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Glyph Locked Recordings

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Twitch, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    The recording begins with a soft tapping of a solid surface and quiet breathing. The recording had started before the speaker seemed ready, but after a few moments of awkward silence they spoke up. He had a soft voice, well spoken and precise. He seemed tired though, occasional pauses and sighs as he shifted between whimsical reminiscing and quite disappoint.

    "The odd misplaced babble, foundations in need of repair, these are all things I have grown quite accustomed to this throughout my years among the stars to the point it had became commonplace. Upon landing we are often greeted by fanfare and festival, well cared for among the people. We break bread, and I regale the common folk with the words from Avos. In the morning I lead the flock in prayer before setting to the task at hand, upkeep of the temple. I assess the building, the people, and what goods they have prepared Avos. A donation made, and further promise of words from the Homeword are issued before I take to the stars once more with my small entourage. These tasks are marred by tedium, but made bearable by the sheer joy my presence seems to give to the people and knowing I do so in service to Kluex, may he watch over us all."

    "Kah'rah Selti, was one of our oldest temple, a feat in the time it had been created as well as its longevity. We've no records of its construction as it is one of the few completed temples raised shortly before The Great Withdrawal. It is a marvel really, that such a place left abandoned so long would see itself reinhabited, for three generations now... Though I fear its halls will remain empty from this day forward. It was an irreplaceable piece of our history and to see it now in ruins, stained with the blood of my people feels as if they had put the dagger to me as well. By his grace, we arrived in time to find survivors among the rubble. Al'Cah and his healers are working to ease their pain and piece together what has transpired here while I set about preparing the incense and pyres for this evening."

    There was a pause in speaking, the shallow breathing of the speaker taking a moment to compose themself

    "I must remain strong for my people. They will look to me for answers I do not have, and I must help them to understand that while this world is full of such senseless loss, their service in his name will be rewarded at the gates of the Aether. Grief is a powerful force, even know I feel it's sway boiling my blood in such fury I have never felt until now... But we do not need fury here, we need peace."

    "Entry end."
  2. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    The recording begins with a soft clack. The speaker is the same as the previous recording, though he sound far more tired then previously. His tone suggests he has nothing good to speak on today.

    "Ten days have passed since we first arrived at Kah'rah Selti and only now the funeral services and recovery efforts have come to an end. Among the survivors we found Elder Feltic, one of the council members under the priests of Kah'rah Selti who oversees the nearby town which also has been the target of this attack. He is... a very proud man. He had insisted to be at the front of our efforts to find all who were unaccounted for. With his aid we were able to identify every Avian found, living or deceased. I fear this entire experience has broken his spirits however, each time he wall called to tell us who another of the fallen were, I swear I saw life drain from him. He seems to have aged so much in these past few days."

    A heavy sigh.

    "From survivor accounts we have pieced together the temple and its surrounding town were set upon by pirates. Sky pirates, of avian blood. I've only ever heard of such things, and even then I thought of them as sick jokes rather than reality. Stories conflict on how it all began, but everyone is certain the intent was to sack the temple. Much of Kah'rah Selti was built and maintained with hundreds upon hundreds of priceless relics from the age before the Great Withdrawal, almost all of which have been lost. I am still having such a difficult time understanding why even outcasted Avians such as these... these pirates would take part in such a massacre."

    "We offered to transport those who remained to another temple, to new homes, but Elder Feltic has insisted on remaining behind, to rebuild. Several others have decided to remain as well, leaving us with eighteen refugees with us. I could not leave the sick and young behind, not when they were ill equip to accommodate them. Thankfully Elder Feltic agreed this was for the best and we both parted on good terms. I have sent word back to Avos of what has happened here, and requested some sort of aid be sent... I have my doubts such a request will be answered however. For all the admiration of title appoints me to the commonwealth, I fear I do not hold enough political sway to garner such a favor from Avos.

    Al'cah has assured me those in his care will all recover in time, but some wounds cannot be mended with herb and bandage. I worry for the youngest among them, Swandancer especially. In the few times I managed to visit the treatment rooms which had been established in my ship, she did nothing but weep and nothing I could say could dissuade her... "

    There was a soft thunk of something heavy on the surface the recording device sat. The voice remained quiet for quite some time before finally speaking again.

    "Now that we are to leave Kah'rah Selti I hope to spend more time with those we have taken under our wing so I can begin my own healing, of their souls."

    "Kluex, give me strength."

    "Entry end."