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Grueling Gothic Grimoire

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Reconus, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    A data-slate, with a heraldry of jet black, crimson, and scarlet neon lights - 'Gruel' writes down her musings and notes items of interest for future reference within this digital tome.


    < ... .. . >

    < loading file list ... .. . >
    < / diary
    // newsector
    /// day3 |open|

    // grid
    // mainframe

    < / notes
    < / music
    < / pics

    /// day3

    < new sector. so thats interesting. trying my best to get used to it all. it's very bright here, not like the mainframe or grid. they actually have sun rather than just neon lights and shit.

    < met some new people. think i've also made some friends too, so bonus. the most social probs might be that "Mimi" chick. nice girl, seems to be a fun lover so we'll get along fine. still kinda sucks in a way though - last night kinda proved that.

    < girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

    < met some other people too: Mckenzie. he seemed nice. could be good friend one day. Omega exists (he's a corp uppie, kinda ew. makes guns) also some other people stalking about i know, but don't know the name of. or vice versa, tbh - i might try and see who this "Kade" fella is. maybe he's cool too.

    < otherwise i'm adjusting just fine. ship works as a mobile home for now, even if its cramped af. probs should clean it up one day but i cba. anyway, thats everything for the last three days after i arrived. everything is on the up. turns out things might be easier than i though.

    2 people like this.
  2. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    < ... .. . >
    < loading file list ... .. . >
    < / diary
    < / notes
    // newsectorstuff// randomjunk
    // importantstuff
    // mainframe

    /// work
    //// corps
    //// profiles

    ///// Mimi |open|
    /// tki
    /// ice
    < / music
    < / pics

    ///// Mimi

    < name: 'Mimi' - some sort of street name.
    < pic: n/a. wont need

    < nice girl + cool friend. really playful - in that kind of way. probs gay or bi. easy to get to thanks to that - just play fun back and its off to hers for play time.

    < woo + tease her, play along and play it cool.
    < cocktail effects almost instant.
    < yet to see cocktail after-effects. will have to check when next see her.
    < will add more of importance in case forget in future.
    1 person likes this.
  3. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    < ... .. . >
    < loading file list ... .. . >
    < / diary
    < / notes
    // newsectorstuff// randomjunk
    // importantstuff
    // mainframe

    /// work
    //// corps
    //// profiles

    ///// Mimi
    ///// orangeFramer |open|
    /// tki
    /// ice
    < / music
    < / pics
    ///// orangeFramer

    < name: idk.

    < pic: [​IMG]

    < don't know who they are. found them sleeping. easy
    < no struggle thx to sleep - cocktail effects almost instant.
    < amnesia effects yet to be seen. should watch for that.
    < meet with them maybe? + find out about them
    < keeps a hunter-seeker (pet?). could be dangerous. check it first b4 doing anything.
  4. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    < ... .. . >

    < loading file list ... .. . >
    < / diary
    // newsector
    /// day3
    /// day7 |open|

    // grid
    // mainframe

    < / notes
    < / music
    < / pics

    /// day 7

    < getting along well tbh.

    < still can't find mimi though. shes not in her tent, so what gives? hell, i'm not even sure that is her tent i check anymore. maybe she up and left somewhere else? kinda sucks tbh - i was hoping to hook her up some other time. shes really a fun gal i felt. good friend.

    < i found some others though - other users to get along with. i'm doing well. some bloke called jess, a chick called serpentine or some shit and a luna. they seem p.cool. except the serpent chick - shes a fucking nutjob and a freak imo. strait wyrm.

    < luna has smoke coming out of her ears she's so high, and jess... actually seems like a p.cool dude if you get to know him. personality is a bit eratic, but when did that stop me lol.

    < noguns has a clinic. which is great. could stock up on medical shit if i need it. doesn't hurt to keep a closet full on the ship in case i fuck myself up. also comes in use for other things.

