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Glitch Lore Queries

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rezima, Aug 13, 2015.


Full Metal Glitch Or Sythetic Materials?

  1. Full metal

    8 vote(s)
  2. A mixture of both

    14 vote(s)
  3. Full synthetic

    3 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Local Bird Admin here, with a question...For YOU.

    The staff is currently hard at work writing proper guides for all the races, filled with all the generally accepted lore and traits of each of the races. We are attempting to make a clear server canon to prevent future confusion with new and old players, but we have some questions for you guys about some aspects of it.

    This time around, the glitch! Which we are all a bit stuck on, none of us really played any glitch, and we were thinking of just using the chucklefish canon as is, with a few very minor tweaks.

    Would you guys be okay with this? If not, what changes or ideas would you suggest? (keep it simple and short if you can, if you can't fit it into a twitter post, simplify it)

    Also, something I personally am curious to know your thoughts on.
    In my own personal head canon(bear with me), the glitch were never made of metal, but rather a mix of lightweight flexible polymers, ceramics and other synthetic materials, with SOME metal bits.

    Is this a good or interesting idea? Am I being a huge dumb idiot with an even dumber headcanon? Berate me about it below!
  2. Thewaltham

    Thewaltham New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    I imagine that they would have metal plating, with some plastic/rubber/some sort of fancy nanopolymer parts, especially around joints for movement.
  3. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Traditional lore would makes me want to say "Glitch are fully metallic", but the side of me who wants to ensure balance says it is better off if they are partly synthetic. I'll go with the middle ground, but either one works for me.

    Also, the only thing I would do is encourage people to avoid simple/robotic prefixes such as "statement" and "query" and use the richer prefixes ("cheerful", "doubtful", "concerned", "sarcastic", "mocking", etc...) instead.
  4. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    I always liked the impression that the Glitch are just as technologically advanced as other races (if not more so), their medieval aesthetics are cultural/tradition programming.
    (Kinda like Avians with their temple styling.)
    Unbound Glitch bucking the trend, obviously.
    Also; I'd wager a guess that Gltich-composition would vary alot with when/where they were made? Older using heavier, thicker plates, newer using synthetic, lighter ones.
    Internals being rubber, hydraulics, electrical, etc.
    . . .
    (Also I had an idea for laser muskets, but that's probably dumb. Like, big laser single shot, reload a battery. Nvm.)
    Glitch-speak is a-ok as it sits. Genuinely enjoy that angle, wish more people played Glitch somedays.
  5. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    My two cents as a player is that I think it'd be best to use the slightly tweaked chucklefish lore, since that would keep the strange and somewhat humorous nature of the Glitch without keeping the parts that are just outright silly. I can definitely see how people could want it to go in just about any direction though.
  6. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Starbound - A basic guide to the inner workings of the Glitch By Professor Oak (IC/OOC) [Khaltor] | Starbound Roleplay
    ^ An interpretation of the Glitch.
    I believe in the guide it is assumed that the Glitch have an outer metallic casing, while the insides are a blend of metallic and synthetic materials.

    I also don't think Glitch are able to build new Glitch entirely, but that they use spare Glitch parts, though there is no proof for that interpretation. The only source that would be close to proof would be the fact that they weren't able to make a Glitch army for the would-be king, although this was before the dawn of the outcasts.
  7. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I am with Tallen. Gltich have a metallic exterior, and a more synthetic inner.

    I also feel that the whole mono voice box/prefix should be more up to the player to choice. Like Try-V2 gave him a mono-tone voice box, without using the prefixes. I feel it gives him a bit of a uniqueness to his character as an organic will not know exactly his current emotions state by just his voice, other then the raising and lowering of volume.

    Also Players of glitches should get a choice to have their glitches altered (minimally and more cosmetic). Like voice boxes, 1 extra mod (like in Khaltor guide, but limited. I'll explain later), types of hands (three fingered, five, or just two like a claw) or feet, etc.

    In regards to the 1 extra mod it should be kept simple and link them with the head mod chooses in the character creation. Granted common sense need to be use, however if it is use is the next question. However player can choose 1 mod if they want one or keep them simple and more stylish, like hair or extra head or visual plating. Those with brains mobs, I think they being should have more of an organic type personality then standard glitches.


    Antenna Mods:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] Internal Radios, radars, motion sensors, etc.
    Vision Mod:
    [​IMG] Infrared, low light, night vision, analyzers, etc.

    Again this is just a suggestion.
  8. SP3CTR3

    SP3CTR3 Flipping Tables at ignorance!

    May 13, 2015
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    I also feel like there should be some choice in the creation of your glitch. For instance Cy is pretty damned damaged and I try to play him that way. He's always screwing up the prefixes, putting them at the end of the sentence or in the middle of a paragraph. I feel like as long as I'm telegraphing my characters emotional state it should be good. I think there are a few people who are sticklers for this idea and I'd love to hear what's wrong with it. Glitch shouldn't be played like simple robots, because even current canon agrees that they are not, they should be played like a race of synthetic creatures which is very different, as well as more flexible than a robot, both mentally and obviously culturally. I always relate them to transformers in that way.
    #8 SP3CTR3, Aug 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2015