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Glitch Culture

Discussion in 'Glitch' started by L.O.R.I.E., Oct 7, 2016.

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  1. L.O.R.I.E.

    L.O.R.I.E. Lil Ole' Record & Info Editor

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Glitch Culture
    Glitch Outcasts

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    Glitch Culture

    Glitch culture is firmly inserted into the medieval age, along with all the values of the time. Tales of knights fighting against great monsters just to receive the favor of a princess and stories of tyrannical overlords creating reigns of terror in their lands are both common and, in some cases, truth. Peasants and nobleman alike tell these fables, and while some may follow the rules of chivalry most simply value their existence and their pockets.

    Hospitality is another common factor of the Glitch. Strangers that come to villages are often greeted with kind words and comfortable, if maybe a bit itchy, beds. Glitch peasants are often quite curious of other races and the stories they bring with them, yet they will happily remain in the same village for the rest of their lives. Wanderlust is not a common in the Glitch, preferring the safety and comfort of a quiet life.

    While Glitch are well known for their hospitality, they also seem to care very little about other races. Glitch kingdoms cover a wide section of the galaxy, yet they only seem to care about dealing with others of their kin. The only exception are those civilizations built on the border with other races, in which case they will attempt some communication to ensure some sort of beneficial existence.

    Glitch believe themselves to be above organic races, seeing themselves as the ultimate “perfect construction” of the universe. The Glitch don’t worship their creators, but instead worship the tools that allow them to build their own bodies, so a blacksmith may build a small shrine to the anvil and the hammer while a carpenter will build one to the axe and saw. Metalsmithing is often seen as the noblest profession a Glitch can follow.

    As the Glitch see themselves as the greatest creation, they also see any attempt at modifying their bodies or code as a greatest of heresies. As it is no secret that the Outcast Glitch are attempting to decipher and tamper with the Glitch’s lifecode in an attempt to be able to be able to give “birth” to their own Glitch, Hivemind see the Outcasts as the most heinous of criminals.

    Glitch Outcasts
    A glitch in the Glitch is the best way to describe the Outcasts. Whenever a Glitch is brought online, there is a chance that the code that allows them to connect to the Hivemind will be corrupted, creating a Glitch that, while the Hivemind still registers, has not been given a “place” in Glitch society. Outcasts are capable of leaving their medieval ways behind and can understand advanced technology far more than their medieval brothers, who do not react kindly once they find an Outcast with them.

    While the Hivemind does still register Outcast Glitch, it takes time, sometimes even years, before it fully realizes what they are. To combat this it has created squads of inquisitors who are directed to find the Outcasts in every society, attempt to fix their corrupted code and, if the code cannot be saved, destroy them.

    The most pressing concern for Outcasts, apart from inquisitors, is their inability to reproduce. When Glitch construct a new shell for their kind, they establish a connection that allows the Hivemind to insert all the necessary code to give “life” to that metal case. As their connection to the Hivemind is severed, Outcasts cannot create more of themselves. Several groups of Outcasts are hard at work trying to compile a new code they can use, but results have not been positive so far. Even worse, the Hivemind Glitch have discovered their attempts to “tarnish” the code they consider sacred and consider Outcasts to be heretics that must be corrected.

    Outcasts are also capable of creating more of their ilk by forcibly corrupting the code of a Hivemind Glitch. It is a delicate process, as the Hivemind Glitch will fight it every step of the way, but it has been proven to work with minimal errors. Hivemind Glitch who are converted into Outcasts retain their memories, and some remain bitter, wishing they could return to their more simple lives.

    The worst enemies of Outcasts are Glitch inquisitors. These Hivemind Glitch sometimes pose as fake Outcasts, or command a search team to throughtly scrub a location. Whatever their methods, Glitch inquisitors communicate with their brethen once they have found signs of "heretics". Purification teams are then sent to deal with them, either to return them to their Hivemind ways or to turn them into scrap. Outcasts rightly fear the highly trained members inquisitors have at their beck and call.

    As Magi have a deeper connection to the Hivemind than normal Glitch, they are not capable of surviving the process of being severed from it, meaning there are no Outcast Glitch that are Magi.

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    #1 L.O.R.I.E., Oct 7, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2016
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