I've gotten back into Starbound recently(aka terribad). I'm actually no stranger to roleplay, I do it heavily in many games, mainly Gmod and Guild Wars 2. I've never done it in Starbound so this will be new to me. I hope to have fun with ya'll soon-ish. Edit:Okay so after hunting around, I just found the applications so uh....here goes nothing.
Starbound is by far, my most favorite game for roleplaying. There's lot to be done and the lore isn't exactly complete leaving even more room for imagination. I'm sure that you'll be overwhelmed with some of the stuff that makes this community unique. Hope you enjoy your stay here!
Currently blitzing through the show. Netflix is awesome. Also hi back to everyone, I'm excited to try it out. To be honest, I'm kinda worried about making a background for my humie, the lore is a little unclear to my tastes on that end.