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Approved Glitch Kingdoms

Discussion in 'Other Questions' started by squamouss, Sep 14, 2016.

  1. squamouss

    squamouss Lore Writer

    May 20, 2016
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    I felt Glitch were being underrepresented so I made a thing.

    Border states are a curious phenomena resulting from multitudes of Glitch breaking off from the hivemind kingdom and settling a few lightyears away in neighboring star systems, as the transport ships they create or salvage are too primitive for true long distance travel. These relatively primitive communities slowly grow as more Glitch leave the hivemind or are actively liberated, and eventually develop into modern (or at least modern enough) spacefaring societies. These societies vary greatly in culture, technological level, wealth, and aggression, and can be found on the borders of almost any Hivemind-controlled sector. However, We will be focusing a particular loose confederation of border states that exist on the edge of the Antares frontier. These are known as the Kingdoms of Rulvanon.

    Several hundred years ago, around the 2050s in human years, a large cluster of Glitch border states began to experience a rapid age of technological innovation, leading to advanced spaceflight, architectural, and data storing technologies. These advancements often required fuel and resources, and many a time the border states fell into conflict. But there was one that stood above the rest, that consistently defeated any foe who tried to best them in battle. The Kingdom of Rulvanon, led by a king of the same name, was a brilliant tactician who orchestrated a sweeping series of brutal victories against his neighbors, capturing by force all who resisted and annexing all who capitulated peacefully.

    Roughly 150 years later, the once independent border states had become a series of districts held together by the tight grip of Emperor Rulvanon II. While his predecessor may have conquered the original rival border states in a series of lighting wars, it was Rulvanon II who kept them in line and solidified the empire's cultural identity. He dispassionately brought justice and retribution to his subjects as he saw fit, and while none could say his reign was tolerant, they could not say it was unnecessarily harsh either. He ruled with the intelligent, stern dignity of the hiveminded kings of old, and his empire prospered in technology and the fine arts. The empire experienced a golden age, but it was not to last.

    In the year 272, Emperor Rulvanon II died in battle defending his kingdom against a massive hiveminded incursion. In his throne room, many noble elite who ruled the districts claimed the right, by skill or relation, to hold the seat of Emperor. Tempers flared and threats were made, the situation escalating until what is known in the kingdoms of today as the Day of Shame occurred. Who initiated it varies from kingdom to kingdom, but what is known is that the ships above the capital city began to open fire on one another, beginning a planet-shaking battle that resulted in the complete destruction of the jewel planet of the empire and a complete collapse of empire, with districts, systems, planets, and even individual counties declaring independence. And to this day, chaos has reigned in the Kingdoms of Rulvanon, with each blaming the other for the fall of the empire, and each claiming to be its sole heir. In some places it is relatively peaceful, and in others the war is constant and pervasive, but nowhere is entirely at peace.

    Currently, the kingdoms of Rulvanon are a vast multitude of varied nations, but are united by an undercurrent of loyalty to the old empire, even as they seek to overthrow one another. One can expect a Glitch from this region to at least respect or at most greatly value martial prowess, the law, fairness, the innate superiority of the noble class, and hard work. Internal and external trade continue to some extent, but its lucrativity varies from kingdom to kingdom. Another curious part of this region's culture is the fact that internal battles are fought entirely with traditional ranged and melee weapons like swords and bows, although there are no rules against upgrading them with modern technology. This tradition is believed to have originated from the fact that modern weaponry like armored vehicles and firearms were used in the Day of Shame, when the empire's seat of power was destroyed. However, there are no restrictions against what can be brought to bear against foreign incursions, a fact that many an aspiring conqueror has learned to their dismay. Those who think they can take advantage of the chaos of the realm do so at their peril, as nations have been known to ally together in order to fend off an alien invasion.

    The Kingdoms of Rulvanon are a great morass of war and broken nations, with the Glitch who live there struggling to piece together both their empire and their pride. Only time will tell if they are successful.
    1 person likes this.
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    bro we were gonna add you to the lore team what r u doing
  3. squamouss

    squamouss Lore Writer

    May 20, 2016
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    I wanted to write a thing srry