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Good Morning :D

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Kineng, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Kineng

    Kineng New Member

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Hello everybody! Recently got accepted, and will be joining you all on the server soon. I'm hopping over here from Guild Wars 2 RP, since I've had my fill of the fantasy genre for a while. And, human-noble RPers are like an insect, burrowing slowly into your mind until you just can't take it anymore.

    Besides all of that, I'm quite shy when it comes to the first couple of meetings in an RP environment, even on the forums. Once I get by all of that, expect a lot of writing and character journals and the like from me. I absolutely adore writing and character development.

    See you all in the far reaches!
  2. Ivrian

    Ivrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    Hehe, I can imagine that. Server I was on had quite some large noble houses and the few vigil guilds that were there just didnt cut it for me.

    That aside, Welcome to the community and enjoy your stay in space.
  3. Kineng

    Kineng New Member

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Did you happen to be on Tarnished Coast? I still hang out there from time to time, but RP died for me. Most of it was coordinated through OOC discussions, from the actual meeting place (which is fine and all, we do need to be organised) all the way down to how the event plays out, which is where I drew the line. It wasn't spontaneous, and led to a low of power-hungry RPs where people were in it to make their own character the star of the show.

    Away from all that, thank you for the welcome! From what I've seen around the servers, I can tell I'm going to like it here.
  4. Ivrian

    Ivrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    It was Piken Square for , tempted to go back there and just check how the current status is. There were quite some event based things there but mostly from a open perspective, although I despised the fact that in the Vigil guild I was in, the Officers and the GM were always more occupied with faffing about on alts in one of them noble guilds and just as a mere crusader you were never allowed to do things by yourself. Also some of the recruits in there were not really Vigil material, infighting amongst each other, doing drugs etc. So that was the point for me to say no to it. Not to forget there were also a few players there who considered their characters as demigods. I recall a specific line in one of the bios, "You can't outdo her in magic, never ever" Wasnt that exactly but it came down to it.
  5. Kineng

    Kineng New Member

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Ah, I heard Piken Square was open to a load of RP as well. I completely understand the Vigil situation. My character was considered for a position in the Ministry Guard, a position in Claypool. However, they both let the Seraph bully them, and the Seraph were nothing but ambitious, ragtag bands of people who wanted nothing more than to appear as though they had more power than anyone else. When my character tried to instill a little subterfuge within the minds of the nobility in Claypool, I was hounded with OOC messages mentioning how erratic and unnecessary that would be.

    There was also this event, with one of my friends from Rift RP no less. She wanted nothing more than to jump into noble RP in Guild Wars 2. So, she made a noble human, had a "mysterious and unknown" past, and was doing nothing but seducing the tens of alt's of single, male heirs used only to bring more power to the noble houses through marriage. Another character of mine, a Charr, and his small band of three, wanted to rob her and this man she was with.

    However, after cornering her, she sent us a message stating how, "This is really unfair, you know. We can't go anywhere."

    And if you really want to laugh, I can tell you about an acquaintance of mine with a God Character. He somehow acquired a pistol, Vivalex, which:

    -Is powered by blood
    -Can blow up planets

    The recoil tore off his arm once, but it grew back in the matter of 5-10 minutes, depending on ones interpretation of how much time passed.
  6. Ivrian

    Ivrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    Seems those things never change, no matter which server you join. Although those last two examples made me chuckle, feels somewhat very familiar to what I experienced. And dont remind me of the Seraph, there was this separate unit based around Lion's Arch, getting payed by criminals and such to look the other way. My vigil character eventually found out at some point whilst getting supplies. The amount of ooc bias it led to, then again I could have known there were a lot of people I knew from a rp server back on Wow. Not to my liking to say the least, metagaming, lorebreaking, the demigod like characters. Ill stop now though :p , cause I could rant like this for hours and not everyone there was bad and I certainly had fun there.
  7. Kineng

    Kineng New Member

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Understandable. Thanks for putting up some polite conversation at the very least! Hope to see you on the server :D
  8. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    See... I just can't get into RP on GW2 in the slightest. I've thought of it in the past, but I just can't get into it. But aside from that, welcome to the server. Excellent place for RP with a friendly playerbase and active community. Didn't think I'd ever really get into RP on a sidescroller, but this is sooo much fun. Haha.