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OOC Harvest Festival: Info Thread!

Discussion in 'Fernbrook Field' started by Mary_Whitaker, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. Mary_Whitaker

    Mary_Whitaker New Member

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Apologies in advance for this being posted late, and some ongoing addition for the "event" throughout the week. Difficult IRL work scheduling has provided us with a very hard time putting everything here together, along with some technical limitations for what our vision was originally to what it is now.

    The F.A.U. Harvest Festival!

    What is the F.A.U.?

    The Fringe Agriculturist Union is basically what it reads on the tin. A collection of colonies/settlements/outposts that have banded together under the banner of good agricultural practices. This is a longstanding faction that holds no real power outside their respective colonies, though they often time write letters and petitions to the Council reporting places and people using immoral methods of plant and animal treatment (they rarely ever get a response, like most activists).

    Why Fernbrook?

    Fernbrook Field is the newest addition to the Union. While this doesn't really provide them much beyond recognition and Union funding for arranging the festival, it does provide Fernbrook with stable trade routes with other Union colonies. Due to their recent induction, coupled with them being awarded with the "Up and Comer" award for excellence from a newly established colony, they were offered the chance to host this annual event.

    How long will this be going?

    From 11/19/16 to 12/4/16. The majority of the "event" is a free roam affair. Enjoy the space we've made, and create some rp around the NPCs, games, and booths we've provided. During the latter week, we will be attempting to add some actual events which take place as part of the fair.

    How do I get to the Festival Grounds?

    East from the Fernbrook telepad you can find the teledoor to the Festival Grounds marked by the hanging streamers and big red arrows depicted below.



    Face of the Fair

    NPCs, booths, and games.


    :Security Staff:

    Hired on by the Union to oversee the festival grounds to make sure people are well behaved. Prevention of theft, helping to maintain the Festival Grounds/littering prevention (trash duty), and removing people who are being to rowdy or reckless.



    :Admissions Check-In:

    Day pass: 10 pixels at the check in. You will be provided with a color stamp for the day purchased. This will allow you to come and go as many times as you'd like until the next day. You will be asked to provide your stamp at the check in any time you wish to reenter. If you cannot provide proof of purchase, you will be denied entry until you make another entry purchase.

    Full Pass: 50 pixels at check in. You will be provided with a elastic band made for this years Harvest Festival (The 23rd, collect them all on Starnet auction sites). You will be asked to provide your wrist band at the check in any time you wish to reenter. If you cannot provide proof of purchase, you will be denied entry until you make another entry purchase.



    :Remedium Medical Tent:

    Here the volunteer doctor Rose Spencer (or 'Stints' as most people know her) offers her services for anyone who manages to get injured during the festivities. A woman nearing her fifties and a devout Catholic, Rose has a kind, approachable air about her from expression alone, using soft words and a softer smile (when not currently treating someone).

    Basic medical aid can be found here; bandages, over the counter painkillers, and free lollipops from the candy bowl if you're polite.



    :popcorn Stand:

    Daughter of the owner of "What's Poppin'", Ana Keen has drawn the short straw with her siblings for managing their popcorn stand this year. While quick with a hello and a smile when approached, she can often be seen looking rather unhappy with having to stand around and miss the fair. Frequently with her head buried in her phone, texting rather than pitching her goods.

    She provides an assortment of popped corns with an assortment of coatings (not found in game). Caramel, chocolate, cheese flavoring, etc.



    :Alioth Prime Booth:

    Pilgrim Ayuzi, a polite and soft spoken Flightless Avian oversees the booth. She can be curious and chatty, always looking for a way to slip in personal anecdotes about her experiences with her faith. She means well, but can come off as preachy. If approached by a floran, she will be short and to the point, not looking to carry on any conversations with their kind, while still being polite.

    Guardian Cyrus watches over the booth, but more importantly Ayuzi's safety. He is often times silent, only really responding with grunts and huffs. Nearly always alert and squinting, he is as watchful as a hawk. Despite not being a member of the security team, he has been given permission to assist in matters around the retail booths and food court. Stern and unyielding, he comes across as judgmental and humorless.

    The Alioth Prime booth provides a number of good centered around Avian cultural produce. In addition to items listed at the stand, the temple going Avians of Alioth also make an assortment of sweet wines. Light on alcohol, they wines are crafted specifically with Avians in mind and may come across more like a hard juice.

    A number of artisan goods can be found here, stone carvings, clay pots, wicker baskets, and lightweight, flexible hunting spears can be purchased here as well. Hand scribed tomes, copied from the vast archives of Alioth Prime can also be obtained here, though will be nearly worthless to those unfamiliar with traditional Avian glyphs as none of these volumes are translated. Tomes found here are all centered around Flightless teachings, Avian folk tales, or simple how to books on Avian crafts.



    :Fernbrook Field Booth:

    Rosen, temporary owner of the ranch on Fernbrook runs its booth, though not by choice. It was decided early on that with he, or Clementine would be forced to man the booth so the two settled it how any reasonable person would... With a game of rock paper scissors. With a lack of understanding of the game, and a curious strategy of always picking "paper" (once a scribe, always a scribe), he lost handily and has been given the reins to the booth. He is aloof and flighty, easily distracted. He is friendly, but socially awkward around new faces.

