 2415 that all contact was severed to remaining frontier forces. Those reamining forces that did not return or weren't enroute to either the Sol or Alpha was considered to be AWOl. If cause would be charged as such.

    All in all it is good. It would be nice to see more first contact entries with the other starbound species seperately then just lumping them all just one years. That is another space is VAST as hell. That likely chance of humans discovering all the starbound races in one year and setting up a council is unreasonable. Plus there is also that off chance that the avian specie would not be so instantly trusting of the humans. So there would be no reason for the to just disclose the other sepient specice home systems to them without trusting them at first. Which means that the humans and avain would have set up a dialog between the specie before information, tech and etectra is shared between the two speice along. This would repeat for each race over and over.
    1 person likes this.
  14. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Taking into account with the planets and species entries I have edited the wiki page to reflect the changes.

    The severing of contact was simply because the United Systems Sol Government didn't really feel the need to keep contact with the small frontier units, believing most were AWOL anyways due to actions displayed by these units.

    Most military forces, such as large units were called back in 2414. However, a few smaller units were left behind to hold the territory.
  15. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Aah okay that make sense. Does still seem weird that the US would not keep in contact but really that makes it very human. It would be nice if the other species like Apex poke fun at the humans for making the decision.
  16. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Also, examples of these actions that proved the smaller units were mostly AWOL were due to the unit ODA 7114 accepting Xenomorphic races into regular military positions, and some of Task Force 77's personnel violating multiple military laws.
  17. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Make sense.