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Floran bio-technology: A step forward. By: Fernpetal

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Yotan, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    *The following is a publication toward the scientific community of the core planet in the form of a thesis. While this is not a true thesis in a sense it read as it is one. The publication is set much like a kindle type set up for a better use on a variety data pad types.*

    Floran bio-technology: A step forward
    By: Fernpetal​

    My name is Fernpetal, but you can call Fern. Me is a floran from a traditional tribal background raised on a tribal planet infested with Avian pirates and Agaran. Me does not have formal education, no schooling, other than tribal traditions and rituals. Like other florans like me, left my tribal life behind to better what me dream of doing. Me have an great work history in mechanical engineering fields and electrical engineering, even shot time glitch doctor at one time. Me doesn't not need to tell you like many floran, me is very good with technology, more specifically reverse engineering it. Which aid in repairing and restore what was once broken back to working order.

    Me do feel that it is time for the florans or at least the few of us to add to the universe and show that not all florans go by: To consume, to spread, to multiply.

    In this me explain floran technical and scientific additions to the universes civilizations by use of bio-computer or more specifically, the use of floran plant based technology interlaced with current modern technology.
    Species Technology
    Current species technology relies on heavily on wires of various thicknesses relaying electrical or light impulses within various series of stops and goes. Allowing information to be carried back and forth from one console to another, display to another, etc.

    Apex Technology:
    Widely considered the most advanced technology in the entire universe, that probably due to their technocratic totalitarian regime as their main focus on advancing the Apex. While the most common of the species technology apex technology can be a bit stubborn when it comes to the others, but not as bad as the next entry. Never the less still uses electrical or fiber optic pulses of transferring information.

    Avian Technology:
    Even while interacting with crystal when uploading and downloading data within the crystal lace. For floran, avian technology is alien and me not sure if that saying much. Me not expert in Avian technology, and the flightless avian keep a tight beak about it, but me sure there are grounded out there willing to explain it, however me not ran across any yet.

    Floran Technology:
    Not want to pull things here but florans do not have a technology to speak of, as nearly all stolen or salvaged. Actually Floran technology is very basic and primitive; it is highly regarded as Stone Age technology which is why florans are what they are. Also widely considered in the universe as the most primitive when it comes to technology. Me make no apologies for this, but there is floran technology to be had. As me have seen that more experts floran for tribe called shaman can make weapons like Needlers, those rare floran type grenade launchers. All out of plants. Me think this is beginnings of what floran technology can do. To turn plants to weapons. Why not turn plants to other useful things?

    Glitch Technology:
    The second most primitive technology regarded as medieval level of technology. However this is due to the hive-minded glitch as it seems that their program will not progress further beyond that. Not sure why but me not think it something can fix. The more self-aware glitch are able to adapt to current modern technology of apex, human, hylotl, and even novakid at an alarming rate. Which very good me say. In my opinion me think that this could be helpful for all if glitch put mind to it.

    Human Technology:
    The second most advance technology behind the Apex, human technology rapidly advanced due to what seems to be like floran hunger. Humans were the first race to research and engage in space travel for science and entertainment. Generally regarded as the most universal of the technology that still relies on old methods of information transfer like Apex, though not as good.

    Hylotl Technology:
    Little is known about hylotl technology due to floran invading their home world. However many feel that Hylotl technology is equal to that of the humans as they are capable of interstellar travel and building underwater cities. So me mark them like human and Apex information transfer.

    Novakid Technology:
    Novakid have little to no information to go off of as their technology level seems to vary greatly and then lost after so many generations. Needless to say there is nothing more me can say on them, sorry to say.
    Current problem with current technologies (Organic Vs. Synthetic)

    Not many know this but there are lots of problems with current technology. Information is slow to transfer and take time. A single copper wire can transfer up to 10 kilobytes of information, a optic fiber cable take a gigabits of information. Both do it in a hundredth of a second.

    While on the other hand organic fiber has an impulse range of 119 m/s. Granted that is slow compared to synthetic counterparts, but the amount of information transfer is much much higher.

    Then functionality is called to question when it comes to wiring. To keep it basic if you want to make a light work from a switch. One wire from the switch to the light is needed, but if you want light another light you need another wire. So on and so on. However with an organic nerve it only takes one with simple branch nerves steaming from one main nerve. To put that like normal wiring you need just one wire to run more than just one thing.

