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Freya - Krovi Brewery

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Kumakin, May 29, 2014.

  1. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Krovi Blood Orchard -​

    After taking time to grow the blood tree. I found it produced fruit quickly. Sapping nutrients from the tree on Taranis was probably what did it. The Fruit's had many names in the past but it was always at the heart of the Krovi tradition. I named mine Krovian Hearts. It gave the tribe light, it gave them food, the pools of Sap were great for Floran mainly because it helped them heal from long days of hunting.

    I took it upon myself to go find the remains of a Krovi tree. The seeds could stay dormant for lifetimes, so I wasn't too worried about finding one. After searching through many captains logs. I found a link to a floran tribe associated with the Krovi. The Orchard had unfortunately been burned to the ground in a wildfire. I traveled there and searched through the ashes to see if I could find one.

    After many hours of searching I was ready to give up. When suddenly I found a small flower pot that had been turned over. I discarded it as being a place a seed would be but I felt compelled to check anyways, since I was there, and it was probably the only thing I hadn't flipped over and checked on the barren surface of that planet.

    After turning over the pot I saw it. A little red glowing seed. It looked beautiful against the softly singed ground around it. I picked it up and beamed to my ship. After that I planted the tree in a small incubator pot. The tree grew quite rapidly as it didn't really need the incubator... I think it fused with the DNA of the tree and hybridized. Growing fruit rapidly and growing more and more each day.

    The soft glow at night reminds me of my childhood. The beautiful fruit it produces has many interesting qualities. I'm learning more and more about them...
    #1 Kumakin, May 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  2. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    -Krovi Brewery-​

    After some time I have set up my brewery. It isn't too complex but it gets the job done. I can brew enough Beer to satisfy the needs of Taranis's bar unless the population explodes soon. But Taranis is usually fairly quiet.

    I have noticed events happening around Taranis are causing quite a stir. Something about a wedding or something keeps popping up as a hot topic... This could mean more business or more trouble...

    Anyways... I started brewing more 'Beautiful Knightmare' a fairly strong beer designed to help keep people awake instead of fall asleep. The distilled Krovi Sap acts like a thermogenic keeping the drinker quite warm and feeling really 'Ready-to-go'.

    It was originally used before hunts to make the Krovi Florans a little more motivated to hunt. Sometimes it just spurred random orgies. It was especially popular amongst the male Floran but female Floran would drink it as well.

    Brewing it is fairly easy. I was afraid I would ruin it after my first fermentation period. But it came out quite like I remember it. Bitter and quite malty but it leaves your mouth wanting more.
    #2 Kumakin, May 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2014
  3. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    -Suspicious Sac-​

    I found something interesting when I was cleaning. This sack had formed under the branch... Upon inspection it seems like a reserve pool for excess sap. Out of sheer curiosity I descended on a vine and tried some of the fluid in the sac. It was quite powerful. Sweet and tasty but very strong... I wasn't sure what to think of it...

    I decided to make a barrel out of tree bark and dip it into the fluid. This was a quite difficult task but it was enjoyable after the reaped reward was mine. I keep these in kegs as a reserve of my own wine.

    After drinking a lot of it to test it out... I noticed it first would make you feel quite sleepy and happy. Then as you pass out from the sudden surge of endorphins it makes you dream very... Hmm... Vividly. Great details of things you've always wanted and could never have are all yours. It is really beautiful but alas it is only a dream.

    I remember stories of some Krovi Flroan sleeping most of their lives away drinking this because in their dreams they were happier then they were in reality. These Floran usually were addicted to it. Many elders would tell us it would make us fat and no one would want to mate with us. It usually steered Floran way from drinking it to much.

