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Good- eve, midday and evernight planet people.. or something like that. {Input Catchy Greetings}

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by NerfYordles, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. NerfYordles

    NerfYordles New Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Right, hi there!

    So I guess I'll just throw down a very quick introduction here.
    And more importantly what I seek and what I think I can deliver to those whom I roleplay with.

    As a first, it's been a while but this game is so bloody amazing that I just had to pick up on roleplaying again!

    So hey there, 22 and from belgium. I speak four languages and am sort of the everlasting student. Having a degree in: Informatics, Wood technology, Business economics and currently working on Interior architectuer and furniture design. ( Even though I $^%& ^$% at making proper houses in nearly every game! )

    Alright that aside on to the more important stuff! :)
    I am a roleplayer that loves a massive amount of detail, think paragraph roleplay but in a rapid fire session between to players. The sort of short one- two liners but in quick succession to get the reaction speed of the characters down in a proper manner.

    I used to play antagonists for a few serves ( Minecraft, Wow, etc ) and have often led guilds and factions. Though I quit on roleplaying a year ago or so.. I guess I simply was burned out!

    Gore and all other things like that are truly my best side. I can actually make you 'enjoy' torture roleplay. But honestly I've done so much of that..

    For this character I am looking at a 'Perma-Death' character with a main focus on being rather friendly and helpful, however always fearful of those who chase her.

    I'll be playing as a GlitchLady called: Terraxe.

    I tend to always play characters whom have a part of 'harddrive' missing.. thus her full history will be cloudy. I do plan on uncovering it but since this is a new world it's easiest and most correct to do so while finding the limits and red lining of the lore within this server.

    Most likely it'll be something along the lines as a prototype going wrong or simply a following the regular Glitch lore, a bad-baby. ;)

    Being hunted and such she would search for a safehaven, only knowing the mines on one of the closer laying planets. So on and so forth.. she'll be chased and such. ( The average story, I'll fleshen it out along the way.. )

    In the end she has to flee her 'safehaven' and finds herself in a, thought to be, malfunctioning airship.. soon to be coming to a stop in the middle of the universe.

    AKA: Radio call incoming!

    For Terraxe I am looking to a less combat focused character, at the start.
    I wish to play around her primary skills which I think will be around engineering and medical treatement. ( Afterall... we are Glitch. )
    Most likely she'll have 'some' knowledge of medical treatement for 'FleshLings' ( Yes.. I'm talking to you.. non-Glitch. :> )

    However in the cruel world where we live in I do think it'd be only logical as to delve into some sort of combat. I could abuse the actual physique of the Glitch but I'll be stepping away from that and going for a more fragile character..

    She may however upgrade herself given the time, resources and friends.

    Terraxe is set to be my most dynamic character so far with no goal set at all. I hope to join some of you in your story telling and I wish we can have some brilliant times together.

    I plan to keep Terraxe a 'neutral' character unless I come across a faction that I really like. As such I plan to have her go around and bring her medical treatements to those who need her.. anyone, good or bad.
    ( I think this is a good way to sate my need for combat and war without participating too heavily in it. )

    With this I'll round up and wish that the server has restarted so I can hop on in and start my journey as the hunted Glitch!
    ( Out of sight, out of mind. )

    Cheers! x