    Organic information capacity is nearly 7 times that of basic technology. Take an organic brain it absorbs 34 gigabytes per person each day, that enough to overload a data pad in a week. Me know what you thinking. "Fern, that mean the data pad can hold more information than an organic brain." Me say no. Why that you ask? While the data on a computer can do the same thing over and over it still uses the same resources. While an organic brain resource on the same task over and over lessens, which many called muscle memory. This muscle memory gives the organic brain the ability to take on more information, while a normal computer can't do that. Also organic brain gets faster when doing the same repetitive process, where normal computer can't and the resources usage is the same.

    On top of that think of it this way. A computer AI requires a large computer base, with many data storage units, processors, etc. Yet to me an AI and a personality of person are the same. With that being said me and an AI are the same but me not require has much space then an AI.

    Unless there redundant systems and backup devices which again take up more unneeded space standard electronics do not have the adaptability as organics have like you and me. Yes, AI is close to organic and can adapt to situations but only to a point. If they not get all the data they can't adapt, whereas organic not need all the data. to adapt. That why organic pilot are still valued over AI pilots.

    In a thing called neuroscience organic brain plasticity is the ability of an organic brain to adapt and rewire itself and compensate either from physical stimulus or environmental. Think about it. If we have organic components within our ships we would have a ship able to adapt and rewire itself even during combat situations. Couple that with an AI and a ship could ever be more than it once was if it was only synthetic.

    Power Usage:
    Current technology requires a lot of power consumption to function. Meaning large power units, drive and coil, than there problem with heat buildup. A vessel’s power system takes up nearly or roughly 25% of the ships total mass by weight. Scale that down to 180 lbs. organic, an organic heart like human weights 10oz. That means the heart is only 0.5% of body weight, and powers all of the organic form, also it a fluid pump. It requires a whole different device for current technology to pump fluids. If you scale an average human body to that of a basic (small) ship with a weight of rough 165,000 lbs. (74.8kg) (used space shuttle weight) is a 199.56%, which means that a 10oz up scaled 199.56% results in a 124.725 lbs. (56.57Kg) organic heart. Think about it, only a 124.725 lbs. (56.57Kg) organic heart powering an entire bio-organic ship and yet still 1/8 of the of a full server rack.

    When it comes to resources whether is by a facility, ship, or something else. There is always a resource that is consumed for one or the other. However a ship no matter what size consumes a lot to make it run like energy, labor, material, and money. Only question is how much is required. Synthetic components require more resources to make them. Mining the material, fabrication of each component, labor to connect and make all together, fuel for all operations, etc. Me not saying growing does not require resources to grow parts needed, but it still not as much as synthetic. Being that only real energy to grow organic is sun. Many stars in the verse can be used to grow organics, which mean that a primary renewable energy cost less than synthetic just by that alone.

    When it comes to repairing. That is a hit or miss subject as long as resources are on hand to make repairs. Really repairing something back to functionality to a proper working state is very important.

    On the hand of technology and components it can be repaired nearly instantly in the time span of a whole day. However there be drawbacks as you either need to have the component directly on have or material on hand to build a new one. So if you not have part to replace it you maybe cripple and unable to continue. Sure you could reroute problem, if you have redundant systems but that take up lots of space for that. If there not automatic redundant system installed in ship, AI can't do it, or AI down then must be done manually. That causes a lot of time and work.

    For organic repairing it just time and depending on damage will determine time, also you not need much material for repairs nor will you need extra devices. Another thing about organic components they will keep working when damage, unless too damage, but for most part they keep working just efficiently enough. Also only real material needed to keep stock to repair organic component mostly be stims. Which already on board ship with doctors or in med kits. Also organic component automatically reroute if damaged. Unlike synthetic component ships that take very heavy damage major parts must be changed at space port.

    Really this an area where synthetics really shine as certain compounds and compositions combine together can make harder and harder. Synthetic materials are used in many things like armor and even sharp weapons. Most of the hardest materials are used for armor on ship or other various structures. The down side of synthetic material especially armor is very ridge making it vulnerable to impact

    Needless to say organic can get this high in durability at best organic armor can only be as tough as steel. However to counter some of this is its flexibility. Take floran bamboo for example, bamboo in general is hard but massively flexible and used in lot of floran construction. With it having the hardness of steel make floran bamboo very versatile.

    The primary weakness of a current technology Electromagnetic pulse, much like that is same for the Glitch. If there was an EMP grenade to go off within the proximity. All information, power, consoles, displays, LEDs (light-emitting diodes) of variant types, etc; all become useless and broken, causing explosions and even fires depending on type electronic part. All electrical systems are fired, only thing left that good anymore are wires and cables. Wire and cables only good to connect new parts to get things working again. Which mean lot of time and money to repair EMP'ed damaged electronics.

