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Glitch Built Self Aware?

Discussion in 'Unofficial Lore Discussion' started by Clawmaster, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Clawmaster

    Clawmaster New Member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    So, I've always been under the impression that Glitch have the chance to develop the self-awareness to escape medieval society. But when reading the wiki more closely I discovered this:
    "According to Tiy's description of the race, the Glitch apparently reproduce when a pair of Glitch literally construct a new Glitch from scratch. Occasionally, however, errors emerge in the process, and this results in Glitches who are fully self-aware and freed of their medieval programming. These Glitch (often called "outcasts") are hunted down mercilessly by their own kind, who deem them as being insane: some, however, escape, forming villages across the cosmos."

    So according to this snip it from the starbound wiki, it shows that Glitch don't become self aware, they are built that way. When two glitch get together to build a new glitch there can be errors which lead to it being built self aware. Just thought I post this here to ask if this fact also carries over into Antares lore.
  2. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    I think it's possible though, that a Glitch constructed with errors may not become self aware imediately, it could be a hardware failure or software bug that occurs later down the line that causes them to become fully aware. Sometimes things built inccorectly function normally at first and then something messes up.
  3. SP3CTR3

    SP3CTR3 Flipping Tables at ignorance!

    May 13, 2015
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    I think it's hard to say what they mean exactly here, that some of this cannot be taken word for word as gospel. Especially since 'self-aware' behavior can already be seen in all of those medieval towns you run across. So linking the medieval into it is just silly. That's just Glitch culture. They are a race of intelligent artificial creatures. Even though they have a creator, they aren't just robots any more, they are a self reproducing race. Due to some error in their creator's plan however they got stuck in the medieval time period, I guess...even that doesn't make much sense but whatever.
  4. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    This is my interpretation of the Glitch lore:

    First there was a progenitor race.
    This progenitor race created the Glitch, a "race" of robots who simulate humanoid lifeforms.
    There were different kinds of Glitch, most of them were destroyed, but one of them got stuck in the Medieval "mindset".
    Glitch didn't know how to reproduce.
    Glitch eventually figured out how to reproduce, but their offspring was imperfect, causing software errors which led to the birth of the Outcasts.
    A Glitch built by two hivemind Glitches is initially also a hivemind Glitch, but becomes self-aware over time. I think it would be plausible that if two Outcast glitch reproduce the offspring is born self-aware, thus an Outcast. This would also stay in the same theme of a medieval outcast, offspring of outcasts were automaticaly labeled as outcasts as well.
    Upon becoming Outcasts Glitch could access advanced technologies, while still, in "most cases" choosing to keep the medieval aesthetic.
    Some Hivemind Glitch also have access to this advanced technologies, but to the general hivemind populace it seems like "magic". This also explains why the Hivemind Glitch have a mixture of medieval and futuristic items. FTL travel is magic, spaceships are magic, etc... I believe there's a point in the abridged avian lore where the avians didn't realise the Glitch they encountered, which were Hivemind, were capable of FTL travel, I think they described it as magic, i'll have to read up on that.
  5. SP3CTR3

    SP3CTR3 Flipping Tables at ignorance!

    May 13, 2015
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    This is the official lore from the pages of the official wiki:
    I just wanted to draw attention to the fact that they do reproduce and were a created race, but still a race that has grown to become it's own thing...obviously. They have culture, like organic races, what they create is occasionally an imperfect(ie: a mutation) reproduction of the parents. This becomes your outcast glitch society over time.

    I also wanted to note here that they draw a distinction between fully self aware and semi-self aware, by this I believe they mean those not attached to the Hive-Mind. So the fully self-aware glitch goes on to escape the homeworld(s) and these become the player glitch.

    Also, because they were a social simulation, they have existed for probably thousands if not hundreds of thousands of generations, where they eventually got stuck at the medieval styled cultural level. The reason I wanted to point this out is that the glaring elephant in the room is suggesting that there is a Glitch factory somewhere, pumping out hive-minded glitches, that just can't be the case.
    #5 SP3CTR3, Aug 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2015
  6. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Frankly.... Tiy's lore says it all.

    This to me means a chance. Weather they are immediately self-aware or down the road, either way there is a CHANCE for self-awareness.

