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Glitch physiology(open for discussion)

Discussion in 'Unofficial Lore Discussion' started by Khaltor, May 18, 2016.

  1. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    The inner workings of the Glitch
    The Glitch are artificial beings, most likely created to simulate the evolution of a humanoid species.
    Despite the fact that Glitch are constructs, similar to androids in that respect, there are quite a few who would debate over whether or not they can be considered to be "alive".

    If we go by a common definition of "life":
    "The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism."
    we can conclude that the Glitch fulfill some, yet not all of these functions.

    General physiology
    Through interactions between the Glitch and other species, initially the Florans and Avians, the systems that support a Glitch's life functions have inspired a lot of technological innovations, in the form of long distance communication systems, bio-fuel generators, scanning and sensory technology.

    A Glitch's skin is made from an aluminium alloy, with a steel frame to provide support.
    Their internal sytems are supported by circuitry which provides their various modules with electrical energy, which allows them to function. Glitch are also required to regularly provide their joints with some oil in order to maintain their functionality.

    When Glitch get hurt they do not recover in a conventional way.
    They are able to deconstruct parts of themselves, and in a similar way, reconstruct and repair certain parts of their mechanical body. These repairs however, do take a rather long time, since they aren’t just welding a metal arm back together.
    Their internal systems are significanty more complicated, as they have to reconnect the wiring in their body parts, among other things.
    The repair process takes quite a lot of time, effort and materials, in order for them to be able to repair their damaged body and this process is apparantly quite painful.

    Glitch do not possess a set lifespan, but can live on as long as they keep their parts maintained properly or until they are killed or experience a fatal error. Some Glitch have been known to become centuries old.

    Glitch are also able to remotely, or via a wired connection, interface with other machines.
    The Glitch body generates some heat, so in general a cool climate agrees with the machinery within them. However, in climates that are extremely cold, their inner circuits may freeze and they will shut down. This makes extremely cold climates also very dangerous to the Glitch. Warm climates however, would obviously have a bad effect on their machinery, since it could be more prone to overheat.

    Glitch are immune to most poisons and disease, but they are in fact susceptible to EMP’s. it would seem that because of their makeup, which is mostly mechanical but not entirely, or just pretty well isolated, just knock them out for a while. Acidic and corrosive substances may corrupt a Glitch’s outer shell and damage its inner systems as well.

    Contrary to popular belief, the Glitch are required to breathe, to allow some of their internal systems to function properly. Additionally it should be kept in mind that Glitch are generally considered to be somewhat waterproof, yet they avoid swimming altogether as they tend to sink. Once they reach a depth where water pressure becomes an issue, water leakage will be detrimental to the functionality of a Glitch's internal systems.

    In terms of speech it should be noted that Glitch are not capable of proper intonation.
    This is why hivemind Glitch tend to use prefixes in their speech.
    Outcasts however are capable of learning to speak with proper intonation, however, some prefer the usage of prefixes, or keep using them out of force of habit.

    Glitch possess various sensory systems and an analytical central processing unit, which allows them to sense and analyse a large amount of information at once. This sensory information works in tandem with their scanning capabilities.

    Glitch are capable of hearing, through mechanical modules, specifically designed for that purpose.
    In terms of sensory capability, a Glitch's sense of hearing is nothing special.

    Glitch possess an artificial sense of smell, which works also enhances their sense of taste, which is something quite common in most organic lifeforms.

    A Glitch's optics, similar in function when compared to other species, are quite impressive in the sense that they are somewhat customizeable. Glitch have been known to possess infra-red vision, night vision and in rare cases they have sensors which are capable of picking up signs of life and micro vision.

    Glitch possess an artificial tongue and mouth opening, which allows them to consume organic food.
    This tongue allows the Glitch to taste their food, similar to other organisms.


    Glitch possess a sense of pain, as they have a rudimentary nervous system under their aluminum skin.
    Additionally, Glitch possess some form of self-diagnostics system which informs their central processing unit on their overal "health". This nervous system also allows for a somewhat dull sense of touch.