    I think they called it Dream Wine. I don't rightfully remember though.
    #3 Kumakin, May 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  4. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    -The Story of Venus-
    Meat-Biter Floran and I were traveling about when a group of traders dropped off a slave at Liberty Mills. For the most part it didn't seem like that scenario at first. The Floran did have her hands zip-tied though which was peculiar since most Floran don't like to be tied down. After that the slavers left for some reason. Meat-Biter thinks that they thought we were guards. It made me laugh. "A Floran guard at Liberty Mills? Never essssspecially with ssstupid bird meats around."

    After we saved Venus she was very thankful. She is quite cute for a Floran. She looks underfed and thin but she has a odd hypnotism about her. She can be entrancing, but she is usually quite mild mannered. I haven't really heard her speak above a hylotl fart. That was an odd expression.

    Transitions are weird... She was born into a tribe named 'Trappist' Floran. They live in these large colonies made out of hollowed out plants. Apparently they were usually kidnapped and sold as slaves because they were attractive to humans. She told me some odd stories. One stuck out, "I didn't like being a ssslave obviousssssly but I did enjoy traveling around the galaxiesssssss. I visited many sssectorsss of ssspace and sssaw many thingssss... I didn't like being called a 'Penis Flytrap' by sssstupid human meatssss though. Wanted to rip sssspine out and drink marrow. But zip-tiessss usually ssstopped me."

    I have hired her as a maid. After she finishes cleaning she usually takes a nap in Meat-Biter's bed above the fireplace. I think Venus likes Meat-Biter but Meat-Biter doesn't seem to care. Poor thing.
    #4 Kumakin, May 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  5. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    -Runs in blood sap!-
    Krovi Floran are odd. Not many people have studied the anatomy of them. Their Sap is a mixture of Blood stuff and Sap. The veins produce a red toxin that debilitates most creatures that bite them. Most Krovi just called it Blood but no one was ever really sure.

    For the most part, it is quite venomous to various races. Humans, Avians, Apex get infected and die within hours if not treated but Hylotl for some reason just get quite silly and happy.

    If a Floran drinks Krovi Blood Sap though it acts as a sexual stimulant. A single drop of Blood Sap is enough to make some Floran go berserk. This was a defense mechanism evolved to stop Floran from trying to drain Sap from Krovi Floran.

    The usual result would be a Floran drinking enough Blood Sap to overdose on toxins killing themselves while the Krovi Floran would only lose about a pint or two of Blood Sap.

    Old stories tell of a time when Krovi just had Sap like other Florans. Some say were proud warriors who were enslaved by mean Floran who would only feed them toxic tulips to save food. The Krovi ate them and eventually became immune to the poison over time.

    One odd phenomena is that Krovi will cry tears of Blood Sap when sad.

    Originally Krovi were red as well. They say the toxins over time made them a more ornate hue of orange.

    I have been using my own tears to make a drug called Flux. One tear makes ten vials. One part blood one part Krovi Heart juice. The drug acts as a sexual stimulant for Floran. In small doses it causes euphoric effects with odd dissociative amnesia.

    For instance lets say a Floran ran around naked and ate random things.
    The next day he would think he had gone to the fields and hunted animals and ate them.
    It replaces the time spent with a false memory.
    #5 Kumakin, May 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2014
  6. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Floran like stupid puppy-
    ((OOC note. His hands are tied behind his back with vines and a vine goes from his hands to his ankles. There is also one vine going around his chest and a barrel that is keeping him upright. ))​

    Metalman John dropped off this little Floran for some reason. He is quite spiky and he doesn't look normal. He is also quite drunk. I hope he is okay.

    I ended up dropping him off near Bloodsinger's room... In hindsight that was probably a bad idea too... But bringing a drunk Floran to a brewery?

    Stupid Metalman.
    #6 Kumakin, May 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2014
  7. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Harsh Love -
    Sharptooth is a interesting floran... She cares about her tribesman but yet she keeps making dumb decisions. I feel she is falling from her grace. She once was a powerful figure but is now reduced to jokes of savagery. She has a big heart for a Floran. Not physically. She cares.

