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Fixing Sharptooth?

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Switchback, May 30, 2014.

  1. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    as you all know sharp is a unlikeable bitch... but she has reasons for being a unlikeable bitch

    and i know for a fact that a lot of you hate the character because of her actions.

    I never intended for sharp to be hated like this. I understand she is floran and all but still... Not pure hate from what i'm gathering from this.

    I'd like community input on this as to how to make sharp at least somewhat likeable or at the very least neutral to her without completely changing her character.

    anything at all is welcome. looking for serious replies here cause well... you know...

  2. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    For the record, I actually like Sharp OOCly. I mean, even most of my characters besides Flowerkiller are at least neutral to her, and Flowerkiller's only like that cause... uh... reasons... >.>

    The way I understand it, I'm only seeing characters disliking her for (possibly silly) IC reasons. The fact that people might actually be hating her OOCly is a bit of a shock to me, truthfully. I mean, what's there to not like about Sharp OOCly as a Floran? The way I see it, she's a rather savage (Which isn't a bad thing, mind you. It doesn't make her a chaotic evil psychopath, just more like what Florans tend to be like naturally, I think...) Floran who's worried about betrayal of others as a result of several betrayals from others close to her, namely Firedrinker. Oh, she's also marrying a Glitch, a race that Florans admire to a degree. That's got it's own charm to it, IMO! xD

    Maybe I'm just crazy here and/or oblivious to things here, but I'm not sure what you could do with Sharp without destroying her Floran charm beyond giving her character development to become more trusting of people again. There's also the option of not having her constantly trying to eat others, but I think that might just destroy her character and charm...
  3. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    She could do with some additional bullets in her head.
    That always makes people more likeable


  4. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    You're taking IC reactions too seriously.
    Calm down.
    Take a chill pill.
    Eat a few Tic Tacs.
    Calm down again.
    Cry softly because you can.
    Don't be a maggot.

    No, but in all seriousness, I doubt anyone dislikes your character OOC, you're playing your character how it is entertaining for you. People just dislike the character IC. I have however noticed a massive change since she has married John. So, maybe you changed something too suddenly.
  5. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    s-senpai whyyy...
  6. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    From what I've seen, the only way you can actually get her to be likeable is to change her character completely. Perhaps through a rite of penance and atonement? That's a long road, but it's a good one for decent character development. Having your character admit she has a problem would be a good first step to getting her beyond the childish mentality that she has.

    Something important I want to point out is that:
    1. IC Hate =/= OOC Hate. Honestly, even though your character is reviled ICly doesn't mean she's a bad character OOCly. If anything, she's an honest depiction on how a basic Floran mentality would be: Murderous, crazy, impulsive, and always flying off the handle. I haven't really seen anyone hate on your character OOCly, and if anything, she seems particularly well known by everyone and not exactly bashed.
    2. There are actions a character takes, and consequences that follow. If you feel ICly that it is the proper road to follow, then by all means, but as a character, there are some decisions that simply aren't reversible and stay permanently in the characterization of their plot. Such it is that it mimics real life: There are some things that cannot be undone, that you have to deal with.

    You can either re-work her characterization, adjust her personality enough so that she doesn't kill indiscriminately on a whim, or just kill her off and start over from scratch. I doubt you'll do the third one, and the first one is something you also don't want to do, so you need to do the second.
  7. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    what change have you noticed?

    and she hasn't even married john yet! and doubt she will because of the shitstorm thats happening right now! they will forever just remain engaged...
  8. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    It seems to be a lot of factors ICly. People expect knights to be honorable: When there's evidence to the contrary, they'll eat it up like candy. With the recent reforms hitting Liberty Mills and the movement to strive for peace (ICR, Holy Fleet trying to fix things, etc), it's easy to make a soapbox, make political statements about a situation, and then create a scapegoat that represents the very ideals that are being opposed against. In this case, it's the accusation of hypocrisy that's been presented with the Order and their relationship with the tribe. Also, people don't seem to like John very much ICly, which may be yet another factor.
  9. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Sharp used to be playfully mean.
    Now she's bitchface mean. I have no OOC reason to dislike Sharp, but still.
  10. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    I'm a bit surprised no one has brought up the repeated maulings, attempted murders, and "friendly visits" to other colonies as reasons Sharp is disliked IC'ly.
  11. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    the shitstorm i have creates ;~;

    Sharps bitchface mean as of right now because of stress. she never intended on being a leader, knew she wasnt ready for it but tried to make the best out of what has happened... its not her fault she snaps a lot..
  12. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    I thought that was implied when I said:
  13. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Uh, basically this.

    ...If you don't want to be disliked in-character (NOT out-of-character), maybe... Don't, talk quite as much about eating people, try to murder people, and/or come to other colonies with a flamethrower and say, "Time to burn thingsss", then try to burn down random buildings?

    I'm not condemning your actions in-character by any means, because, hey, your character. OOC and IC things are very much separate, and if they aren't, that's a problem.

    ...But I'm not sure why you're surprised if you're talking about IC dislike.

