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"HOPE" -- Colony 00; The birth of the OMNI Human Front

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jetniss, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    The story and location below is an intentionally difficult environment. Blind charity is not something that fits into the roleplay for HOPE. Please do not shower the settlement in free resources without a realistic and sensible source. If the grand council wants to aid, they can do so if they fly in ships and baby-sit, but it may not be received too well by the settlers. If too much acts of charity are given, the settlers may become dependent in response and forget how to provide for themselves. This isn't supposed to be an easy RP for them.

    For those interested in joining the HOPE roleplay, please keep in mind that the settlers have only encountered one other sentient bipedal species, and that is the Avians. The relation with the Avians are very bad, and the settlers aren't the loving and open type generally. They're a bit xenophobic, and with good reason. They've had their planet destroyed by some unfathomable alien force, they've escaped to a new planet and have been suffering the entire trip there. Now they live in exceedingly tough conditions, biting cold, fighting starvation, with little power, and more. These living conditions are bad, and the settlement doesn't know if they can provide food, warmth, or power in the following week. Each week could be the last week, and with Avian attacks, they're losing more settlers each month. Friends, and what little family is left is being lost to 'aliens,' so the settlers aren't trusting or open to Avians, nor the other races they have yet to encounter. There is fear in them, and anger. They don't think deeply about the other species, they know their pain and struggle, and don't have the time to consider the pain and struggle and depth of others, because they're too busy trying to ensure their own survival.

    Now with that mood killer out of the way...


    Omniculpa Order Sector
    -1262 -892


    Mankind's beginning is a tragic tale of pain, fear, and the ultimate loss. Asking anyone to relive the horror is not far off from insane, and undoubtedly cruel. The turmoil involved in such a calamitous event has left those who could remember how it all started scarred for life; and those who could not remember were left with an unquenchable void in their chest and an eternity of hardship, of struggle.

    In their time of desperation and struggle, mankind launched several vessels into orbit in an attempt to preserve the Human race. Aboard these vessels were the frightened masses as they gambled with fate itself for a chance at life. One can not speak for all of those who attempted the impossible, but something can be said for the people of "HOPE I."

    HOPE I
    One vessel made it far beyond the reaches of Earth's doom. Sustaining noteworthy damages and rapidly losing power, the vessel an all aboard were undoubtedly doomed. It became clear that the entirety of the crew could no longer be supported, and the Captain, Marcus Darxwell, began executing the weak and superfluous crew members causing the people on-board to fall into a frenzy, and soon a riot occurred.

    Following a very dangerous mutiny, a leader arose from the command team, a man by the name of Tony Powell; who not only managed to gain diplomatic ground, but lead the scared people into a unified hope-filled force. Tony Powell and Marcus Darxwell were to meet in the mess hall to negotiate a peace treaty of sorts, but it turned out to be an ambush allegedly planned by Captian Darxwell. In the confusion, Darxwell is shot, and soon after the revolt on-board HOPE I ends.

    Following the end of the mutiny, much more resources had been burned than what originally was in store. Tony Powell, now dubbed unofficially Captain Powell put together a plan to have a majority of the crew put into pods to sleep until more supplies could be recovered. Over a long and undisclosed period, the HOPE I expends all of its main power and the damages to the ship became too much to keep up with. If only to make matters worse, the HOPE I was snatched off of its trajectory by the pull of a frozen star, which sent the HOPE I on a crash course for Omniculus I.

    The crew was unable to hold it together during the landing and fell apart. They began infighting, causing serious harm to one another shortly before the crash of the HOPE I decimates nearly the entire crew. With only a few pods surviving, a few backup power generators, and some insignificant equipment, the survivors of HOPE I had to survive-- which they found would not be easy on a blizzard-prone planet.

    Over the course of the next few months, the survivors of the HOPE I Crash began to build up a settlement from the wreckage of HOPE I. They battled crippling cold, unforgiving winds, and hostile creatures native to the area, but in the end they managed to plant the seeds of a stable life.


    The Wings of Kluex
    The settlers have found themselves at odds with an Avian faction who resides on the planet. Most of the settlers of colony "HOPE" hasn't personally encountered any of the sentient life forms that resided in the known galaxy. Most of the settlers felt attacked when the Avian scout party first arrived with their weapons drawn, and some settlers became brutally unforgiving when their comrades were slain by the Avian scouts, taking on a more xenophobic stance.