    Now if you on ship and hit with EMP the ship go completely dark and can't be used good if attack, bad if defending. On top of all that you lose everything. No one likes that. That not even bad part, if you orbiting a planet and hit then the ship no longer can maintain orbit. Then you find that you are going to have a hard time living when crashing planet side. Oh did me not mention that if power, no batteries, means no life pods usage. Unless they mechanical release which is not standard now a days during vessel construction. Or what about if ship EMP'ed and you on route by sun before going to FTL flight? Me think you can guess what happen.

    Of course for organic this no problem, and organic not suffer from anything from EMP. Unless say you are standing by a metal pole and leaning on it, then you may suffer something like a lethal lightning strike. But if organic not touch metal then not problem. Again me can already hear you say well if you have organic wiring and components in a ship's alloyed hull then would them be like me stand by a metal pole when EMP'ed? Actually no. In fact it would go around the organic components and not shock them, because it would be what human history calls a Faraday Cage. That way when in a lightning storm and you in like a ship or craft flying in atmosphere it keep flying when hit. Sure some sensitive components of craft is damage if not shield but most are.

    Another issue with synthetic components that they are ridged and can be broken. Like spacial explosions or better yet think depth charges in water. When a submersible is it with a depth charge shock-wave the synthetic matters are very ridged and cause them to break, buckle, or broke. This will wreak havoc with systems, quick due to flexing and bending from shock-wave. This be no different if there an explosion by ship in space.

    Unlike synthetic components, organic components can flex and bend during such assaults. Sure exterior hull plating, and other structure of ship with take damage, but organic components and wiring will not suffer too much effect. It may slow functionality of components but not destroy them out right. Much like body getting hit with a percussion blast. It hurt like badly but you not dead, only moving slowly.
    Conclusion of Organic Vs. Synthetic
    In conclusion me will employ a simple point system. 1 point for positive and -1 for negative points that based off what me said above.

    Faster information transfer. = 1
    Limited bandwidth for data. = -1
    Requires large space for data Storage. = -1
    Defined resource usage. = -1
    Faster storage of information. = 1
    Require lots space for redundant systems or back devices. = -1
    Cannot completely Adapt situation. = -1
    Power Usage
    Large and heavy power systems. = -1
    Large heat dispensing required. = -1
    Lots of power used. = -1
    Large amount of space needed. = -1
    Cost more. = -1
    Required extra parts and material storage. = -1
    Less time to repair. = 1
    Can be easily repaired = 1
    Lack or restricted rerouting ability. = -1
    Component won't function when damaged. = -1
    Need constant maintenance. = -1
    Very Durable. = 1
    Very Rigid. = -1
    Badly effected by EMP. = -1
    Components inert from EMP. = -1
    EMP fries all components and systems. = -1
    Components not flexible. = -1
    Slower information transfer. = -1
    Larger bandwidth for data. = 1
    Requires less space for data storage. = 1
    Variable resource usage. = 1
    Decrease resources need at repetitive tasks. = 1
    Slower Storage of information. = -1
    Require little to no space for redundant systems or back devices. = 1
    Can completely Adapt situation. = 1
    Can adapt on own. = 1
    Power Usage
    Less and lighter power systems. = 1
    Less heat dispensing required. = 1
    Less power usage. = 1
    Less amount of spaces needed. = 1
    Also can function as pump. = 1
    Cost less then Synthetic. = 1
    Little to no for extra parts or material storage. = 1
    More time required for repairs. = -1
    Easily rerouting able. = 1
    Components will function when damaged. = 1
    Requires little to no maintenance. = 1
    Not too durable. = -1
    Very Flexible = 1
    Not effected by EMP. = 1
    components very flexible. = 1

    Synthetic: -15 points
    Organic: 16 Points

    As you can see that using organic components is big improvement over current technology used. While sure organic has limitations, so does synthetic technology. However if you can see that organic do have better and more applications when it comes to using organics for interior circuitry and components.
    Studies on bio-components:
    While synthetic products are used for most of daily life in universe and all society. Organic is still part of floran life, despite having to reverse engineer either discarded or derelict technology. It came to me that floran have a technology it just not same, but can be used the same. Only problem is that even the best shaman can only make bamboo plant good only as steel. That only one example of floran tech. Really good for making house not making a whole ship run. Which is what me trying to say.

    Current studies of bio-computers use system of biological molecules (very small beads) like something called DNA and meat protein to preform storing, retrieving and processing data. From what me hear that current bio-computer studies use something called Nano bio-technology. Where they material on very very small scale. With these base material scientists have ability to bio-systems to interact and function like normal components.