    Maybe talk to Firedrinker if you want a personal testimony on how leading a tribe of murderous Florans could just lead to IC dislike.
  14. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    I actually have a lot of OOC respect for Sharp as a character, because I feel her situation is a pretty damn good representation of how a savage Floran would behave in a galactic community, what with "trying" to be civilized but failing miserably because lmao stab

    I think Sharp's story could be one of redemption, tbh, like she's at a pretty shitty point what with all the IC hate going on, but she could like get help n stuff, and eventually become more "civilized", come into her leadership role, etc.

    Hell Sharp's still better than all the special snowflake Florans running around... like they're basically green humans. Ugh
  15. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    This is one of those "You made your bed, now sleep in it." sorta things. Sharp is a product of her actions, which have left not only a bad taste in people's mouths but to be openly hostile towards her, her beliefs and what she may or may not stand for. I honestly don't know what she is as a character, but I don't think any of the stuff she has done can be magicly poofed away, nor should it be.
  16. Pie4Pigs

    Pie4Pigs Bleach Connoisseur

    Mar 15, 2014
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    She's a crazed murderer, is unforgiving and agressive, and is a vocal member of a notoriously savage culture. I kind of thought that "bloodthirsty psychopath" was what you were going for, based on her actions and role as a leader. Of course people won't like Sharp IC because of that, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

    Look at Cole. He disturbs the peace with his "peacekeeping", comes off as ill-mannered and insulting in conversations, constantly claims bounties on people in the name of "justice", and invades their privacy with his "private investigating". He's got good intentions sometimes, but he's an instigator. When it comes down to it, he's a massive prick. He causes conflict, and that's actually great for RP oftentimes.

    Now, look at Sharptooth. Her violence and carelessness, while disgusting IC, can be pretty nice OOC at times. You've spiced up the roleplaying experience of your tribemembers; they had to make a moral decision to stay with you or leave. Lawmen and good characters are formulating opinions on how to approach your character; you're giving them direction. Potential recruits of the knights will have to choose between an ethical image, or a questionable one in exchange for family/payment.

    The universe needs assholes. Don't be afraid to be one.
  17. Silver

    Silver Ain't no thing like me 'cept me.

    Jan 30, 2014
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    I'll agree with everyone who said that working through the problem ICly would make for some very compelling role-play. Something in her IC development (tribe leadership, most likely) caused her to shift, as you said, from playful to not-playful. Does she feel the same discomfort you do about how she is currently viewed? If she does and she can come into awareness ICly, she can also begin on the road to redemption or, if you instead decide you want to go the other way, the darker road to perdition. Falls into damnation are just as compelling to role-play as climbs out of the Pit.

    This is very true... Unless you honestly do not find it fun, then I don't quite recommend it.
  18. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    I think she needs to be more savage... But that's just me. Stop being a subby and grow a pair and be leader!


    I'm done...
  19. Switchback

    Switchback Iss likess fissh eyess~!

    Jan 3, 2014
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    part of the reason she act so bitchy is because people judge her without a second thought as to what has happened.

    taking badstars wall of text from the taranis shitstorm thread for example

    he doesn't know what shes been through, what has happened in her past and what shes feeling at the moment, unless he does and is being a huge cunt about it but thats unlikely xD

    after all shes been through, the betrayal..the attacks, the insults, everything. wouldn't you feel just a tad bit insane too?
    and thats asiding the point that shes a fucking floran, eating people is natural to her, its how she was raised.
    shes obviously done stupid things but its mainly cause her sanity is low at the time and she snaps.
  20. Mayor Moosebellow

    Mayor Moosebellow New Member

    Apr 21, 2014
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    (All of the following is about IC temperament. OOC, I'm fine with Sharp as a character.)

    Backstory is something characters, unfortunately, do not get much of a chance to react to (outside of close associates). One's actions usually end up being the focus of the world's perception instead. Particularly, they will take a much more shallow interpretation of them.

    As has been said, her actions have consequences... Both the more evil actions, and otherwise.
    The attempted arson, assault of LM Prison's warden, attacks on the Holy Fleet... Frequent words in favor of slavery and cannibalism...
    Normally, these things would make you a simple villain. This will turn the "good guys" on you.

    However, there is one difference here... Something Freya is nearly alluding to.

    Sharp turns around and seeks sympathy, and protection... In many cases, by showing herself as injured physically or mentally. This really screws with a person's Bad Guy Cred, particularly among savage Florans.
    The only reason she isn't on the bounty board (or even alive, perhaps) is her diplomatic status, and John's focused efforts to make amends on her behalf. I have reconsidered keeping her off the board on multiple occasions... However, the protection that her status and spouse provide mean that she isn't worth the risk. This is just one example of her playing karma-houdini through the efforts of others.

    Now, what does this sort of thing mean for what people think?
    As a result:
    The "good" guys will almost always try to kill/denounce you, because you are evil by all non-Floran moral standards.
    The "bad" guys (including Florans) will not respect you, however, because Sharp comes off as a victim who relies upon others.
    Villains don't help victims (they eat them), and heroes are too busy being repulsed by Sharp to give her sympathy.

    Then, there are those in the middle who respect strength alone.. The Spartan-types can't respect Sharp, because she typically does not display any form of personal strength. This severely harms her leadership capabilities.

    Ultimately, this mixture of things will cause a person to have very few, select allies.
    So, if you really want her to have more friends IC, I recommend that she begin either going for redemption or toughening up
    Otherwise, bask in the IC hate and give no fucks. Lots of people do that too.