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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Finestein Goodlad, May 30, 2014.

  1. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    Where can I gather some lore on glitch? Like I am trying to learn whenever or not they have a diety and if it's possible for them to talk without having to refer to their emotion first.
  2. Goldsum

    Goldsum New Member

    Apr 27, 2014
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  3. Farcry11

    Farcry11 Guest

    A while back I made up some gods for the Glitch. They're a tribunal, actually.

    The Tribunal pretty much consists of three very, very large Glitches called the Swordsman, the Sorcerer, and the Smith. They all reflect some aspects of Glitch life and culture.

    Feel free to use it. The universe is endless, and the lore is open to imagination.
  4. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Be careful. While there's a lot of things that are commonly accepted being made up, making up something canon for any race race is frowned upon unless it's something your character believes in and tries others to believe in too, i.e: it's ok if your character believes in the Tribunal and tries other characters it meets to believe in it too, but if you want to set The Tribunal as glitch lore, that needs consent from community since you're trying to change something everyone making glitches has to think when making up their backstories, and can even conflict with them in some cases.

    If you are thinking of it being canon and want to try, nudge it over and bring it up to Suggestions subforum, where people will give their oppinions, point out or ask about something you possibly miss, etc. Make sure the idea is developed, though, right now it's only foundation with no structure at all.
  5. Farcry11

    Farcry11 Guest

    Well I wasn't saying it was the standard Glitch religion, it's just a general idea that can be used by players if they want to.
  6. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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  7. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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  8. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    It is plausible for some sects of Glitch outside the hivemind to follow a God or set of God(s) due to their free will, but bear in mind that due to their self-awareness as sentient automatons and their awareness that they were built artificially by someone that genuinely exists, it's fair to say that most outside the hivemind would be Godless.

    As for inside the hivemind, due to their medieval attitudes, it could be postulated that could have their own personal religion. A religion does not need the presence (i.e. A God) to be considered a religion, but these kinds of cases are rare. However, the only thing that comes close to being considered God-like in Glitch lore is the Doom Lord, as noted in this snippet for the comment on the Doom Lord's Helm.

    If you want to get extra technical about it, the Eye Guards are Glitch in nature, down to the architecture of the towers they're located with and the content inside them. They seem cult-like in their intentions and allude to someone called a 'Dread Lord', which means that there is some proof that Glitch are capable of believing other things. Do not take this as an absolute, though: It could be just as likely that the developers decided to use a Glitch model as a temporary means of using the armor instead of an actual, more fitting NPC.

    (To note, the quote on them talking about Dread Lords isn't there because the dialouge table in that page is incomplete, and still missing some quotes. For now, you'll have to take my word for it until the proper quote can be located and posted on there. I should know: I wrote the article in the first place.)

    All in all, the best rule of thumb to follow is if you want to add something to the lore, keep it external: Never declare anything as actual canon unless it does become canon by the original creators. By residing in plausibility, you're giving yourself space to work with while making sure no future updates (especially ones regarding lore) harm whatever idea you have in the first place, and prevents the usage of retcons.