    There are three types of bio-components, bio-chemical components, bio-mechanical components, and bio-electronic components. Each of these have different function and work differently me will explain what they do.

    Bio-chemical components
    These components use many feedback loops of chemical reactions in order to achieve function. It seem the feedback loop in bio-systems take many forms, and many different ways can provide both positive and negative feedback to process an increase in chemical output or decrease chemical output. This may include quantity of present enzyme (whatever they are), the amount of reactants present, the amount of product present, and then presence of beads called molecules that they fix to and this alter chemical reaction of any factor. The nature of bio-chemical components to be regulated by many different mechanisms, one can engineer a chemical pathway a set of small beads components that react to produce one product under one set of chemical conditions and another product under another set of conditions. This presents product that result from pathway can make signal like a computer output starting with chemical conditions of systems.

    Bio-mechanical components
    This like bio-chemical components in that they perform both a specific operation that can in function calculation based upon certain conditions like an input but they different in output signal. In bio-chemical component only certain chemicals make output signal. In bio-mechanical components the shape of molecule or many of them under conditions make an output. Bio-mechanical components like planets rely on nature of certain molecules to adopt certain physical change under only one chemical condition. This mean the mechanical, 3D structure of product the bio-mechanical component is seen and looked at as a calculated output.

    Bio-electronic components
    Bio-computers can also be made to perform electronic computing. Like other two components perform by looking at certain output that is based on in set conditions as input. Bio-electric components measure output the nature of electrical conductivity (like wires) that is seen bio-electronic components. This output only designed small beads to conduct electricity in only one manner based on condition as input to bio-electronic component.
    Engineering Floran Bio-components
    Floran Bio-component can be made by a uses of long time floran knowledge of plant manipulation and materials. The following are experiments of my own base knowledge of floran knowledge of floran bio-components:

    In this experiment me took a currentcorn and change it with limited ability. It took about 20 different tries and 72 hours but me had got two to be the shape you see in the following video. This is what me call a currentcorn battery or Double C Battery. The industrial battery you see is a 2 to 360 volt DC from 10 to 1300 ampere hours of usage. Also me used two of the same BT56 Metal Halide Lamps that require 1500 watts. As the data shows the while half the size of a normal industrial sized battery it held nearly 28.75% longer charge at the same brightness level.

    A floran plant battery like this could be place on a ship, with 2 to 1 ratio. Me mean that you can put two Double C batteries where one current industrial battery is used. So that be double capacity for same size, but this only one example.

    *Test #92
    The vid shows off a very very ugly crude looking currentcorn that was enlarge to more of a oval-ish cylinder type shape with two vines, one from the top and the other from below. A cross-section cut shows that this manipulation of the currectcorn looks nothing like it's actual food counterpart. As it looks like some old primitive parthian galvanic cell but with a very organic look.

    Connecting the odd blotted currentcorn half the size of a brand new large industrial sized battery with charge meter sitting next to it. A volt meter was used to showing the current being transfer from the battery to the odd currentcorn. Upon a matter of 10 minutes the volt meter no longer shows a charge being transferred and the industrial battery showing not charge left as well. Removing the battery a closed circuit blub test set up upon the work bench. As soon as a wire was connected to the top end of the odd currentcorn battery the industrial blub instantly lite up. Even disconnect and reconnect the current corn battery to the bulb.

    Another time lapse begins with a side by side of the industrial battery and the currentcorn battery being lite at the same time by two different switches. Over 6 hours the blub on the industrial light faded and then went out, while 2.3 hours longer the currentcorn battery lasted.*
    Here me using both currentcorn and a diodia to make this and it took me over 3 weeks to get these two to be together. After many many errors me was able to make was a sap/liquid pump combine with wiring. When me played around an used some electricity on parts of the experiment the following happened.

    *Test #54
    A vid image of a very odd looking intact tubercale what looks to be a lengthy misshaped. What you can see that the coloration of the currentcorn is there but also the diodia as well. In the middle of the 1 meter long tubercale there is a bulg where the diodia color is more apparent. On either side of the of the tubercale are glass beakers, the left has clear water, the right is empty.

    Next to the intent one is another one, though different slightly in appearance it was close to the other. However it was cross-sectioned down the length to show off the inner workings. Upon looking at it looks like a vein with currentcorn time plant inner running the length with many support off chutes connected to the outside, about 3/4 of the way toward the right is again diodia mass where the more open ares of the vein type tube runs into like a heart value system.

