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Pending Grimsly's post of Shit he is curios about/would like approved.

Discussion in 'Other Questions' started by JackGrimsly, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. JackGrimsly

    JackGrimsly New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    So Aiko just told me to Shotgun all my BS Idea's here, including my novakid ones so here it goes.

    Settlement shielding seems like it would be something already available in the canon. They'd basically be large, Kinetic shields that acted as a big solid barriers too keep things like meteorites from hitting buildings inside the perimeter. this would require /massive/ amounts of power. on par with whats needed to power a star ship or geothermal energy. Additional the shield would require an Array of Emitters to help keep it stabilized during prolonged bombardment. In between these Emitters would be weak points where "Gates" could be placed that would allow people to safely pass through without walking into the shield by effectively "holding" the weakened section open and these gates could be turned off in the event of an attack or destroyed.

    The reason why these gates would exist is simple. in real life the only reason earth doesn't get obliterated by meteorites every few years is because Jupiter and Saturn pull them into their huge gravity wells. In Star bound these Gas giants aren't as common and early in colonization all races would have come up with solutions to combat this. they would come in the form of either these shields or large arrays of Orbital and planet side defense guns that could track fast moving targets and reduce them too something the planets atmosphere would burn up.
    Large settlements like... lets use Mud as an example, would probably have a Main emitter tower in the center, and 8 Emitters spread around the city, (4 on the outskirts, 4 inside the city as backups and regulators) Considering how adamant Ernal is about being a Pacifist I doubt he'd have liked the thought of a huge array of orbital guns in his city and above him.
    I even made a Shitty MS Paint thing to demonstrate this:
    The circles would be the emitters and if one or two were destroyed the whole thing wouldn't be Taken down. however if half were the shield would need to be shut down and "rebooted" to prevent massive damage to the whole system.

    This is just a theory and input from everyone would be nice to hammer down some of the finer details of how it works, but i'd like to see this approved because its something that urks me about how settlements haven't been obliterated by a random space junk.

    ok. I'll be honest. Novakid tech makes no sense. but in the lore, its said that Glitch gave them most of their tech, and considering Glitch are just steam punk knights I figured Nova kids would have done something along the same lines. Hell their ships are giant trains. Honestly most of their tech would be big, clunky, and center around Steam and rudimentary Tesla technology and would be dangerously unstable. while they would have nuclear power to make star ship engines work it would probably work similar too how real life power plants work, thus needing lots of water and would probably let off "steam" even in space from cooling their reactors.

    I also imagine their scavengers, looting what they find and combining it with their existing ship in a more elegant way then say Florans. So their Tech would incorporate just about anything they found cobbled together with what they "know" which brings me to my third point.

    Novakid memories are probably not as terrible as is canonically stated. Like... i'm sorry but they aren't. maybe too them they have short term memories because they live so long but they probably appear more like a very forgetful person to the average person. it may very between individuals but as a whole, their probably not as stupid as Chucklefuck makes them out too be.

    I'm honestly only submitting this because there is so much confusion and hate for Novakids and I wanna do something about it. help them make sense in a way that people will (even grudgingly) agree that their stuff makes sense.

    So I imagine things like Precision lasers, plasma drills, deep soil scanning technology, and many other Science fiction mining equipment would exist. I honestly wanna know so I don't stomp on any toes in my Mining company stuff.

    This is mostly about using /HUGE/ amounts of energy to generate directed bolts of intense Electric energy. this would be on par with being struck by lightning and I wanted to make sure that "yeah, building massive tesla guns is OK," before experimenting with that kind of technology as I've seen it in science fiction so many times I'd love to try using it in RP.

    I eagerly look forward to seeing how these ideas get developed into something that can work on the server.