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How did you guys get into RP?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Comrade, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Comrade

    Comrade New Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    How did all of you get into RP? Was it on StarBound? Was it on a different steam game, or even in fucking in real life? Just wondering, it would make a pretty good topic dicussion. Post stories below!
  2. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Pff, I started roleplaying a long time ago. Probably when I was a wee lil' 12-13 year old on Garrysmod.

    Ahhh, the golden age of youthful insecurity. I'm so happy I'm an old, 19 year old geezer now.
  3. meanwhile

    meanwhile drunk cyberpunk catgirl

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Garry's Mod for four years, some text RP here and there, and now Starbound.
  4. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    I started roleplaying as a child. I mean, back then me and my sister called it 'pretending', but it was our way to escape from our abusive step mother and step-brother and just forget about things for a while. I don't know how old I was when I discovered Dungeons and Dragons was something not made up to make fun of nerds in cartoons, but that's where I started to really explore roleplay.

    When I didn't really have anyone to play D&D with, I went to forums online, and then from there games. And now, here we are.
  5. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Starbound is actually where I started, right here in Antares. Thought the community seemed friendly, and I figured I could give RP a try. Was not disappointed; after about sixteen months, I'm still here!
  6. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    2003, AOL Chatrooms. All text. It was interesting to see other people's interpretations of themselves and the way they played their characters. I've always played games, but I didn't start roleplaying in games in the true sense of the word until Starbound. I belonged to a community called 8-bit Empire. It was very laid back. Same bird, different attitude.
  7. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    christ Ziggy what are you, like, 30?
  8. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Wowrude dang, no. I'm still young and pretty. I just started RPing at a young age.
  9. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    I cannot thank my friend Liber enough for getting me into Dungeons and Dragons.​
    I lived in Arlington, Washington. I can't remember specifics, but I'd went over to his house one day and he'd invited me to play some D&D. I was like, "nvr herd of it but ok". We started when we got about 4 others, Liber being the DM of course.
    Bla bla bla, did some LARPing (when I look back to it, it seems kinda stupid) and had a nice time overall. One day I'd moved out from Arlington to Everett. During this phase, I'd been getting into CW:HL2RP (Clockwork; Half-Life 2 Roleplay). I remember not playing seriously at first until I found this one server, AstroRP, where I'd met @Comrade. We were playing, I had a character named Josh Gringham, Comrade has one named Joey Black, and some other guy we like had the name of John Graham.
    That leads up to some pretty stupid and hilarious stories of IC and OOC madness. I remember an IC thing, me and Comrade out in the plaza being neo-rebels near a Civil Worker, where Comrade whispers me incharacter "Is she a rebel like us?" I quickly, practically yelled back, "SHHHHHFHDHFG SHE'S A CWU, FAGGOT". She looks at us curiously, and I run my ass off to the slums because fuck you that's how Josh rolls.

    I would bring ye tales of woe and no, but ERP isn't allowed on the forums. And, frankly, ERP's just embarrassing and stoopid.
  10. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    Holy shit, responses came QUICK.
    EDIT; Incase nobody made the connection in my above story, I did indeed meet Comrade in HL2RP. I don't know why the hell we still hang out with eachother.
    kidding comrade ilu thank me for bring u here
  11. n7hydra

    n7hydra New Member

    Jan 10, 2014
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    Gon' skip the childsplay rp, because there aren't many children who don't do that stuff.

    Started out with 'serious' rp on a minecraft server called Lord of the Craft. Stayed on there for a couple years, did some forum rp, then took a break. Then I was gifted this game and noticed how the chat worked. Searched for rp servers, boom.
  12. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Maybe if you've got no experience to relate.
  13. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Started when I was 12 (i'm 17 and SS13 was created in 2003 and is still in fuckin' development). Early-ish days of SS13, then moving to PlanetSide 2 for like a month, going back to SS13, then to Eternia Roleplay (fantasy rp i know ew i hate that shit), back to SS13, and then I found SB for 15 USD and my brain was liek "I have that shit" and i bought it. I got bored with basegame SB after like a month, and signed up in January.
  14. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Let see... Earliest RP started out with my family, actually. Dad was/is developing his own RP system. And then DnD. And then onto SCII RP (EW, sorta). And then finally here. Uh.... Did DnD for like two years, SCII RP for about 4 years. And then been in SBRP for around a year.
  15. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    I do
    but 'tis sad
    because server owner
  16. meanwhile