    I honestly don't know why this is even a discussion. Tiy's lore says it all with optimal words like "occasionally", "error", "emerge", "process", lastly "process." What more do you want? Really I think this is a over thought about topic. Hell even if you just went wit occasionally the definition and synyoms of it says it all:

    synonyms: sometimes, from time to time, (every) now and then, (every) now and again, at times, every so often, (every) once in a while, on occasion;periodically, at intervals; irregularly, sporadically, infrequently,intermittently, on and off, off and on

    If that does not mean chance, then I don't know what does.
  7. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    All right, this is my time to shine. I had actually just recently read up on as much Glitch lore as I could get my hands on since I'm planning to make a new Glitch character once the anomaly rolls out. So without further ado, here is the whole rundown:

    Originally, [1] Tiy introduced the Glitch by explaining that they were created as a simulation for social and technological progress of a civilization. The experiments took place in a vast number of regions across the Universe. Each civilization eventually progressed so far technologically, that it ended up destroying itself.

    The one exception was the Glitch. Tiy then says, "For reasons unknown a fault caused the Glitch to become stuck early in the simulation, where they now remain." However, the lore has since expanded.

    In, [2] "A Glitch Introduction," it's revealed that, "the Glitch were left to expand and evolve, eventually deconstructing themselves to discover that they were artificial. Glitch understanding of the world led to the realization that an artificial species must have a creator." It's then stated that this is the reason as to why the Glitch haven't evolved beyond basic construction abilities.

    Tiy's initial explanation as to why Glitch gained self-awareness was that occasionally when two glitch "reproduced" by physically building another glitch, faults would occur that would cause the Glitch to be "born" free from the control of the Hivemind. However again, the lore has since expanded.

    Several codexes, including, [3] "Outcast No More" have given proof that Glitch can develop free will in other ways. In, "Outcast No More," It's stated that, "Severed from the Glitch hivemind, I feel more liberated than I ever have." And, " But now I can think for myself, something bothers me." This implies that the Glitch was once part of the Hivemind, and has since then severed ties with it.

    A really cool and great example is in, [4] "The Severing," Where a hivemind spy is captured by outcasts. "Using technology we have been developing, we are now able to sever ties from the hivemind even if the Glitch in question is not compliant, and so we did here. She will be watched, this new addition, but for now she seems liberated and grateful. Interesting."

    Another kind of humorous example is from, [5] "A pamphlet with a footprint on it." "Do you question the Glitch hivemind? Do you long to have thoughts that are your own? Are you filled with doubts, despair and dismay? We may be able to help. Simply come to We Can't Remember It For You Wholesale, to have your connection from the hivemind severed... FOREVER!"

    This is probably referencing the technology developed in, "The Severing." Either that or it's an amusing trap. However, either way, it's targeting Glitches who have doubts, meaning that a Glitch can develop self-awareness over time.

    And finally, I give you, [6] "A Well-Folded Note."

    "Never have I felt so alone. I am surrounded by my Glitch kin, and yet I know deep down I am an outcast. At night, I sleep, and I dream. Dream! Glitch do not dream. I dream of escape, of journeying beyond the stars, of carving a life out for myself, away from this drudgery.

    My thought process is changing. It terrifies me. I have desires, now. I question things. I almost caught myself second-guessing a directive out loud. I can feel my connection to the central consciousness fading, and while this scares me, there is a feeling of comfort there too."

    So yes. Occasionally Glitch are built self-aware. However, there are other ways that the self-awareness is developed! I hope this helps!

    [1] Introducing the Glitch | Starbound
    [2] A Glitch Introduction - Starbounder - Starbound Wiki
    [3] Outcast No More - Starbounder - Starbound Wiki
    [4] The Severing - Starbounder - Starbound Wiki
    [5] A pamphlet with a footprint on it - Starbounder - Starbound Wiki
    [6] A Well-Folded Note - Starbounder - Starbound Wiki
    #7 Alaystus, Aug 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2015
  8. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Again a non needed discussion as never the less there is a chance of self-awareness. Case close arguments ceased. Bye. Have fun. See you later!

  9. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    Well I don't think it was non-needed per-se. It's useful to anyone who was confused on the lore, or anyone who needs a good reference. The point wasn't to determine if Glitches gained self-awareness, it was to determine how.