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Helios Technocracy [Codex]

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Eric, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Eric

    Eric New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    In the deep reaches of space, small, isolated satellites blown far off their planetary orbit by some fluke or miscalculation send out transmissions. No, not transmissions; They sing praises. Praises to a strange empire following alien gods and even more bizarre ideals. Aiming to be this galaxy's newest and truest demi-democratic, technocratic republic, the Helios Technocracy has seeded these communication satellites over many a world in the hopes that some might listen. One of these messengers crosses your ship's path, and should you accept the hail, your speakers resound with synthetic and pre-programmed exultation.


    (symbol of the Technocracy appears, rotating slowly)
    View attachment 750

    The Helios Technocracy​

    Table of contents.​

    1 Intro
    2 Governing entities and their respective sub-divisions
    a. The Administration
    1. The Tech Developer
    3. Companies



    We the people hereby do declare the need for a code of conduct for deep
    space exploration to be enacted for the commonwealth of all members in good
    standing with the Helios Technocracy to abide by.

    Our goal is to enable the speedy organization and acquisition of resources, whether it
    be people, capital, firepower, land, cargo & transports. We seek to link like minded entities
    with each other to aid in their pursuit of happiness.

    Our membership knows no side, discrimination, creed, or race. It is open to all whom chose
    to abide by and submit themselves to it's code.


    Freedoms of the people

    1. The Freedom of association.
    2. The Freedom to bear arms.
    2. The Freedom to vote without duress.
    3. The Freedom of speech.
    4. The Freedom to rescind membership with ample warning of two days ((IRL)).
    5. The Freedom of assembly.
    6. The Freedom to contract both publicly and privately.

    Rights of the people.

    1. The right to privacy.
    2. The right to an unbiased disciplinary review board.
    3. The right to be heard.
    4. The right to safe harbour.
    5. The right to form subsidiary operations.

    Duties of the people to the people.

    1. The duty to not infringe on the freedoms of other members
    2. The duty to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the uniform code of the explorer.
    3. The duty to abide by public contracts, whether they be written, spoken or even implied.
    4. The duty to report members that threaten the common wealth in any manner.
    5. The duty to respect prominently established external authority regardless of its alignment.
    6. The duty to protect your peers, especially those under the aegis of the Helios Technocracy

    Duties of the Grand Army (doubles for the fleet).

    1. The duty to protect and serve all members of the Helios Technocracy
    2. The duty to obey the commands of the Administration, using the duties of the Administration as a reference
    3. The duty to safeguard border world independent colonies unless they are transgressors of Limit 1,
    under the Limits of the Administration
    4. To carry out wars against the enemies of the Technocracy when a council majority vote is approved

    Duties of the Administration.

    1. To remain unbiased in the authorization of all commonwealth resources.
    2. To never violate the public trust.
    3. To ensure all contractable ventures brought to quorum are profitable and legal with in
    the TAC uniform code of conduct.
    3. To arm the military in the event of hostilities, regardless of cost
    4. To find and replicate rare technologies in the name of progress

    Limits of the Administration

    1. Never, will the administration fund acts of genocide or other crimes.
    2. Never, will the administration deny a majority vote.
    3. Never, will the administration declare pre-emptive war.
    4. Never, will the administration allow a criminal to leave TAC-controlled space alive/undetained.
    5. Never, will the administration deny the defense of peaceful commercial operations.
    6. Never, will the administration deny the aide and defense of border world
    independent colonies (unless they are known to support or harbour transgressors of limit 1.)


    The previous shall form the basis for all law to be passed on, all laws shall be voted in
    by a council majority, or comply with formal logic consistent with moral and ethical standards set forth
    by ancient Greek philosophers. Laws found as a result of formal reasoning need not be voted in
    as they shall be assumed to exist, written or not.

    Those who agree to the ideals stated within may join the Technocracy to serve in what capacity they may, a capacity which is subject to scrutiny by the council, the High Technomage, and the XM1A's Alpha and Omega. Once a position is decided, it cannot be undone or countermanded with anything less than an appeal to and approval of the High Technomage.


    High Technocracy:
    <The members of the High Council are called Lords. They form the governing class, the creators of law. They seek to thoroughly look over all laws and repair them when a flaw is found. A Technocrat also has the power of Judge and Jury, to uphold the laws in whatever ways they deem fit but must still comply with this Codex's laws.>


    R&D/Industrial Subsidiaries:
    Daedalus Innovations,
    <Dedicated to delivering excellent, mass-produced goods, Daedalus Innovations aims to be the top supplier of affordable
    weapons to small militias and independent owners. While DI does seek to sell military-grade machines to the military,
    it will attempt to derive most of its funds from low-income worlds seeking to buy affordable equipment.>


    Attached Files:

    #1 Eric, Mar 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2014
  2. Eric

    Eric New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    ((Can't edit my own post any more? How annoying. I seem to have made some small errors, like the table of contents not having a '2' in there. Pretty sure two comes after one, but before three. Unless my kindergarten teacher did me a grave injustice. Also, they're not called High Technocrats, they're supposed to be called Lords. Meh))
    #2 Eric, Mar 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2014