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HL2RP Experience

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Not A President, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    Everyone's had their moments on HL2RP (GMod). The people that played it when it was dying
    I wanna know about your experiences, good or bad. I know tons from the Antares community played the shit/usedtobegood gamemode. To get us started;
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    I had an officer (OfC) one time, Civil Protection, Metropolice, what have you. CCA.GRID-OfC.17500 if I recall. There was an event in which the city was being nuked. Of course, before announcing it, they got the administrator on a train before any rebels or citizens could maul them. They announced it (didn't bother warning civil protection, jesus) and eventually the train station was flooded. Of course, who knows the hell why, but they let loyalists and citizens on versus the Civil Protection. OTA, Overwatch Transhuman Arm forces, decided it'd be fun to do that, anyway. The OTAs wouldn't even let Civil Protection or any other high-ranking members of the city (exception of the loyalists) on-board the train. I tried to sneak past, noped, headshot. Dead. Bye-bye GRID-OfC.
    So eventually the server changed maps to the Outlands. Every other CP got to keep their characters, even though they hadn't made it on-board the train. Tell me about stupid, neat-o burrito. Eventually, the entire event was voided/retconned, nothing that day had ever happened. Yet I never got my character back.
    The owner "user2g" decided an explanation wasn't needed; "u'll be baned if u dont let it go. staff teem is busy well talk about it l8r"

    Still on my friends list, never got to talk to him about it, acted AFK whenever I asked him, or if I got annoying enough, just gave me ban warnings.

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  2. Edward_Norton

    Edward_Norton New Member

    Oct 17, 2014
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    all the mpf/cca are 6-7 feet tall and are women. also someone accused me of metagame even though i wasn't an admin and someone told me icly about what was happening.
  3. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    I recall being in a venice-like map that was actually really beautiful, one day, people were gathering around the oceanside(the city had canals connecting to the ocean)because there was an Ichthyosaur raising its head out of the water, people kept boredly tossing junk at it before an MPF told everyone to piss off and let them deal with it.

    Another time, there was a heavy-ass storm that made everyone have to get inside, I recall having a sweet talk with an MPF there, blah blah, and soon it ended.

    Then there's the bullshit I like to call "warrants", or whatever, they let you open up shops, one of my characters had a book stall that sold pro-Civil Worker's Union literature, I got the warrant and everything but it was from someone who /apparently/ didn't have the authorization to give it and I ended up getting stun baton'd.
  4. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    yep he wants a non-compliance verdict

    I joined a server once. They had a division with 9-foot-talls.
    I joined another server once. They had Dio. Dio "Dallas" Brando.

    I remember the name clear as crystal. He was OP was fuck. Sure, I became an admin on that server, but he was basically a co-owner. They had this stupid shit where every superadmin got a chance at being the owner (ikr) and so one he became the owner on his day, he decided he wanted to build a teleporter and go into the nexus with his magical purple vortigaunt that instead of shooting beams, it shoots rockets.
    He planted a bomb inside of the nexus.
    His disguise could even fool an OTA (which is basically a human machine).
    Nobody complained whilst he ran out of the nexus.
    Everybody complained whilst the bomb went off.

    The bomb was so strong it killed everybody in the city. And he was apparently in his backstory an ex-marine or something like that, his friend in the navy. Why the hell would that give them allowance to build a bomb big as a nuke--
    or a teleporter for that matter.
  5. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    (My friend requested I post this one, so I'm gonna do this one then give others time to post their stories.)

    So, after a while, I was in the rebel base at Industrial 17. I was in the cyber cafe, passive rping as two people walk in. One was my now long time friend, Shend23/Comrade, and the other was some random dude. Now, Shend (Comrade) was new to RP at the time. (This was about 8 months ago). We became good buds in RP and basically RPed for a while. This server was Astro RP. I remember this one time, where he went up to a loyalist and asked if she was a fucking rebel. God, he was a dumbass, lmfao. But anyways, Astro RP shut down. A while after, a new server came up, SynergyRP. SynergyRP was fucking HL2RP's shit back then for us after AstroRP didn't go back up. We both became CP's and basically RPed together all the time, it was pretty fun while it lasted.
  6. OdinOnlineAlive

    OdinOnlineAlive New Member

    May 24, 2014
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    Once upon a time, two of my mates and I were on a Hl2Rp server. My friend "Rob" and I were in an apartment waiting for our friend "John". Meanwhile john found a note in a trash bin that said "Fuck the Metropolice". He walked up to a policeman, gave him the note and said "I wrote this". The policeman said "That makes it easy" and as my friend absconded post haste, the policeman chased after him. Myself and "Rob" descended down to the streets and watched as john was dragged away.