    Glitch, despite being robotic in nature, closely resemble the other humanoid species in terms of metabolism. Studies suggest that they consume organic food, like most other humanoid species, which is converted into energy by a special bio-matter generator wich allows them to recharge their power cells.

    They also seem to drink a variety of fluids, this can be either because of a pre-programmed need to consume them, or to refill certain fluids that allow their machinery to function. Although Glitch cannot be poisoned by conventional poison, the liquids they consume still have to be clean. Sludge or toxic substances can still damage the Glitch's inner workings. Some Glitch, upon consumption of a large amount of alcoholic beverages, have a significant change in their behavioural patterns. Their speech changes and they seem to emulate a drunken state as can be observed in organic creatures. It is speculated that the consumption of a large amount of alcoholic drinks influences the energy conversion process the Glitch possess, it creates a fluctuation in their power levels, which causes a "drunken" state.

    A nearly depleted fuel cell will either recreate a feeling of hunger or exhaustion, if the glitch has eaten it will probably be the latter. Glitch have to sleep in order to save energy, similar to a computer that goes into stand-by mode. They "recharge" by converting food into energy, this process is able to recharge them sufficiently while they are asleep because in this state their systems expend less energy. Glitch also experience dreams and nightmares, as a result of processing memories and other data in their sleep.

    In order for the bio-matter conversion unit to properly function, Glitch are required to breathe, to provide the converter with a steady supply of oxygen.

    Mental capabilities
    Hivemind Glitch possess limited mental capabilities, determined by the role they were assigned by their hivemind programming. A hivemind peasant only knows how to work the land, whereas a blacksmith will be able to repair its fellow Glitch and forge weapons and armor for its community. They are generally quite limited by their medieval aesthetic, however they do possess some modern technology, which they believe to be "magic".

    Outcast Glitch however are different, they are not limited by the medieval mindset the hivemind programming provides and are capable of learning to integrate modern techonology in their own systems.
    As a result of breaking free from their hivemind programming, some Glitch Outcasts have access to more advanced knowledge of technology which was previously barred from them by their hivemind programming.

    Gender and reproduction
    Technically the Glitch are genderless. They lack the reproductive organs found in organisms to qualify as either male, or female. But one might argue that there is a difference in apparent gender. A male Glitch simulates, in general, behaviour that can be attributed to male specimens and vice versa. Their head modules, more specifically the decorations on these modules and the shape of their torso, are indicators to this apparent gender, as well as the tone of their voices.

    The Glitch reproductive process is quite fascinating.
    Historical records state that a long time ago, before the dawn of the “Outcasts” or “Enlightened Glitch”, the Glitch did not know how to create others of their kind. After some time they discovered how to reproduce, however, it would seem this reproductive process wasn’t without flaws.

    When two Glitch come together they can create a new Glitch, if the materials are present.
    The construction process is an intimate experience with their Glitch partner, where information of each “parent” comes together to create a new Glitch personality.
    The imperfections that are created by this process, in turn cause a number of errors, which may dissolve their Glitch Hive-Mind programming.
    #1 Khaltor, May 18, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
    2 people like this.
  2. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    • Different kinds of in-built vision available
    • Able to connect with computers/machines, and directly interact with them
    • Minor mechanical customization options for role play fluff, not god moding (in built radio= OK, Missile launchers/nuclear batteries = OP))
    • Poison, Disease immunity
    • Quicker recovery through repair instead of healing, but still takes a lot of time, effort and pain
    • Computer-like mind.
    • EMPs knock them out
    • Hive-Minded society, Outcasts, Severing and Relinking of Hive-Mind
    • Lack of intuition, or instinct.
    • Need food to refuel their energy reserves.
    • They have a mouth that opens horizontally.
    • The food to fuel conversion process uses oxygen, so they require to breathe like any other race.
    • Recover quickly through repair, similar to Floran regeneration, but still takes quite some OOC downtime because otherwise it’d be too unfair towards the other organics + it makes more sense.
    • They feel PAIN
    • They can freeze and overheat.
    • They are likely to use prefixes in their speech.
    • They sleep.
    Rough first draft based on:
    Feedback would be very much appreciated.
    Feel like it might need more work than I initially thougt.
    #2 Khaltor, May 18, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016