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Goodman's Writings

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Tacoburger, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    This can be found on paper IC somewhere in a building.

    First Entry
    I wanted to begin keeping track of my thoughts on paper, so I have something to calm myself when I'm feeling down. What is written here is my first try at writing without a computer, so it doesn't get lost like that last time I tried this and it got wiped from a hardware loss (aka my ship being impounded). I think I'll divide these little tidbits of info into sections. One about cool things that don't pertain to me, and one about myself.

    The Bizz

    Recently from what I've read on UndergroundDaily is that there are some hardcore raiders that are going around, causing problems on the borders of council space here in Antares. Mostly stuff that's off the radar, but this website I've found really does keep up to date. It's got pictures of the locations, and it's not censored like most other big-news corporations I've worked for in the past. What makes it great is that you don't need to sign up and stuff, because the website is completely free and provides legitimate information. I even did research on the stuff they post, and most of their journalists are actually really well renowned for their work in the field. Through a bit of back-tracing I could also find that most of them were fired from the big-corps just like I was, and they came to this freelance organization simply to continue their work in the thing they do best: being journalists.

    More research into that topic though about the raiders and I've also generalized that there have been incidents similar to the one that occurred at the mining facility. Entire operations looted, ransacked, and emptied out of valuable electronics and metals. Of course, this seems pretty typical of a raider group, but what bothered me is the close proximity of the incident to the planet that I am currently residing on, which happens to be a full on refugee camp. I've shown most of the residents at the camp that seemed to care, but no one really felt like it was an issue worth noting. I feel like it had something to do with my current reputation being degraded from the numerous mishaps I've caused. That aside, I'm hoping to keep an eye on the movements of raider groups in the quadrant to the best of my ability on my little tablet.

    Not Bizz

    When I first came to this camp, it was a mess. People were displaced, hungry, and without a lot of basic necessities that most people need in the modern world. Of course, we all persevered to the end, and managed to create something rather nice. That girl that likes to call herself some ridiculous name unfitting of herself, Blaze, I think I use to know her from a while back on Pinewood, but it's a bit hazy on that accord. She's such an odd one, yet so vigorously dedicated to the lives of everyone here in this refugee camp that it's almost hard to not like her. Not saying I don't like her, but she's definitely put up with a lot of the mistakes I've made here, to the point that it's weird that she keeps letting me get away with it. The only thing I've ever done for the camp was set up a soup kitchen and ensure everyone is fed, yet nearly anyone can do that. I'm just the first to step up to the plate. I don't know, to be honest with myself, but Blaze just seems like a real motherly figure to us all at the camp.

    The jungle has been particularly interesting recently. I like to go out into the trees and sit, looking up at the canopy and listening to the night sounds, or day sounds, whichever happens to be the most prevalent one at the time of relaxation. I should bring someone with me one day and see if they can enjoy the experience, too. Speaking of which, in the amount of time we've been here, I've actually managed to set up a nice little place for myself in the trees, hidden away from sight of any troublesome creatures, or people for that matter. Although I wouldn't mind some visitors sometimes, it's just much nicer without the bothersome sounds of chatter to distract my inner meditations. Does that make me weird for enjoying peace and quiet sometimes? Hardly. I imagine many people do what I do, but in different methods. Maybe my friend Jones can come with me and we could grab the rifle and go hunting for some big game. It's strange, though. I never see any wildlife when I'm out in the jungles. Almost like they don't come around when I'm out. Not even the birds.
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