    Moral: Don't talk to policemen.

    Another time "Rob" and myself were on a different Hl2Rp server. We were wandering about. We decided to explore an area that was labeled "Off Limits". We entered the area and after exploring a few alleyways for a while we returned to the main streets. Around that time we started hearing a train horn over and over again. A policeman was waiting at the checkpoint located nearby. He observed our egress from the restricted area and approached us. He told us to face the wall. We both complied. The policeman took our names and IDs and told us we had transgressed the (un)written law. Neither of us resisted arrest. He set me free and I scrambled back towards the more populous parts of town. Alas for poor "Robert", who was at the time new to the gamemode, he was unable to give his Citizen ID and the policeman said "Come with me". That day it seemed that luck was not in his favor as when they turned to abscond to the nexus, the policeman pointed one direction whilst walking the other direction. "Robert" got confused and started going the wrong direction. He was then beaten and arrested for "Resisting Arrest". Also the whole time the train noise was playing so rob kept saying "You can't stop the Rape Train".

    Moral(s): Don't be new to things, Don't get caught trespassing, Don't get confused.

    Of course, how could I tell tales of this exciting gamemode without reciting the tale of Albert Hale. I once had a character on a server whom I named "Albert Hale". Once upon a time Albert was strolling about in the town plaza when all of a sudden a man approached him and asked Albert to follow him. The duo proceeded to egress from the plaza and with little ado absconded through the side streets to a more secluded location. The man then proceeded to inform Albert that he wished to revive the city's resistance. Albert agreed to help the man in his noble mission and the two absconded once more down a series of alleyways and side-streets, ascending a ladder only to be stopped by two metropoliceman. They told us we were in big trouble and I knew we were in for it now. When all of a sudden, from around a corner came the sound of voices. A man proceeded to convince the two policeman decamp full tilt. This stranger proceeded to inform the duo that they should come with him if they wished to acquire firearms. The stranger then unveiled two of his accomplices following which, the five of us travelled to an abandoned restaurant where my colleague and I were both given a pistol and several volleys worth of ammunition. We then proceeded to egress back to the city center. Nobody realized we had guns. for many moons.

    Moral: If the police try to arrest you, than make sure a stranger will stop the police and supply you with firearms.

    Once, on yet another server, I was strolling about along the streets by the plaza. I proceeded to travel in the direction of the Civil Worker's Union General Store, where I witnessed an unsavory scene. Four to six armed metropoliceman were threatening a man. The man must have committed a crime as when the policemen attempted to suppress the man's mobility, he resisted. They proceeded to shoot the man non-stop for a good thirty seconds before removing the body of the recently deceased man from the doorstep, leaving only an enormous blood splatter to commemorate the immolation of the criminal. Dazed by the experience I proceeded to decamp from my stoop behind the railing of the staircase and transverse the width of the square in search of nourishment at a nearby establishment. Alas, my attempt was futile at first as halfway across the plaza a man approached me, and looked me directly in the eyes whilst remaining silent. I tried to inquire as to his motives for the illogical and highly counterproductive act, however mere moments later the man spoke. He said "You... I know you...". Immediately following this statement I tried to inform the man that me must have been mistaken. However, the man proceeded to abscond down a side alleyway. Taken aback by this series of unlikely events I proceeded to return to my task of acquiring nourishment. However, several seconds later a second man approached me and offered me a bar of Union approved Chocolate. I accepted the man's gracious offering before continuing on my way. Upon my arrival at the establishment I was attempting to approach I procured a can of lima beans before retiring to my residence for the evening.

    Moral: Don't commit crime or you will get shot and somebody will have a chance encounter with an unsavory stranger before acquiring an object of nonspecific value.
  7. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    I like that last post, Odin.

    Has anybody just walked close enough to a door to hear ERP going on? Whats especially funny is the adminges that sit and watch it the entire time going "mmm".