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Floran Colony Idea.

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Thewaltham, May 21, 2016.

  1. Thewaltham

    Thewaltham New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Now, this is a strange one, but I recently had an idea while chatting in discord with you guys.With NPCs in Starbound saying "the Floran are capable of so much more" why not have something to prove it? No no, don't click away, just hear me out here.

    What if there was a planet that a Floran ship crashed on a long time ago? An FTL malfunction or spacial anomaly most likely. The survivors of this wreckage found themselves on an absolute eden of a world, but with no way off it. Of course, they bred and prospered like Floran do however, with the resources at hand they figure out that agriculture was more efficient than hunting and gathering.

    This small change kick started a rapid growth for this budding (no pun intended) civilisation, no more did they just survive, they had surplus. They started developing socially and scientifically (although still of course faaar behind the rest of the universe) up to the point where they are in a state equivalent to the European renaissance, creating great works of art, architecture and literature.

    The time spent on this planet has changed them however. These Floran follow a pantheon of gods, and have a whole mythology on how they came to be. Chief among their pantheon is a being that translates roughly as "lifebringer". This being is almost literally the sun itself, sunlight being incredibly important to this species.

    Mythology wise they share some characteristics with ancient greek legends, the most important of which being how they arrived on the planet in the first place. They believe that their ancestors once travelled amongst the stars amongst the gods in great chariots, however, one group decided to steal a chariot of fire from their "lifebringer" god.

    They didn't know how to operate it properly, the fire burnt at their skin and the smoke blinded their eyes. Furious, the god cast the chariot down to the mortal plane. However, the lifebringer was not a cruel god, making the mortal plane a comfortable and lush place for the survivors to live their lives and eventually perhaps even have a chance to one day create their own "chariot" and return to the gods.

    With the help of another player, who played a character called "Anya" (forgot your forum name, really sorry) I managed to complete a concept building of what this place might look like. A full version of this colony would of course have more detailing inside, and would be more than just one building (and a really awesome bridge which unfortunately I wasn't able to fit into the frame)

  2. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    That's Forge.
  3. TrashHound

    Apr 11, 2015
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    While the idea is good, I don't necessarily agree with it.

    First off, the idea just screams "plant suits", which the majority of Floran on the server already are, and to be honest, I don't really want to be promoting more.

    Second off, the idea is already being done by the tribe-hedera, but in a less plant suit-y way. The concept being a tribe attempting to learn the ways of and live in peace with other races.

    Third, I really feel we need to stop making race specific colonies, as it only serves to separate our already disperse population.
    Just my two cents.
    #3 TrashHound, May 21, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
    1 person likes this.
  4. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    We don't need more colonies, there's already too many.

    Also I dunno about this, specifically. I'm not really sold on the idea. It sounds a lot like Mud, just with florans and gods instead of avians and music.

    Edit: Oh yeah there's also a floran tribe on Mud, setting up there. I really should get to building that, I'll do it tonight.