    At the beginning of the video you can tell a set of clear gloved floran hand enter the screen to grab the tubercale and picking it up. The hands bend and flex the tubercale, stretching it, flexing it, twisting it obviously showing of the flexibility of the tubercale. Than the left hand hold the odd mass while the right hand squishes it a few time. Placing the intent tubercale back, with one end in the left (filled) beaker and the other in the right empty breaker. The hands disappear from the display they would return a few seconds later, with what looks to be a Taser a couple wires with clamps on each end and a light bulb. Taking the champs the hands connect one champ to one side of the tubercale, eventually making another closed circuit blub test.

    Once finished it is evident that there is not energy going to the blub, however when the hands grab the Taser with a few test to show it is working. The hands press the prongs against the mass on the tubercale, then the right hand press the button. With a quick quiver from the mass it started to pulsate like a heart. While it was doing this the left beaker was slowly draining as the right was filling up. While pulsating the blub would pulse with light, low at first but bright toward the end after a matter of minutes before the left beaker was emptied and the right one was filled up. Ones the test was over the the tuberacle was still and lifeless.*
    Another plant that can be used is oculemon, which can be change into use as fiber optic input and output like fiber optic wires running through a clear sap tubes for faster information transfer. By changing how the ocluemon currently functions me was able to get a functional take in light pulse and then transmit light plus through a glass fiber wire.

    As you see below this experiment was a success with what me was speaking about. Granted at this point me wish to say that the light pulse information transfer was degradation by a factor of .35%. However even with the information being sent, which was a simple execute command to turn on a light fixture. That much information lose could not substance enough execution information turn light on. Never the less me think this a step in right direction, but more work needed.

    *Test #167
    In this vid there are three very very odd looking oculemon plants. Actually it looks small and some what a deformed shape than a standard oculemon. All three of the manipulated oculemon plant are within a 20 gallon suspended a clear solution. Two of the manipulated are back to back connected with the ocular sides facing away from each other. With the other one crudely connected to what looks to be a standard fiber optic linked to a underwater light attached to a box with the fiber optic cord running too it.

    Two very floran protected arms appear within the vid over the tank. With what looks like a flashlight in hand the floran arms pick up the third mutated oculemon. Putting the flashlight in front of the plant and flashed the light into the eye of the oculemon plant. Within the vid there is a visble reaction to the flashing light as the fiber optic cord flashed simultaneously when from the flash light. With that done the floran hands take out the flashlight from the tank. Then gently put down the third in front of combine two. Once finished both arms where removed from the tank then disappear from view.

    A moment later the hands appear bringing a box or more like a class 4 fiber optic projected, slightly modified. Presumed so it could function under the solution within the tank. The hands place the projector within the tank on the opposite side of the light bulb with the mutated combined oculemon. With what to seem to be that everything in place the arms remove from the solution tank.

    For about a minute later the pair of now unprotected hands and arms of a floran is seen once again, this time holding a data pad connected with wires to fiber projector. As the vid adjusts to the information on the data pad, once refocused. It was clear on the data pad that there was a small 50 kb program ready to just lite up the bulb. With a thumb up the floran pressed the start button and the program started to run. As the data pad fell from view, the vid focus adjusted quick as the tank came into view. With exterior lights shutting off turning the entire video black for just a second or so.

    Than the projector indicator lights lite up and light poured from it into the mutilated combine oculemon input eye. The output eye projected light from into the last oculemon eye, upon which that fiber wire that was connect flickered as normal fiber optic wires into the box with the bulb. However the light never came on. Needless to say this all happened within five seconds of the program being started. It was obviously a failure but when the external lights turned on the data pad came back into view the floran finger touched a few points on it and the data started to display.

    On the screen several confirmation points in from the projector and the box confirmed that the information was transfer, however the information received was only 32.5kb, compared to the 50kb initially sent from the projector.*
    Me want to explain the experiments taken place While test 92 and 54 were complete successes me want it to be clear that test 167 was also a success. Sure there was some information not being transferred it showed that this type of plant based fiber optic system can achievable. In that light me do not have the equipment or supplies to further each of experiments. Basically when me had a success me moved on to the next experiment to prove my point. That floran do offer something to the universe and can do so. Me feel that using bio-technology will greatly aid all species. Not just on ships but in all of our daily lives. There is something me was told called viability here with this type of technology. However me leave this publication to the scientific people community to discuss any and all data will sent with this publication.

    Me know that florans are still hated and will always be, however maybe just maybe that this can help my plant-kin gain a little in eyes of the others. To all of my plant-kin out there who have grown up beyond tribal ways and what to expand our branches and interact with the other species as friends and not food. Me say. Don't give up and have patience with them. There reasons why they not like us. However we are not totally to blame, however it still should be on us to prove that we are more than mindless killing plants. Understand? Good luck thank for reading.