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From the orbit of Algol Myriad 1 - a

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Tracey, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. Tracey

    Tracey New Member

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Salutations you purveyors of imagination!

    It’s my first time doing legitimate role play, especially one that is so pristine and well regulated. Although, I do have experience doing improvised drama (improv), and I currently run an improv team at my university. To be short: improv is spontaneous role-play.

    For now, I am just testing the waters. My main character, Brasstrace, is an experienced scavenger who tears down Apex labs for steel, and reforges that into usable (buildable) steel- rather than piecemeal something out of different sections. It takes a long time- usually weeks or even months to tear down a lab, since it is so solid (it is made of steel, for cryin out loud). I have a much more cohesive backstory, so if you want to hear more about my character, I would love to create a google doc about it. In fact, I made this intro in a google doc.

    Also, as a kind of “building smith” (a person who creates building out of other buildings since they are too unskilled to mine or smelt ore), I feel that having a huge hammer as my weapon of choice is a great metaphor for my character.

    The main thing I am worried about in role-play is typing, since when I did spontaneous (non legitimate) role-play beforehand (just a bit in Runescape), talking to other players was like typing on a typewriter. It naturally stems the flow of creativity, and I always have a hard time coordinating dialogue with a typewriter. Again, it may be completely natural- I just don’t like it. If you do want to talk to me, or role-play, I have a temporary skype: sirbian5.

    Or maybe teamspeak?

    As this is my first time doing legitimate role play, I would really like help building my character. What suggestions would you like to make? What logical flaws might there be in my character?

    Always yours,
    Tracey (Brasstrace)
  2. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Make whoever you want, pally. It's your story that you want to be a part of our grand story. Think of what you like or have been interested in and then turn it into a character. My dad's a mechanic, so I made a mechanic character that was once an infamous fighter pilot in his sector. He was driven out of his sector and lived isolated on his ship for awhile before coming here. My sister's friend is a pharmacologist so I made a jive-speaking pharmacologist that manufactures drugs.

    I don't really get the whole typing on the typewriter thing. If you're saying that text can sound stiff, I get what you're saying. Sometimes you just gotta be able to think of how a character would say something and just get that down.

    But welcome to Antares. Hope you have a good time here.
  3. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    First off:


    Second off, I think what is he/she is trying to say that they don't like using chat or text for RP and would rather prefer voice acting their character. Which more power to ya, however I don't think that is a viable thing here.