I know some of you don't know me and the other half don't remember me but I decided to post this anyways. I'm leaving Antares, I tried to balance with college and work but it just isn't happening. However, that wasn't the tipping point. What is forcing me to leave is this new staff team, they have decided that I am not in the lines of their system so I have been set back to square one. I will not allow almost two years be rendered moot by this new staff so I will be leaving. Hopefully one day when the staff team are better I will come back to RP once again. Goodbye Antares, -Raideck.
See ya later, Raideck, you pirate-Avian you. It's more important to focus on college and your job than some roleplay online, man. Glad you're making the decision to focus on what ya need to do, other than what you want to. And maybe the staff'll be good enough when you're ready to return. If not, it ain't the end of the world. There's always different mediums, servers, or forums to RP on.