    meanwhile drunk cyberpunk catgirl

    Dec 17, 2013
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    psht, the only reason why anyone would erp is because they can't get an irl taste of it
  17. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    I had an awesome as fuck DM who brought me to his AD&D table when I was like nine. I played with him up until D&D 3.5, then I created my own group for D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder.
  18. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Oh, god. I got introduced to the concept when I was, like, eight, on some Runescape server I played on for two days. Then I forgot about it for a few years before I found some roleplaying forum or other, where I proceeded to be utterly terrible for a while before I got my shit together. After that, I did things on various video game servers as well as forum-based NationStates-style stuff before Starbound came out.
  19. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    I had a taste of it when my friend and I would procedurally generate stories at sleepovers. One of us would be a sort of GM, the other would do something, the "GM" would say what happened. It was fun as hell. The I realized people actually did that all the time.

    At first I was like wait no RP is what 35 year old neckbeards who live on their computer in their parents' basement do.

    Then I got Starbound as recommended by another friend. I was super pumped but then I realized I was all alone in this universe of computers, no one to say "wow your buildings are cool". So I set out to find a server.

    Turns out most of them were RP servers. Ehhhh... Why not. I just wont tell my parents cuz they also believe RP is evil. Joined Archives of Memoria or whatever it was called, and it was pretty fun. I started to do less and less building and more character development. Then, switch over to Antares, continue to fall in love with RP, etc...

    TLDR - Starbound was my first.
  20. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    I started in elementary school during the first grade. I was a very very lonely kid. I had no friends, but that was typical of a child at the time. Eventually, after crying in the playground one day, I became really close friends with these two kids. Me, being an imaginative kid, would then play "pretend" except rather than the typical cops and robbers or hero stuff, I'd make worlds and character for the three of us to play as. I remember my first character being named Pinto, a cardboard box faced scarecrow who had power meters that could be depleted for gadget usage. Anyways, all of my elementary school years (grade 1-4) were spent playing pretend to the point where I tried designing an MMORPG with my two friends using Game Maker and developing pivot animations and claymations. However life changed after they moved.

    Upon them leaving me, I was left alone. Again. And my neighborhood is like an island, so all I had were video games. Although growing up with an SNES, playing Contra, Wolfenstein, and Super Mario All-Stars, I spent more time on the computer after discovering Runescape. On Runescape, I met a man named GuanYu339 who invited me to a clan and treated me as a brother. That's when I began in-game text RP. I then became friends with more people upon reaching grade 5 because of Runescape. Hell, I had an online girlfriend through Runescape. I had her phone number and everything. Memories.

    I then began to like anime. Like a lot. Originally I was just a cartoon person, but then Toonami on Cartoon Network became a part of me. So I sought out an anime community which led me to Gaia Online. There I spent time role-playing on the forums for One Piece or role-playing in game as my own character. I also began playing Maplestory at this time.

    With Maplestory, I became best friends with a guy in my school during 7th grade. Through this, he introduced me to Dungeons And Dragons, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu and Shadowrun in that order up to now. But we began with legoes. We used to build lego military bases, give minifigs personalities and roles, and act out politics and war. I then got into World of Warcraft and became close to my ex-girlfriend through it.

    I also got into LARPing due to that same friend.

    Jumping forward to around August, I became interested in finding a server for Starbound and came across Antares. Being naturally interested in RP, I was sealed in and bound here.

    So I was always interested in roleplay because I liked to escape from how lonely life can be, but after writing all of this out it made me realize how many friends, close friends, I've made because of it. I made many friends that were a lot like me, so I guess not being me helped me, well, find who I am.