    The settlement was composed of a few survivors and the bare bones of any functional structure, and very little soldiers. The Avians, and their crazed mention of Kluex was enough to rattle the boots of the HOPE settlers and make them desperate as they nestled into their snowy fort. As the following months flew by, bodies would pile up with bi-weekly assaults on the human settlement. In response, scout parties were dispatched in an attempt to find a better, and safer location to set up a new fort, a new home away from the danger, but the decision to go through with this has been contested by those who are unwilling to move. Only a handful of scouts have ever returned from their scouting duties on the planet, they are presumed killed in action, either by the Avian threat or by the cold.


    The Greenhouse
    The settlement contains one small chamber with glass ceilings and walls to allow for light to shine through. It was created from HOPE I's medbay, or the salvage that was recovered. Inside is dirt from the hydrophonics department, and some flowers. The settlers are attempting to cultivate some kind of sustainable food to support life.

    Echo Cavern
    A small burrow in the side of a snowy mountain. There are two homes situated here, and it serves as a passageway to the Greenhouse. The Echo Cavern earned its name when a few settlers held a conversation inside, and the icy walls of the cavern reverberated the entire conversation back at them.

    Bunker West Exit:
    The bunker's west exit contains a chamber and a window with no glass. Nearby is two small rooms where the technicians and builders of the outpost sleep.[​IMG]

    Bunker East Exit
    Home to the colony research lab and the only functional communications room. The research lab is used to keep track of the planet's weather patterns, and seismic activity. The communications room keeps the settlement in touch with one another through one-on-one tele-face discussions. The equipment is subpar, and is extremely local. Weather and seismic activity has poor range, and the telecomms panel can not go beyond the planet's orbit.

    The Tower
    Home to the most privileged individuals of HOPE. This tower was refurbished and repurposed from one of the observation decks of HOPE I that survived the crash landing. The individuals who reside here turned it into their personal quarters and dubbed themselves leaders of the small settlement. Given their knowledge of HOPE I's equipment, and their ranking on HOPE I, they have turned themselves into in-expendable assets.

    The Dome
    Primarily used as the crew's quarters, the dome offers warmth and comfort to those relieved of duty.

    The Watchpost
    The primary guard outpost of HOPE. It stands as both a cabin and the first line of defense against the Avian menace.

    The Skywatch
    This gem is a room that has completely survived the crash of HOPE I. The glass has been repaired, but no suitable power source has been found to power the small station. Settlers believe that this station is key to interplanetary communication and technological advancement in the settlement.
    #1 Jetniss, Dec 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2015
  2. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    Notable Residents
    Pretty much everyone:
    Council Members
    The council are the big decision makers of the settlement.
    Jin Engle - Pronounced "Jeen Angle," she'll never let you live it down if you mispronounce her name. She's a mature woman who served as a second lieutenant on HOPE I. She typically argues in favor of the settlement's majority, but puts herself before all others.
    Stormy Swanson - A woman in her late twenties, Swanson was one of HOPE I's ambassadors. Her main concern is a sustainable colony that doesn't need to rely on "neolithic era food accumulation." She's the no-bullshit type, and a bit of a xenophobe. Having lost her younger brother- Raury Swanson, to an Avian raid, she has a deep contempt for bird-kind, and other alien life, sentient and non-sentient alike.
    Billy Sacco
    - Former vice captain to captain Powell, Billy is in his late 40's. He rarely responds to Billy, and prefers to be referred to as just Sacco, with a prefix that falls into the following categories: Doctor, Mister, Lord, Master, Honorable, or Captain. Billy Sacco see's the planet that HOPE is on as a stepping stone for a greater civilization. He believes Humanity to be broken, and that is it the destiny of the settlers to become the new beacon of life, the new Earth, but for that to happen they need to find a better planet than the one they're on, or terraform it into a lush green world.
    Angel Bowen - The least popular member of the council. Angel Bowen was put on the HOPE I under suspicious circumstances. None of the survivors understood her purpose on the ship, and she doesn't talk about it much either. A running rumor is that she was a secret operative of some kind placed on the ship by the powers that used to be. She insists on communion with other sentient life- so long as it benefits humanity.
    Yury Riches - The most androgenous member of the council, and for that matter the rest of the settlement. None who talk about Yury are willing to discuss their gender, and Yury drops no hints personally, nor does Yury answer anyone bold enough to ask. Yury was a supervisor attendant on HOPE I, and currently runs as both a supervisor in the HOPE colony and a council member. They are the most impressionable member of the council, but in non-council matters, they act as the most prominent leader of HOPE.

