THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Carroli Corporation has recently discovered after light scans that the containers deposited by 'Faversae' are under no circumstances to be opened. We picked up large amounts of microscopic apparatuses in suspension in the water, and considering recent reports they are presumed to be highly dangerous. If any suspicious or anomalous container is encountered, immediately close off the area (at minimum a 15 meter radius) until biohazard teams are sent in for extraction and cleanup. If said teams are not available, EMP via electrostatic discharge and any NNEMP device would be an acceptable temporary solution. Should there be a leak immediate quarantine is suggested. We will attempt to work with USCM and other colonial powers on the control of this possible threat. If these are not complicit with local laws, do not break said local laws in order to fulfill our suggestions. Instead notify the presiding government or leadership upon an encounter. THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT
Got it, I knew they were trouble. And Pulsar, just stick at Tetanus for now. She has a kill-on-sight order now. You should be safe. -Felith
-Pulsar- Alright. I were actually on tetanus, but the individual tricked me to get out and visit a strange facility... maze? Filled with traps. After some time she simply opened the doors and said I could leave...
I've never heard of such a place on Tetanus. And there is no way she could make such a place without us knowing. -Felith