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History and Points of Interest

Discussion in 'Fernbrook Field' started by Leschinsky, Oct 8, 2016.

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  1. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Fernbrook Fields

    A small farming colony situated just outside of Council space, it’s mired in a constant struggle against nature, the causes tied directly to the past mistakes of the colonists who came before the new wave of settlers.


    Following Council Space naming conventions, the Ragnarok Rim is fairly unremarkable, being primarily comprised of barren worlds, moons, and a expansive asteroid field. Nestled within it's third orbital ring however, is a single planet which harbors life. Ragnarok Rim III was known to its original settlers as the founding site of the small town Mount Flashpoint.

    Fertile soils led to blooming agriculture on the outskirts of Flashpoint, but at its heart was a quarry, the lifeblood of the colony. As production grew, so too did the town. With an abundance of stone and clay, the craftsmen set to work in creating a legacy of masonry that would persist through the ages. Times were prosperous and the future bright.

    Expansion of the mining tunnels lining the interior of the main quarry were routine, and picking up pace along with a growing workforce and high demand. But, the salad days came to an end. While the cause wasn't expressly known, it was widely accepted that the daily blasting caused the coming disaster. Deep within the tunnels, the rock walls breached into a massive underground lake, rapidly flooding the mines and quarry. This was a death sentence for nearly all of the workers on duty, as well as the prospects for continued mining operations in Mount Flashpoint.

    However, something peculiar happened in the wake of this tragedy; the waters had an interesting property, rich with nutrients, nitrogen, and something else, it caused the local flora to flourish at an astounding rate.

    The colonists adapted, moving their focus towards their agriculture and harvesting the lush forests, redubbing their town Hallow Farms to reflect the place’s evolution.

    As time went on, the overgrowth’s effect slowly but surely started undoing their efforts and toils. Thick, powerful vines began digging into the buildings’ foundations, overtaking the farms, proving nearly impossible to keep at bay. As things deteriorated, people began abandoning the town, vacating the doomed place to find “greener” pastures, eventually leaving only one person; Mrs. Quinn Fernbrook. A rancher and widow who held her ground, refusing to abandon the place that her family lived and died. For awhile, at least.


    Points of Interest

    Town Hall

    The town hall of Fernbrook is where new arrivals first touch down. The building has grown derelict over the year, it’s eastern wing almost entirely collapsed, and the flooded basement is filled with rusting debris.
    Here you can find the surviving Library, filled with topics ranging from native fauna, agriculture, local history, and more.

    Just outside is the Public Bulletin Board, where everyone can post notices and keep up to date with the goings ons in town.


    “One of the only places on the surface that seems to have power, you can hear it humming in the walls even when those weird water lights are dark. The clocktower, though a bit treacherous offers an unparalleled view of what remains.” -Rosen

    “There’s something really, I dunno, poetic about the old town hall, I don’t have the words for it though. Frankly, it’s a miracle that antique of a teleporter is still working. It’s not like anyone here knows how to fix it.” -Clementine

    Shimmer Lake

    One of the most notable sites, Shimmer Lake is what remains of the quarry. Filled to the brim with the mysterious water, the source of this place’s downfall and bloom, Shimmer Lake is a beautiful epitaph.
    During the day, the water seems fairly normal, if a bit too reflective and clear. At night, Shimmer Lake’s soft glow becomes visible, casting a haunting, peaceful light across its shores and the ruined structures.
    Along it’s banks, you can find the old boathouse, where a rather nasty hylotl named Mud-Swimmer has made a home, and the ruins of a cavernous mining site that survived the flooding.


    “Lady Lark once told me to always be weary of objects with unnatural glows. Mr. Swimmer insists upon drinking the laker water though… I worry for him sometimes.” -Rosen

    “The lake’s downright beautiful at night, a really romantic place… I haven’t tried drinking from it though, God knows what’s in that stuff.” -Clementine

    Clementine’s Shuttle

    The cheap corvette class shuttle that Clementine used to come to Fernbrook sits inoperable within the cliffside cavern. She uses it for a place to sleep, eat, and keep her personal effects. Whenever she’s out and about or asleep, she keeps the bay door and lift locked up tight, due to some unfortunate events in the past.



    “Human craftsmanship is so… odd. I can’t wrap my head around how anyone can fly without use of glyphs.” -Rosen

    “It makes a nice little house, and the reactor’s handy of course. It’s too bad I busted it on touchdown… At least the fridge and the stove still work. I gotta keep it locked up so that nasty wangus by the lake doesn’t go pawing through my stuff.” -Clementine

    Mud-Swimmer’s Boathouse

    Once the quarry flooded with the mysterious glowing water the townspeople grew leary of, the old foreman’s office at the edge was repurposed into a boathouse by the dwindling populace. After an unfortunate crash landing brought Mud-Swimmer to Fernbrook Fields, he disregarded the others’ fear of Shimmer Lake and began moving his remaining belongings into the overgrown and crumbling boathouse, as well as fixing up a small sailboat abandoned at the dock.


    “Fugoff” -Mud-Swimmer

    Fernbrook Farm

    Originally owned by Mrs. Fernbrook’s late husband, Rosen kept the field tended after Quinn left him to be the Ranch’s caretaker in honor of Mr. Fernbrook. While cozy, much of the home is in disrepair due to many years without proper maintenance. A leaky roof, drafty windows, and an odd smell of mothballs that always seems to linger. Clementine was plenty happy to take over the land, planting a nice variety of crops, from corn to coffee beans, even some Avosian fruit for her avian neighbor.



