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Not Approved Floating Colony

Discussion in 'Colony Questions' started by SpookyTanuki, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. SpookyTanuki

    SpookyTanuki New Member

    Nov 14, 2015
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    So I had an idea for a colony that would look similar to the picture above, though I guess I'll get straight to the points and how'd it be in game.

    Consisting of 3 main 'ships' as you can see in the picture. Starting from left to right, the very left 'city' or 'District' would be a very slums, criminal like area, where outlaws can hide out, lots of black market activity if people use to use it as such. Basically that area can be for that, and or events since I'd like to make it a rather abandoned and almost zombie like vibe to it. Or Similarly, like rapture in Bioshock.

    The middle district, would be one for higher class and government buildings. Allowing for fancy suites and high end malls, such of that sort. Here would probably be the most guarded by the colony's armed police force to help protect against any sort of invasion.

    The District on the far right, would be the middle class. Affordable housing and retail places for shops. This would probably be the most visited and the first district people would land upon when first visiting this colony.

    TL:DR / Points of interest

    -A colony that consists of 3 districts in an asteroid belt, a 'Slums' like district for criminal and event related, A 'High class' district for government, research related, military, high class suites and higher end stores. And finally the middle class district, with affordable housing and retail, entertainment and the likes

    -I plan to have the city have its own transit system, which would be similar to the teleporting doors. Would basically have a hanger of sorts on the side which there would be custom ships using pixel art, add a teleporting door to it so that way its like you icly took the ship over to the other district.

    -I personally don't want to run the colony my self oocly, and my isn't the one whom made this icly. Though there is a plus to this as we could have people do a political campaign to run for presidency or the likes. I simply just want to make a hub for people to enjoy and for myself to rp on.
  2. SpookyTanuki

    SpookyTanuki New Member

    Nov 14, 2015
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    Also I'm planning this for the 1.0 update
  3. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    It all sounds well and good, besides the fact that I feel we'd need a little story behind the place. A reason it exists, a little backstory, something like that.

    The other real big issue is that you need someone to manage it, even if just oocly. You can't get away having nobody managing it, and I can tell you that from experience. Things will quickly fall apart if someone isn't handling things.
  4. SpookyTanuki

    SpookyTanuki New Member

    Nov 14, 2015
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    I really don't wish to write a big elaborate backstory for it due to well, my own laziness, the fact I don't want to try and come up with a bunch of reasons why it came to be when most won't even know or will really care all that much (At least from my pass experiences with role play, that is always the case).

    Though I guess an idea that struck me is maybe something simple since it doesn't need to be all that complex. Simply human colony or by any faction/race that is needed or less common really, just human is a bit easier to say since that's the style I usually build in. Maybe the planet they were on became uninhabitable so they began constructing to take their inhabitants to a near by astroid belt. But then again with that, it'd be abit easier to say those are just evac ships, which probably wouldn't be as fancy or "city" like in nature.

    Another idea that just came to me as I was typing this, is possibly have it as a traveling city perhaps, like a luxery resort in a sense. It travels between systems, can occasionally situate itself on a planet or whatever. Kinda like riding on a cruise and traveling the ocean. (Imb4 it gets sinked by a comet in space like the titanic, which would be a funny event to do to kill off the colony for another.)

    As for some story on the city itself, I could reuse some cyberpunk lore I had for a garrys mod rp server. Basically a really dense mega city (Could add for a different type of colony since all the ones I've seen so far were more small town/village like in nature, instead of buzzing streets and big high rises.) Could be company ruled, or by usual government you see now a days. Both can lead to some interesting rp with elections and even company's from this sector trying to fight for the most influence over the city. Another thing I had in mind is that it could have a sort of dark secret, where they were doing tests on people on the far left district before it soon became the slums/criminal central that got closed off or became a sorta 'dark zone' for the city.

    All debatable really, just kinda throwing around ideas as it hits me. As in for someone to run it, I can make a spare, temporary character to run it til elections start up. And if no one really wants to run for presidency over that I can just continue to on that character til I find someone to do it for me.
  5. SpookyTanuki

    SpookyTanuki New Member

    Nov 14, 2015
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    Bump, doesn't seem many admins check these threads
  6. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Unfortunately, I don't think this idea with set off.
    First off, a city will need a lot of time and effort put into it to build and get off the ground, floating or not. In addition, with limited to no backstory or reasoning, the idea at it's core has very little backbone to it and probably will flop.

    In addition, with the fact you yourself are not willing to take up the mantle and run this leaves me with very little hope for it's continued success - someone being interested and invested enough to run this place is really hoping at that point.
    Apologies, but I don't think this will work out in the long run.