    Hydrophonic Workers
    These workers tend to the gardens and farmlands of the settlement, and are in charge of agriculture.

    Corey Avdeyev - Ms. Avdeyev is a mature individual who spends majority of her time in the Green House. She looks out for Corey Binnie, the young girl who shares her name and has developed a motherly relationship with her, and by extension Jetniss. She is a close friend to Reed Dezhurov and at times accompanies her friend on mining duty.
    The miners are tasked with digging into the caverns in search of ore and fuel. They also double as guardsmen in times of crisis.
    Lane Adams - A young man who spends most of his time at the Watchpost. He lost his brother, Jimmie Adams to an Avian attack and has since forsaken his mining duties in favor of watch duties. He's known as a gambler. Current Status: MIA
    Reed Dezhurov - A mature woman who resides in the Echo Cavern. She goes on weekly excavations and provides enough coal to keep fires burning in the settlement.
    The scouts are the lifeblood of the colony, gathering food and acting as soldiers, messengers, and scouts all in one.
    Sean McAnthony
    - Sean McAnthony is an ex-soldier from HOPE I. He serves as one of the two most prominent scouts from the settlement. He has ventured out on several scouting expeditions and unlike so many others, returned alive- and with valuable information for the settlement. Sean was also a member of the scouting party into the Avian stronghold that lead to the death of at least half of the scout force as well as Troy Akers, the former scout leader.
    (Player) Jetniss Nerai - A young scout and one of the two most prominent scouts from the settlement. He- alike Sean, has managed several expeditions and returned alive, and has brought back enough information and equipment to get the settlement into a stable position. Due to his skill- and quite frankly, luck, he was selected to be the pilot of the only functional ship in the settlement's care, and is in charge of all inter-planetary scouting. He is a close friend to Corie Binnie, Kadin Akers, and Lane Adams. Current Status: Home.


    (Player) Darnah - Not the most faithful follower of Kluex, Darnah found himself in the care of HOPE and works day by day to earn the respect of the settlers as a scout. Darnah was originally an acolyte at the Temple toward the Sky, one of two skyward temples on Omniculpa I. His faith was ultimately shaken when two of his fellow acolytes took the leap of faith from the peak of the Sky Temple. They two Avians failed their test, and turned into mangled messes on the ground, prompting him to run away, seeking solace among the human settlers. Darnah had spoken with the council, and has been lead out by Sean McAnthony on a mission in which Darnah was to be ransomed off to his Avian kin. A sudden yeti attack took their party by surprise, and Darnah's quick thinking and action saved his life. A second meeting with the council with Sean as sponsor resulted in Darnah's acceptance into HOPE as a scout, where he works hard to pull his weight and gain the complete trust of all the humans. Current Status: Home.

    The researchers study the patterns of the planet and do what they can to advance the technology of HOPE, in hopes that one day they can get in touch with the rest of humanity once again, or start it anew.

    Jamie Baudry - With the appearance of a typical burnout, Jamie handles most of the scientific needs of the settlement. He is constantly studying the monitors in the lab, and new equipment and lifeforms brought back to him. His biggest thing is repurposing the equipment of slain Avians into something the settlers could use. He was promoted to head researcher when the actual researcher, Bruce Harden was murdered by a hostile alien life form the settlement refers to as "Wendigo."

    Miscellaneous Settlers
    These settlers have jobs that aren't noteworthy, or that change rapidly. These characters are still vital to HOPE, or the residents of HOPE.
    (Player) Corey Binnie - A young and sprightly girl. She primarily creates padded clothing to keep settlers warm and to keep the miners and scouts safe during their trips. She also manages housing on HOPE. Current Status: Home.
    Ulf Pailes - An older gentlemen who is knowledgable in geography. He spends his free time studying the Echo Caverns, but because of his age and his lack of qualifications he isn't given a respected position in the settlement. He is close friends with Yury Riches.
    Cassidy Anderson - A certifiable genius, Cassidy looks after the structural integrity of HOPE's bunker. He is also resident trivia master and IT-support man. He is a council aspirant, with no real pull to actually get into the closed circle, and despite all of his use he's still considered 'expendable'. Primarily an errand boy, he hangs out with Kadin Akers, Sean McAnthony, and Jin Engle.
    Kadin Akers - The daughter of the late scout leader, Troy Akers. She aspires to join the scouts of HOPE, and is very eager to get out and explore. She is as young as Corey and Jetniss, but is denied a position in the scouts due to her age and experience. Secretly she is barred due to her father's dying wish, but it doesn't stop her from exploring on her own.