    “I use to feel bad for the chickens, all clustered out on their coop at night. For a time I invited them in… but they had a habit of eating all my beakseed. Very poor house guests.” -Rosen

    “Thank God for Rosen, you know? I couldn’t have asked for a better bit of farmland, bless his feathered heart for keeping it clear of the vines for so long.” -Clementine

    Hunting Lodge

    What was originally a logging barn out in the woods, Clementine’s reclaimed the place as a place to bunker down and sleep on longer hunting trips. It’s windy, it leaks, but, it makes a good cover, and provides a good height advantage for tagging animals.


    “If I didn’t have to be back at the ranch for the animals come morning, I’d probably spend more time out at the lodge. It’s a quiet slice of nature with the added benefit of creaky stairs if anything wants to sneak up on you.” -Rosen

    “Anyone’s welcome to use this thing, just, be careful on the stairs, they’re not the sturdiest things in the world, by which I mean I’ve fallen off of them more times than I want to admit.” -Clementine

    The Hill

    A steep hill that rests between Fernbrook Ranch and Fernbrook Farm, it’s littered with caves and tunnels that climb up through the stone and mud.
    Along the upper cliffs, there are caves that would make good shelters if someone were inclined to set up a home there, protected well from the weather and vines.


    “It was a good call building those pulleys on the hill, we’ve had to go up and down with a bunch of projects recently.” -Rosen

    “The tunnels are a bit creepy at night, I can’t lie. I might be a little paranoid, but, you’ll never catch me in there without my flashlight and pistol.” -Clementine

    The Overgrowth

    East of Shimmer Lake lies the the writhing mass of plant matter known simply as the Overgrowth. Ever expanding up through one of the earliest mining networks it has long since breached the surface engulfing much of the historic remains of the original colony. Plants in this area seem to grow exponentially making permanent structures nearly impossible to build and maintain within its twisting vines.



    “When I first arrived I’d make trips out near the boathouse and try to clear away the plants strangling the buildings… more often than not they’d be back the very next day.” -Rosen

    "There's something I like about the Evergarden Vines, I mean, they're a real pain in the pan to keep them away from the crops, but, it's life." -Clementine

    Flashpoint Mines

    While the Quarry was swallowed by what is now Shimmer Lake, and the earliest tunnels of Flashpoint’s mining system is entangled by the Overgrowth, Flashpoint Mines remains mostly intact. The long winding tunnels and expansive scope of this deep mining site was abandoned shortly after the devastating floods. While above ground lacks any form of power from the colony, down within the mines power seems to yet remain, though most of it seems to be automated.

    A scouting expedition revealed that the Flashpoint Mines are incredibly dangerous, a large population of Kormonts having taken up residence in the old tunnels. The residents have decided to keep them sealed up for now, to prevent any of the creatures getting out, or unprepared people getting in.


    “I don’t go down there…” -Rosen

    “You aren’t gonna find my fine ass down there on my own, that’s for damn sure… Or at all, yeah, not at all.” -Clementine

    Water Towers

    These serve as an alternative water source for plant or man in time of need. Rain often falls, leaving them well stocked for whatever use they may need. In recent days one of the towers has been repurposed for personal hygiene in the form of gravity showers, a solitary heated pool to serve as a bath, and a makeshift laundry area. It sure beats taking a dip in Shimmer Lake.


    “It’s certainly safer than wandering out into the forest, though it gets a bit creepy down in the cellar.”-Rosen

    “I really learned how to appreciate the wash house after using a public shower and getting attacked when trying to do some laundry off planet.” -Clementine

    Com Station

    Old and reliable communication equipment, while worse for wear, it could be salvaged by someone savvy enough in old human technology. Same for the dish on the roof, the Com Station is without any form of power. Far below, the collapsed remains of the generator that once acted as a backup system for the communication station lies buried under rubble.


    “All those wires, dials and numbers… no wonder it doesn’t ever work.” -Rosen

    “I dunno how to get this stupid thing to work. There’s only the console, its guts are missing, or they’re somewhere we haven’t gotten to yet.” -Clementine

    Kluex Shrine

    A humble Flightless Shrine to Kluex built by Rosen, housing precious few religious items salvaged from his craft. Twice daily Rosen can be found ascending the tower for prayer. While the door remains unlocked, the knob can be a bit stubborn to turn unless you know the trick.


    “...May your wisdom guide us
    May your augurs watch us
    May your glory enlighten us
    Almighty Sunborn
    Carry us on golden wings. ”-Rosen

    “I don’t go up here, it’s Rosen’s personal space, you know? He doesn’t go through my really personal stuff, I’ll do the same for him… Plus, I don’t wanna break anything.” -Clementine

    Anisazi's Cottage

    One of the few remote cottages along the edge of the woods to withstand the test of time, this shack was reclaimed by an enigmatic Avian medicine woman by the name of Anisazi. Outfitting the ramshackle roof with tiers of hanging gardens, she turned the premises into a private garden of exotic herbs. The ill and injured must brave the pungent, mercurial fog that billows forth from the depths of the hovel to seek Anisazi’s expertise.


    “There is beauty and power in nature, like all things that are born of the sun.” -Anisazi
    #1 Leschinsky, Oct 8, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2016
    4 people like this.
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