    Had to cut her off from supply. She said she needed to 'relax' I kept feeding her drugs and alcohol like it was a panacea for her 'Stress'. I realize. She is acting as a shallow husk of what she was. I hope one day that through this turmoil she rises from the ashes... Like the mighty phoenix the ape meat would chatter about every once and a while.

    After she took in some of my Sap, Sharptooth Floran became quite addicted to the poison. She couldn't stop drinking... To think I almost killed the Chief without lifting a finger...

    I had to make her realize she was losing control... I may have been harsh but... Any Floran who loves their mate has to be hard on them sometimes. I also noticed some fingerprints on the cover. I am going to be adding a latch to this diary to retain its secrecy.
  8. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - New worlds to see -
    It was hard to leave the tree...

    I decided it was for the best to just get things together and grab the rest of my Krovi Seeds and just go. I'm not sure where I'm going or when I'll get there but I felt trapped on Taranis. Being safe in the tree was hard to to justify. The wood of the branch echoed eerily as the wind passed through it... Maybe I'll return one day. Probably met with hostility or stern and silent disapproval.

    -A tear stains the page and there is a small picture of a tree scribbled in the diary-
  9. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Avian Teddy Bear, Limited edition -
    This was an eventful night... I was testing a new drug labeled 'Delerium Absurdum' which is all in all pretty much what it says. It makes you feel really hazy and fogs your mind. Things that are comfortable are doubly so. Blankets feel like they are woven with the tears of angels and a pillow feels like a god-like face cushion.

    Unfortunately the feathers on an Avian feel like that of a 10,000 thread count Duval blanket. I think what happened in my hazy state was that I dragged Captain too the tree in the tribal grounds and took him as my Avian teddy bear for the night. Unfortunately for him Sharptooth and some other Floran named Quickclaw found him before I sobered up. The proceeding chatter sounded like blithering jabber whilst I was quite thirsty and hungry.

    I thought Captain was married though... I wonder what would happen if his wife found out? Probably far worse then what Sharp and Quick whatever would do...
  10. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Ripped your heart out? -
    (( OOC note This page was ripped out of the diary and thrown into the fountain on Taranis. ))​
    After deciding to leave I left this notebook in my rush.. I came back to retrieve it and Sharptooth was waiting. She had gotten my message quite quickly. She flashed me her chest with a grievous scar where her heart would be. She told me she had to get a new heart because my blood caused her to go through deep withdrawals...

    I felt so horrible when I heard her say that. I never wanted to hurt her. I just wanted to leave because I got tired of living in the tree like some kind of caged animal. The Floran who visit the tree sometimes are far from civilized. I mean I know the tree is supposed to be where the Floran of the tribe release their primal urges but sometimes it is hard to hold a conversation more then a few seconds before some gets knocked out, drugged, beaten or yelled at.

    Maybe the Apemen did change me. I'm not normal. I can say that much but, something about this tree is off-setting... I had a gun pointed at me while I was drugged and the person wielding it showed no hesitation in pulling the trigger if I tried to go past them. What kind of tribe points guns at one another. I know Sharp cares but I feel that other Florans in this tribe would rather kill other Florans then solve issues. People wonder why the tree has a bad reputation.

    I like being there but sometimes I only like being there to be near Sharptooth...
    #10 Kumakin, Jun 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2014
  11. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    ((I wonder if she realizes that Quickclaw saved her ass.))
  12. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    (( She was pretty out of her mind. She didn't really understand what was going on. Essentially the details are pretty hazy. Captain had a crush on Freya a long time ago before he was married so she wasn't too worried about Captain trying anything. ))
  13. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    ((Perhaps Quickclaw will visit her sometime, apologize, saying what she did was for her protection, yadda yadda yadda.))
  14. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Old friends. True Feelings. -
    Captain the bird man came to visit. He was asking odd questions about relationships. Then he tried to make me out to be some kind of promiscuous Floran who needed to mate whenever I could. I could understand the assumption but I guess I don't really have the desire. I lust over others but I don't really act on it. Maybe once or twice to be fair...

