Hello. I am a doctor. Since we have established that I am in fact a doctor, there should be no need to question how I obtained the various objects I have obtained and am willing to sell to the general public at this time. Now, being the busy doctor that I am, I am obviously too busy with business to go about disposing of my unwanted trash around the clinic, hospital, and/or doctor's office where I work. Also, I am in need of additional income in order to purchase a new stethoscope for myself. Therefore, I have decided to sell an item generously donated to me by a personal friend of mine after I cured all of his diseases and fixed every one of his broken limbs. However, this friend died spontaneously the moment after giving me this object, so there is no reason to conduct any background searches to determine who he is or what my specific relations were with said friend. This hand has been passed down from generation to generation as a precious heirloom, so I expect to receive offers accordingly with that in mind. All skin tissue is completely in tact and the bone structure has not been altered in any way (further specifics and/or pictures may be given, if requested). This was not, by any means, stolen off the body of an individual I detest and am now selling over the internet so that he cannot locate it. It was given to me purely out of the kindness of someone's heart. Thank you for your time. Leave your offers below. The auction will conclude once I find an offer that I feel is appropriate and until I can locate a proper glass jar and some formaldehyde. -The Doctor-
Wait, you mean you have had a human hand for generations, without any preservation? What? You're suspicious! Also, why are you saying that you haven't done all those specific things? Like, seriously, you sound like a villain from some kids cartoon. And what idiot gives a hand as payment? Why not a voxel? And... Why would he die instantaneously? And why... Urgh, you get the point, you're a criminal! -Mysmarri