(( OOC note: Ginko belonged to a fellow forum member who admitted he didn't know jack about rp'ing a doctor, so he passed the character files to me. If anyone has further info on the people he treated before I started to use him some two days ago I'll be grateful. )) Patient: Thornwarrior, Floran Sprout, male. Information: Slaver's collar, obstructing voice but not food passageway. Treatment: Simple incision and extraction; patient recovering. Notes: Floran is not my specialty, but the book I have with a diagram of Floran anatomy showed me the extraction was rather simple. Had it beem more complex I would have needed a specialist - and specialists on Floran anatomy are certainly going to be hard to find. Patient: Rodrick, Human Farmer, male. Information: Plasma shot to arm, stump half bleeding and half cauterized. Treatment: Wound cleaned, sterilized, and bandaged; patient recovering. Notes: Friend Rodrick was apparently in Asani alongside the Floran Cutekiller. I have seen the situation in Asani with my own eyes previously and I cannot fathom why anyone would even dare step down on that colony once again. The place has been overrun. Rodrick expressed interest in a robotic hand but I am not the correct Hylotl to ask about it. Will see if I can find a caretaker for him. Patient: Cutekiller, Tribal Floran, female. Information: Plasma shot to hand, stump half bleeding and half cauterized. Treatment: Wound cleaned, sterilized, and bandaged; patient recovering. Notes: It turns out not many are willing to help the Floran, though I am not surprised about it. Thankfully simple wounds such as this are within my reach, but anything more complex than Thornwarrior's slaver collar would be beyond my capabilities. This is the second friendly Floran I meet - the fact that it retrieved Rodrick from Asani brings joy to my heart. Patient: Ether, Human, female. Information: Gunshot wound to her flank. Entry and exit wounds. No internal organs punctured, bleeding. Treatment: Wound cleaned and sterilized. Sutured both entry and exit wounds. Wounds bandaged, patient recovering. Notes: Yet another victim of Asani. All of my patients today were there and had to be evacuated quickly. Gunshots and simple wounds do not require specialized knowledge to treat, thankfully, though if anything harder to deal with for when it comes to Humans or Apex I have my new contact, Scarlett. ------------- I came to Antares in search of absolution, and it seems like I've found it. My funds are great and my ship is stocked, but unfortunately I am merely one aged Hylotl. If the last few days are any indication, this land is lawless and unforgiving, and my skills are of great need. I shall remain here and assist all who are in need. The river cannot go back None of us can go back The river must not be afraid to reach the ocean For only then will it realize It is not about to disappear into the ocean But instead become the ocean.
Patient: Splatter, Floran sprout, female. Information: Bullet shot through leg. Small caliber. Entry and exit wounds. Treatment: As usual, wound cleaned and sterilized. Sutured both entry and exit wounds. Wounds bandaged, patient uncooperative - left before full recovery could be done. Notes: Yet another Floran. This sector is very, very inhospitable to them, which is understandable but it is making me start to wonder if I should switch specialties. At the very least brush up my knowledge of Floran anatomy and seek the Starnet for slightly more complex video-surgeries on Florans as well as buying more IV's. The patient was absolutely fascinating - using other creature's blood to paint walls, though it still continued to be very uncooperative even after I made an incision in my hand and allowed it to paint the wall of my clinic with my own blood. Patient refused to stay, and left with the Floran doctor Storm.