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[Guide] How to Make Your own Teleporter Doors!

Discussion in 'Modding Guides' started by Aiko, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. Aiko

    Aiko The Coolest Cat

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Next best thing to 3D space in a 2D game!

    Yo! A lot of people have been asking about my neato ass teleporter doors, and I've decided it's finally about time to reveal the super sneaky secrets. So! Read up, pay attention, and you'll be walking inside doors in no time at all!



    First order of business, you'll need to enable the use of /debug on multiplayer servers. You need this in order to properly get your current x & y coordinates to be used later. It's a bit silly, really. ... but this is what you have to do.


    Go to your starbound folder, wherever that is. Inside wherever your game data is stored (As of 03/11/2015, it should be inside giraffe_storage) you'll see starbound.config. Open it up for editing! I recommend using Notepad++.


    Near the top you'll see this line,

    "allowAdminCommandsFromAnyone" : false,
    Set it to true, save the config file, and close up! You're now ready to hop in game!



    Now that we can use /debug, you can go ahead and do that once you've got your character standing exactly where you want them!

    Type /debug, hit enter, and you'll suddenly see this window appear below your health bar.


    Wow! Look at all that information!
    The only thing we're interested in, is

    The first number is your current X coordinate, and the second is your Y coordinate.
    Given the data on display, you might assume that means the numbers you want are 4909 x, and 1702 y.

    That's not the case! First of all, the X coordinate on display is 4909.88. You'll need to round this number to the nearest whole number, so the real X coordinate we want is 4910!

    As for the Y coordinate, it's wrong! Starbound returns false data for us, that isn't entirely accurate. If you tried using 1702, you'd end up a couple blocks in the air! Whoops!

    To solve this, just subtract 2 from the displayed Y coordinate, which gives you 1700.

    So! The X and Y coordinates we've gathered so far are

    4910, 1700

    Remember those, write them down somewhere!



    This part of the guide assumes you have some familiarity with starcheat. Unforunately, I won't be able to really guide you through the basics here. ... So ... try your best!

    Once you've got your X & Y coordinates, you can open up whatever player file you chose and open up whatever object you've decided to be your teleporter. It can be pretty much anything you want, though scripted objects such as switches, consoles, doors, etc. might prove troublesome. I personally use signs.


    Once open, you'll need to add these two properties!



    This property will be the same for every teleportation item you make, and needs to be set as


    Make sure to include the quotes when you're first setting the property!



    This is where things get a little TINY bit more complicated, but not too much!

    You can paste this template right into the data field
    "canBookmark": false,
    "destinations": [
    "icon": "return",
    "name": "^white;Enter Building",
    "planetName": "",
    "warpAction": "Nowhere=x.y"
    "includePartyMembers": false,
    "includePlayerBookmarks": false

    See this line?

    "warpAction": "Nowhere=x.y"

    You want to throw your X and Y coordinates here, so you'll end up with this! The 'Nowhere' part just means that 'this planet'.

    "warpAction": "Nowhere=4910.1700"

    Pretty easy, huh? Then, just for some RP friendly flavour, change

    "name": "^white;Action",

    To something more descriptive of the action ... for example,

    "name": "^white;Enter Building",
    If you've done everything right, your interactData should look something like this!


    And you're done! You can now place that item in the world, and if you followed this guide correctly, it'll take you right to where you wanna go! Wowie!


    #1 Aiko, Jun 29, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2016
    2 people like this.