    (Player) Leon "Leonardo" Davids - An engineer with a vision for HOPE. One of the few open minded types in the settlement who seems to greet the other species with open arms. He spends a lot of his time in the lab and works on keeping the settlement well heated. Current Status: Home.
    #2 Jetniss, Dec 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2016
  3. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    HOPE Supplies
    In this post I will detail player efforts to improve the resources and general status of the settlement.
    Autonomous Upkeep
    Daily Produce / Daily Intake / Capacity = Total Net Gain (All in unspecified units)
    Food: 17 / 20 / 180 = -3
    Power: 20 / 18 / 70 = +2
    Ammunition: 2 / 10 / 450 = -8

    37 Canned Food secured by Jetniss.
    Mission to the moon with Korax, Magnus, Legato, and Azez -- 12/23/2015

    80 Canned Food secured by Corey, Leonardo, Darnah, and Jetniss
    Apex Lab Raid - 12-24-2015 to 12-30-2015
    2 Portable Power Generators secured by Corey, Leonardo, Darnah, and Jetniss
    Apex Lab Raid - 12-24-2015 to 12-30-2015

    6 Keypads secured by Corey, Leonardo, Darnah, and Jetniss
    Apex Lab Raid - 12-24-2015 to 12-30-2015

    1 Hoverbike secured by Corey, Leonardo, Darnah, and Jetniss
    Apex Lab Raid - 12-24-2015 to 12-30-2015

    1 Turret Head secured by Corey, Leonardo, Darnah, and Jetniss
    Apex Lab Raid - 12-24-2015 to 12-30-2015

    2 Status Monitors secured by Corey, Leonardo, Darnah, and Jetniss
    Apex Lab Raid - 12-24-2015 to 12-30-2015

    2 Extra Large Monitors secured by Corey, Leonardo, Darnah, and Jetniss
    Apex Lab Raid - 12-24-2015 to 12-30-2015

    6 Apex Computer Towers secured by Corey, Leonardo, Darnah, and Jetniss
    Apex Lab Raid - 12-24-2015 to 12-30-2015

    1 Large Dynamo Generator secured by Corey, Leonardo, Darnah, and Jetniss
    Apex Lab Raid - 12-24-2015 to 12-30-2015
    #3 Jetniss, Dec 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2016
  4. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    Reserved Post.
  5. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Hey, I"ve been gone for a while, but if HOPE still has some juice in it, I'm all for jumping back in
  6. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    Me too, where'd ya go Jetniss?
  7. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    @JohnShadow @Krug

    My intro topic sums it up as quickly as possible.
    I'm back and I hope to pump life into HOPE again.

    The players of Corey and Darnah will be returning, and I'm in the process of recruiting others to play new HOPE characters or take over for pre-existing NPCs.

    I'll be contacting administrators about HOPE's fate considering our collective away time-- particularly my own lengthy absence. It could be very productive or very catastrophic, fate is in their hands (and the dice gods).
  8. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    Weeelllllllll well well look who it is. Welcome back!
  9. Jetniss

    Jetniss New Member

    Sep 20, 2014
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    HOPE's Limit
    The burden of expansion has weighed heavily on HOPE, and with little fruit from their expeditions, the settlement has fallen on hard times yet again. The supplies from the iconic Apex Lab Raid are beginning to run out, and though there have been progress in attaining self-sufficiency, it is just not yet enough to survive the harsh and ever-lasting winter.

    In response-- the Council has decided on a desperate course of action-- In an effort to lessen the cost of upkeep and maintenance, a handful of settlers must be shipped off world on an extended mission. The council has dubbed this mission; Operation PHOENIX, and below is the official public release:

    The most frightening part of this mission is the intentions of those who crafted it. What seemed like a poorly thought out move based on hope, and pride, was simply a way to cut down on power and food consumption, to get rid of the xenos in the settlement, and the main sympathizers as well to run a healthier colony without fear of ethic divergence.

    And in the following days, the council would add more names to the required crew as recommendations for a more successful mission. With such poorly outlined details, the Seeker was being deployed into space to be abandoned-- and if they were to return with a note-worthy yield, it would only serve as a win for their council anyways. There was no way to lose.
  10. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    Hmm, you looking for other people to join back up?