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Discussion in 'Archives' started by QuestionableMotives, May 31, 2015.

  1. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    (For context, please read our previous coverage of the Namusk Incident here.)
    The Namusk incident has become something of special interest across almost the entirety of civilized space. About three months ago, the Hylotl exploration vessel, the Namusk, was lost with all hands on her third voyage.
    It has become the source of much controversy, and is comparable to the Dyatlov Pass Incident on Earth. Recently, wreckage of the ship has been found and black box recordings found.
    The ship reported finding an unknown space anomaly, and about two hours later all contact was lost with the Namusk. It took three months to find any wreckage. The first wreckage that was found was a collection of hull plates, all torn and twisted and none bigger than 2 meters. The wreckage from the remainder of the ship was found strewn over an incredible span of over two AU, and in a loose line formation, which is baffling even experts.

    Conspiracy theories are abundant, ranging from aliens, sabotage, pirates, and covert military operations. Currently the most accepted explanation is a catastrophic FTL Drive malfunction causing the ship to tear apart mid-jump. This is supported by the discovery of several small space-time anomalies near the wreckage field. However, recently, recordings from the ship Black Box have torn open the case once more. Listen below, but be warned, it is only recommended to those with strong stomachs.

    Voice 1: "Set jump coordinates for following system coordinates, X - 313, Y 3313, Z 213. Hopefully we can get closer to the anomaly on the radar and get within scanning range."

    Voice 2: "Yessir."

    Voice 3: "Spooling FTL drives, sir. Currently at 50% and climbing."

    Voice 1: "Got it. Laurana, start aligning us with the jump vector and set jump exit speed to zero."

    Laurana: " 'Aye, Captain."

    Silence for about 2 minutes. The thrusters become dimly audible and a humming noise is also audible as the FTL charges up.

    Voice 3: "Sir, we're detecting negative energy fluctuations past the normal amount, stemming from the FTL drive."

    Voice 1: "Continue charging, let me know if it gets worse."

    Voice 3: "Rodger. Drives at 95%."

    Laurana: "In position for jump, accelerating to neccesary pre-jump speeds."

    Voice 3: "Drive spooling is finished, ready for jump."

    Voice 1: "Jump."

    The thrusters can be heard again, and the ship can be heard rattling quietly. All seems normal. Suddenly there is a loud "VWOOSH!" and an eerie silence. It seems as if the ship has entered FTL as normal.

    *Clearly Frantic*
    Voice 3: "Negative energy spiking again! It's over 170% of the drive's limits!"

    Voice 1: "Cut all power to FTL and begin emergency exit procedures!"

    The ship begins rattling audibly again, and strange wooshing sounds can be heard.

    Voice 2: "What is that?!"

    Laurana: "Oh my God!"

    A horrible metal screeching noise can be heard, along with several screams. An explosion is heard, and almost instantly is silence. The silence stretches on for about a minute before the transmission finally ends.

    The recording is source of much speculation. Experts are all pointing to an FTL drive failure as evidenced in the recording, however conspiracy theorists are claiming that the recordings were faked, pointing out that the one crew member mentioned, Laurana, was supposedly not working on the Namusk on the last voyage. However, ever since the Namusk departed Laurana was has been reported missing, which is evidence that she was, in fact, aboard the ship. Investigators do not know why this is.
    Stay tuned for further updates.
  2. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Floran want to know where you find wreckage.
