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Good morning!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by maldubious, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. maldubious

    maldubious New Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    A big howdy to you all, and especially those who read this introduction! My name is Maldubious, you can call me Mal for short. I am soon to be 26, and I am looking forward to getting into RP Starbound with everyone here. This is my first time playing Starbound online, and from a RP standpoint I would say I am a beginner as well. My primary character will be Wix, an Avian, who used to be a pirate, but he's given up his violent past to pursue...gardening, and spelunking!

    I like to read! I enjoy movies and I used to be really good at video games, but I haven't played much else since discovering Starbound.

    And I am a blacksmith! No, I have not forged any swords...yet! :cool:

    Hope to meet you all in spaaaaaaaaaace!!!!!

  2. Squiddles

    Squiddles New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    im very very very sorry

    how most of the elite players ignored your post

    welcome to thy community
  3. Silver

    Silver Ain't no thing like me 'cept me.

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Hey, welcome to the community!

    Sorry the welcomes have been slow -- I understand that there is an issue at present with the forum for most users that has slowed down forum participation, so that's likely why.

    What have you made as a blacksmith? One of my students a few years ago expressed a real interest in blacksmithing, but I am not certain if it still exists as a hobbyist pursuit or a professional one (outside of movie prop construction).

    Gardening and landscaping, however, I do understand. Wix should have no shortage of work as a gardener and mushroom hunter, haha.
  4. maldubious

    maldubious New Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Thanks for the attention Squiddles and Fishdish (funny, two nautical names!)...and mushroom hunting?!?! That sounds AWESOME!
    There are more blacksmiths out there than most people realize, and the practicality of the craft goes as far as your imagination (and how much of a hobby or career you plan to make out of it). Structural work, architectural design, reproduction/prop work, artistic casting, artistic forging, and even farriers are out there continuing the craft. It is really exciting to be a part of history and work with your hands, fire, and essentially dirt, to make something beautiful. I've made a few odds and ends: hooks, nails, screwdrivers, bottle openers, chain links, leaf pendants, steak flippers, spoons...I'll admit I am a beginner, but the art of blacksmithing has me hooked!
    Pleased to make your acquaintance, hope to adventure in space with you!

    PS: Since I have joined and tried to connect to the server, my play time has amounted to maybe 2 minutes. It seems I can't maintain a steady and strong enough connection, I get dropped fairly quick! :(