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Hello! The Name's Flunderhar! The Galactic Eccentric!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Flunderhar, Feb 16, 2014.


Do you think my character bio is awesome?

  1. Yes

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  2. Yes times two

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  3. Both "A" and "B"

  4. I feel like this is really one sided........

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  1. Flunderhar

    Flunderhar New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Hello Starbound Roleplay Community! The name's Flunderhar, the galactic eccentric. I saw this forum page and thought this would be a good place to provide a little info on me and my character. I will use the info from my application to save everyone some time and headache.
    Part One: What does role play mean to me?
    For me, role play is the most exciting thing to experience in video games. It provides people with a chance to construct a perfect (or imperfect) character complete with it's own story and skills (however crazy it may be). Being part of a server of many role players gives life to a game riddled with static (no offense chucklefish) npcs that only can say racist things about your character. Meeting up with interesting players and going on adventures is one experience that many things can't match. I feel that as more unique players like my precious Flunderhar join the server, the experience will only become more interactive. But enough dilly-dallying, here's the meat of this application.

    Part Two: My Character!

    Name: Flunderhar (Character name) or Prince Hyla-Tul (Title)
    What does he look like? He's a fully equipped Hylotl with blue skin, 3 crimson eyes, and a luscious sea green pompadour fin-cut (get it? haircut plus fins equals....never mind...stupid joke). He wears red aviator goggles and a pink work outfit.

    Hobbies: He enjoys wading through the river eddies, eating butterbiscuits and sugar cookies, patronizing Florans, and (ironically enough) fishing.

    Backstory: Flunderhar has always been an outsider. When Hylaos, the Holy Hylotl Aphotic Emporer of Cryos Ia died, his son, Hyla-Tul was chosen to be heir of the throne. Because of him being a mere tadpole at the time, one the Emperor's former advisers, Marchusa conspired to strand Hyla-Tul on a desert planet in the Gamma Sector in hopes he would perish on the scorched surface. They could not simply kill him as the Holy Hylotl Mandate #456 prohibits the killing of a fellow Hylotl, much less a royal one. Through sheer luck, a human merchant ship had an emergency landing where in the exact location where Hyla-Tul was left to die. The merchant found him and took pity upon the poor creature, so when the rescue ship came to pick up the merchant, Hyla-Tul was brought with him. The merchant named Hyla-Tul, Flunderhar and raised him as his own on a small human settlement on Pima IIIb. He wondered as a child why he looked different from everyone else. He was constantly jeered at and teased by the human children due to his complexion and extreme dependence on water. He often would get stoned by groups of his classmates. One day, the children chased Flunderhar out of the town with a considerably higher amount of rocks and hot sticks. Flunderhar escaped to a cave in a forest outside of town and made it a point to not go back to the town until he became stronger and discovered his past. He trained for 2 years in the wilderness, putting his body to the test as he climbed every mountain, cleared every tree, and killed anything that challenged him. The merchant, the one who raised him, appeared one day at Flunderhar's recluse cave and begged him to come back to the settlement and live with him. Flunderhar demanded that he tell him who he was and where he came from first before he even thought about going back to that discriminate little village. The merchant explained everything about how he found him that day, 16 yrs ago (Flunderhar is 16 at this point), on that barren wasteland of a planet. Flunderhar asked why he hadn't been told about this sooner. The merchant said that he knew that as soon as he told Flunderhar about the planet, that Flunderhar would go looking for it. Flunderhar did exactly that. He found the planet that he had been left to die on so many years ago. After some searching, he discovered the transport pod that he had been placed in and scoured it's Data Logs for any data on his identity, finding only one thing, an ID tag with the ship's designated passenger and reason for landing on the planet. The document read,
    A beacon shot up after Flunderhar read the last line. He scrambled to his ship to make it back to the settlement and tell his father about the document. But it was too late, his previous assassins had gotten to the settlement first. Flunderhar was greeted with screams and deathrattles of the residents of his former home. The Empire had tracked his charted his location and begun to kill every life form on the planet. Flunderhar knew that he had only a little time to find the merchant and save him before the scanners found his thermal signature and killed him. When he finally got to the merchant's house, he found him trapped under a wooden beam and considerable rubble. He pleaded, "Please son go quickly. They know I have kept you here and are using me as bait. Besides, my legs are broken and would only slow you down." Flunderhar did not come to terms with what was happening and tried everything he could to save him, but to no avail. The merchant said with tears in his eyes, "I am too far gone, I love you so-" The merchant was incinerated right before Flunderhar's eyes as the scout drones blasted them both with infra-rays. Flunderhar was just far enough from the blast to survive. He jumped into the river and swam to his ship parked on the other side. The ship had just broken the atmosphere when he saw the Hylotl Dreadnought Ship power up it's Uber Cannon. Flunderhar had barely star-jumped as he saw his home for, one split second, be decimated into asteroid dust. From that moment, he swore that he would avenge the merchant's, no, his father's death and punish those who had caused it. A quest he couldn't do alone.
  2. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    That Bio... I'm copying it and pasting it to my own logs... And saving it in my folder of Highly Cherished Backstories (OF WHICH THERE ARE NOW TWO)
    That is the folder where I place bios and stories that manage to bring tears to my eyes. Which is exactly what this did... I can really relate to that character through the bio. I can feel his pain, his loss, as clearly as if it happened to me... THAT is what I get on the internet for. Not for schoolwork, not for videos, not even for games. I come here so I can learn things to better me, to find people who think like me, who can teach me how to be a better person, in writing and in life. You seem to be one of those people. The kind of person who, I must admit, has planned out their character's backstory beyond just an outline. The kind of person who gives them a true reason to feel the way they do...

    You stand out among the crowds of the internet. Even among the crowds of humans that inhabit the Earth.

    You, along with most of the people here on this forum and this server... are why I continue to live

    Keep spreading the joy of your words.

    May your swords stay sharp,
  3. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    By the way... if you need anyone to play Marchusa... I could.