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H010N: Trace System

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Node, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    ENTRY 001: Apprehension

    Upon our agencies arrival to the Antares sector, we were not surprised to discover our own utter repulsion. Though it is not the frontier bandit society we expected it to be, these cretins believe that they can live civilized lives. They have established businesses and colonies, in a sad attempt to emulate what they believe to be society. It is sad. We would pity these people if they were not a bunch of savages pretending to live like real people.

    Of course our purpose in the sector was to reclaim stolen technology. Project H010N is one of our older projects in which we created a fully functional human artificial intelligence, and an accompanying synthesized human body for it. Of course we made sure to make the prototype as conspicuous as possible as to limit its escape, and remind it that she was not a human, and was just a machine; a piece of property owned by us. As such, she had a rather unique pigmentation.

    Project H010N began developing a fair degree of sentience. As it should have, as it was developed to infiltrate normal human societies. Unfortunately, this caused a fair deal of our researchers to begin sympathizing with it. Most of those researchers were relocated to the ejection chambers, however one researcher managed to avoid this occupational hazard.

    Sampson Sunshine. A nephew to the CEO. He managed to sneak out the H010N plus several other prototypes. Unfortunately as he would be caught fairly quickly in our sector, he of course escaped to the Antares sector. Our cruisers marooned him on an iceberg, and the H010N was lost.

    Or so we thought.

    Some two years later after this incident, The Sunshine Corporation heard news of a small time business in Antares. A young woman, with blue skin running a company that supported substance abuse. Normally, this would fly under the radar, considering Antares does not even have the market for any sort of branch of the Sunshine Corporation to even take a remote interest in the location. But the resurgence of the H010N was important.

    Leave it to savages to let millions of dollars worth of technology to gain full sentience and start a business. It is likely that not even a single one of them considered dissecting it to figure out how it worked. However, it is likely none of them even noticed anything was wrong with this faux-human.

    Retrieval was quick. The H010N did not hide itself well and seemed comfortable among these people. It even gave itself a name. Absolutely disgusting.

    Of course, we quickly did away with all of that... "personality".
    #1 Node, Sep 10, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2015
  2. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    ENTRY 002: Intrigue

    Project Holon Tracer has yielded some interesting results. Sending the H010N back into Antares might have been a poor decision, as Antares was quickly evacuated shortly after its return. It evacuated alongside everyone else in the sector, clearly much to its displeasure.

    Returning the H010N to Antares was simply a test of our memory simulation capabilities on similar units. We had to make sure that its reconfigured memories held, even when surrounded by familiar sights, and people. As expected, the trial was flawless, and the H010N showed no indication that it had any memory of any events in Antares.

    Requests for cigarettes were frequent, which was interesting. The H010N had not previously smoked. And it seemed to show some utter disdain for the products of Antares. It refused to smoke Antaren branded cigarettes, and instead claimed that sending cigarettes all the way from Tormenta was a valuable use of resources. Although it was not, the requests were answered.

    Resimulating its memories from Antares to take place within a different setting allowed the H010N to create new memories where old ones were no longer applicable. This implies that the H010N had some form of substance abuse. However, there is no known record of the H010N ever having a substance abuse issue during its time in Antares.

    The official trial was originally intended to be short lived, and for the H010N to be called back home after landing in Council. However the H010N was taken briefly by a Floran war leader, and held captive for several days. Several days later, we received reports that the H010N escaped, purchased a fire arm, and eliminated its Floran issue. We expect nothing less from a Sunshine employee.

    Its personality had not been shaken, but it seemed to express interest in knowing more about the former CEO of Radical Industries. After sending it the files for Vidame Free Radical, the H010N requested the files of the "real CEO". The appropriate files were provided.

    This has led to an interesting circumstance. The H010N became capable of recognizing that it had its memories resimulated. This came as an alarm at first, however was quite promptly dismissed by the H010N itself as it suggested that it had no intention of attempting to fix its memories. It claimed "Doing so would be dying to allow a stranger to live. And I am not nearly enough of an altruist."

    The H010N has been keeping itself busy with menial tasks, such as building a sporting arena, and engineering a line of dispensaries. We will continue monitoring it for the time being.