    < ive been trying to get my shit together atm. reason why i ain't been around much. also other reasons but those aint important imo lol.

    < not too much yet anyway. i've got it under control for now.
  5. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    < ... .. . >
    < loading file list ... .. . >
    < / diary
    < / notes
    // newsectorstuff// randomjunk
    // importantstuff
    // mainframe

    /// work
    //// corps
    //// profiles

    ///// Mimi
    ///// orangeFramer
    ///// Kade |open|
    /// tki
    /// ice
    < / music
    < / pics
    ///// Kade

    < name: kade castor

    < pic: didnt get one. probs wont need

    < got along nicely. think we'll be good friends tbh, which is nice absolute gun nut cock jockey who basically threatened to kill me.

    okay not that bad idk
    < struggle: defo stronger than me. paralystic venom worked quickly thankfully. continue same dosage
    < amnesia after effects - absolute shit show. doesnt remember what happened after entering basement. suggest using far greater dose - perhaps 2 forget meeting alltogether.
    < armed - maybe at all times. be quick, and careful. don't start shit if it won't go well
    < might have been 2 aggressive with extract becuz panicked. note 4 self: DON'T TRY TO KILL THEM. keep calm, take what you need, then leave.

    < absolutely trigger happy and will use that gun probs. never 1 on 1 the fucker - just get out.
    < just drop it
  6. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
    Likes Received:

    < ... .. . >

    < loading file list ... .. . >
    < / diary
    // newsector
    /// day3
    /// day7
    /// day10 |open|

    // grid
    // mainframe

    < / notes
    < / music
    < / pics

    /// day10

    < well fuck.

    < turns out this shit is harder than when i was in the city. smaller communities. people talk. more people who'll care to see you and also the coming in and out of places.

    < its a fucking mess. tbh i would of stayed but how they fucking reacted? im not risking that shit again. i thought i was going to fucking die there and then, not even acting or anything. that shit was terrifying.

    < fuck nogun then. obvs it was a bad choice. sucks too because i just found out that hey thats where mimi lives. i just cant risk that shit again. if one guy like that is gonna go on a fucking warpath like that, waving his bullet-spewing cock about because its the 'best' fucking solution to the problem, then maybe im better off without that place altogether.

    < maybe should of been more careful. like i said be4, too agressive.

    < maybe mimi would vouch for me in case i want to go back? like i know she'll be like won't remmeber shit but atleast we'er cool yeah? friends? wont threaten to kill me? she'll listen. unlike those asstwats.

    < this is gonna be hard. fuck. an actual fight to keep this mess under control

    < gonna have to look into refining the cocktail. i need to adapt to these conditions otherwise we'll have this shit again only a fucking lynch mob.

    < fuck
    2 people like this.
  7. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    < ... .. . >

    < loading file list ... .. . >
    < / diary
    // newsector
    /// day3
    /// day7
    /// day10
    /// day24 |open|

    // grid
    // mainframe

    < / notes
    < / music
    < / pics

    /// day24

    < been a fucking while hasn't it.

    < well thats cuz i've been busy tbh

    < really busy. busy trying to keep myself under control and shit. been trying my best but its never enough is it? so i tried again. with mimi.

    < i never fucked up more than this like fuck. i didn't expect her to be like that. i underestimated it fucking all and it all blew up in my face. my only chance out of this is if she listens. thats it. but even then fuck

    < i've been looking in this mirror for days now. days.

    < looking at what i really am.

    < it was the only choice wasn't it though? am i selfish for taking it? for putting all this on other people so i can carry on with my damned life? i'm fucked no matter what i do tbh. its obvious.

    < i need to be more careful. adapt better. but tbh it might be too late for that shit. nothing really is stopping her just turning me in. i just have to deal with that.

    < if she listens though? lets me off?

    < i need to up my game. this isn't the city no more.

    < for now? sitting locked in a bathroom, wasting time with no shit to do. fml