    Fernbrrok Field's booth provides a bulk of the seeds and raw produce they farm on the planet along with a few signature items. Notable ones Clementine's varied ways of cooking Croaners (the bacon especially) and Rosen's Avian jams.



    :Alpha Centauri Zeta IIIa Agricultural Colony Booth:

    The ever lovely Inena Bojko mans this booth. Despite a proud posture, there's always a slim smile and hooded expression on her face, speaking very quietly to her customers.

    Specializing in genetic modification of plants and fungi, Alpha Centauri Zeta IIIa Agricultural Colony produces very potent and ethically sourced stims. While not as strong as their synthesized counterparts, they serve their purpose while being, supposedly, much healthier for the user.



    :Lord Bison's Keep Booth:

    Manned by the Irontide siblings Lady Songheart and Ser Stonemail, the siblings seem to be exact opposites. Stonemail is jovial and loud, acting as the booth's crier. However, his speech betrays his desire to be back home, his more common herald of 'False excitement, come, see the glorious goods of Lord Bison's Keep!' His sister, however, is very soft-spoken and kind, genuinely enjoying meeting so many new people on her first time away from the Keep, often asking too many questions of anyone's ear that she can chew off.

    The offerings here consist mostly of farming equipment from the forges, alongside a few meager choices in glitch produce. Any characters who suffer through Songheart's many questions will get a primo deal, while anyone bothering Stonemail for too long will likely get scammed.



    :Bubble Cafe Kiosk:

    A small mobile kiosk of the hylotl cafe chain Bubble Cafe, staffed by the always chipper, placidly flirty Oba Song. She greets everyone with a submissive welcoming tone, frequently bowing and incessantly thanking the customer.

    The kiosk sells a short-list of the usual Bubble Cafe menu, a selection of classical hylotl street cuisine and cafe fare. It always smells very strongly of fish and coffee within the surrounding area.



    :"Glow Merch" Table:

    "Skid" as he likes to be called wasn't actually invited to be part of the festival. He just showed up with the lighting crew for the main stage. Nobody is sure if he actually works in association with anyone at the fair or not. He sells a variety of glow in the dark jewelry, clothing, glow sticks, and if you are in the market for them, fireworks. Though he won't show those goods with the guards around.



    :Mr. Smilie's Incredible Ice Creams:

    Mr. Albus Smilie is less a man, and more of a brand. Though throughout the many many years the product has been around, the man behind the ice cream never seems to change. Many people assume every few years another man is brought in to play the role, but nobody is actually sure. He is overbearingly cheerful, quick to throw out a ice cream pun or gush about their newest flavors. Nobody can deny though his products are quality. In addition to flavors listed in game, he has ten others which are cycled out each day of the fair.



    :Test of Strength:

    Henry Church, for being an old coot, presents himself more like a mac truck than a man. Tall and imposing, his gruff demeanor and verbal jabs at people partaking in his game might come off as insulting. In truth, he doesn't think to much about it past trying to drive results out of people, a tried and true method from back in his younger days in the service. He will show any former or current members of military the utmost respect, and even offer some helpful advice if needed.

    A large weighted hammer will be provided by Henry, though most people will be unable to make use of the hefty item. The idea is to smash the hammer down on the red pad as hard as you can to reach the top of the strength readout. Very few people have managed to actually get it to the top. The game itself will flash and vocalize insulting lines making fun of low 'scores'.



    :Charlie Ray's Blastin' Booth:

    Charlie Ray Lonestar is boisterous and cares very little about your personal space. He'll shakes your hand, clap your shoulder, or drag you around because he's got to show you something fantastic. A bit loud, he's got a sharp wit and something comparable to southern charm.

    The Blastin' Booth is a game meant to be played against another person. The two players stay on opposite ends of the room in there respective color area, and fire water pistols into the sensors above. The objective is raise your platform up to the top(setting off the siren) before the other player. It is allowed, and encouraged to not only shoot your target, but the opposition player during the game to mess them up(which is why you stand face to face while playing)


    If you take a gun(you are free to keep them for the json file) please be sure to make a copy and replace them for other players. If you play or break the game, please ensure you return the platforms back to the original positions shown in the screen.



    :Akemi's Kissing Booth:

    For only 5pix, you too can get a peck on the cheek and photo with the gorgeous hylotl Akemi Hanasaki. She treats every single person who comes to her booth as the most exciting, interesting, and attractive person on this side of the Big Bang, almost gratingly so. But, she's a sweet girl, if a bit airheaded and hard to really get to know behind her showmanship act for the booth.



    :The Bounce House:

    Despite not being depicted, there are plastic curtains you have to actively press through to get in and out of this inflatable bounce castle (To prevent people from being thrown out). It's recommended you remove any hard objects and boots/shoes before entering. SHow your friends how cool you are with your flipping skills.

    (Disclaimer: The F.U.A. and Fernbrook Field is not liable for your well being if making use of the "Bounce House". Romp at your own risk.)



    :Fluffalo Rides:

    For only 3 pixels, you too can hop onto a living cloud of fluff and take a ride. (Rides last up to ten minutes).

    #1 Mary_Whitaker, Nov 20, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2016