    After sipping on tea and thinking I took what he said and thought about it. He kept contradicting himself. "You don't need to love someone to mate with them." Seems odd of a married man to say that. After some time he admitted he had never mated with a Floran and it was one of his 'Desires'. I would not be happy with myself to ruin his relationship with his wife.

    I did give him a vial of my 'Delirium Absurdum.' He could really rekindle his relationship with that. At least I hope. Might just liquify all his insides. I never tested it on an avian. Oh well.
  15. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Wrapped in the veil of darkness Chapter 1 -
    As I stand enveloped in the darkness.

    I look up to see the beauty I am being shaded by. The tremendous size and statuesque beauty is nothing I have ever seen before... Nature is truly the most beautiful creature.

    It almost makes me feel better about clearing that temple of the Avians who were worshipping some stupid bird... They made good fertilizer for my experiment.

    The experiment was a definite success... The roots are strong the leaves are thick and the tree stands.
    I only wonder if this tree will be a sanctuary or a beacon of strength and oppression...
    #15 Kumakin, Jun 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  16. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Wrapped in the veil of Darkness Chapter 2-
    The tree defiled the bird meats sanctuary...

    The roots reaching down and crushing the temple without a care. It is as if the tree sensed the pain Floran have to deal with. It seems like it doesn't like intruders in its realm but it seems to have accepted me.

    Maybe in its deep basin it feels like it grows strong and powerful away from the eyes of civilization.
    It can grow however it pleases. Up, sideways... Even down without hinderance.
    #16 Kumakin, Jun 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  17. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Wrapped in the Veil of Darkness Final Chapter -
    The beauty of the raw strength in the roots is encouraging...

    The incubator must have really worked. The dead bodies' carbon must have been nutritious enough to help the accelerator work with the tree. This experiment wasn't just a success it was a glorious work of terrifying art.

    I hope this is the start of a beautiful relationship between Floran and tree.

    The roots stretch across the basin claiming the land for its own. I'm glad the Krovi seed grew the tree doesn't look the same as I remember though. Maybe through all its hardship it evolved like all Floran do.
  18. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - A friendly hello and a grim goodbye -
    Captain came by he wanted to have some tea after we teased him... This new Floran Orchid is quite pretty and looks like me but different colors. She works at the sniper post on Taranis defending the gate from anyone trying to scale it. She is oddly blunt and not very bashful. Captain wasn't taking to her like I thought he might.

    Came down here to write while they got to know each other. Oh, there is a knock on the door...
    #18 Kumakin, Jun 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  19. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Silence. -
    I sit in this cage like some kind of animal. Hanging here I can feel the weight of the world push down on me. I know now I have to leave this place... Being caged for crimes I didn't commit is a reoccurring theme around here... I tried to stay. For her. I tried to overlook the weird tyrannical monarchy and dissent onto the leadership...

    It gives me a reason to move on with my life. I couldn't live in their world so I guess I have to find where I fit in. While I was sitting in that cage staring at the stars I just picked one and I went there.
    #19 Kumakin, Jun 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  20. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    - Talking about politics. -

    Sorry, I haven't written in a while. Life got quite stressful recently. I had to fortify the tree with some new defenses. Meeting up with Meat-Biter today to discuss politics. We have a lot of things to talk about. The neutrality of having two chiefs decide on matters is more effective then I had dreamed. We both have ideas and share them rightfully so. We can dismiss bias and things were quite smoothly around here. The decisions are hard though. Who do we trust? Who do wish to go with or against. On one end of the spectrum you have a possible Genocide. On the other you have a Religious Zealots who wish to purge Floran from this section of the galaxy. But from a chiefs perspective it is just mindless bickering and bitching. I think I hear Meat-Biter Floran coming up the temple staircase. I'll continue this later.
    #20 Kumakin, Jun 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2014