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First Character

Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by Capitan_Donete, Dec 25, 2015.

  1. Capitan_Donete

    Capitan_Donete New Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    First, I'd like to thank the community and in specific, the people who are reading this. In case you see anything that should be changed or is badly structured, please let me know.

    Name: Damian "Dwelm" Ogerrob

    Race: Human

    Damian was born onthe little planet of Abodroc, which was located on the border of USCM territory, which meant they were relatively safe, although there was a great lack of law enforcement. The planet was populated by all of the known sapient species, because it was partly inhabited by nobility who owned the mines that ran through the interior of Abodroc's moon and then the other half was populated by miners and the worst kind of people.

    When Damian was 6, drug dealing made a big comeback, so he grew up witnessing people overdose on all kinds of drugs, throwing their lives away to acquire it and becoming involved with the act of dealing itself.
    These experiences inspired Damion, for the worse.

    Damian wasn't especially smart nor strong, but he always was a cunning little bastard.
    He went to school, avoiding the delinquent lifestyle and got himself a scholarship.
    He then flew to the greatest college on the other side of the planet and there he acquired a PhD in both Biochemistry and Pharmacy.

    Shortly after he left college with the money he had saved up, working at a Hospital.
    When he returned home, he got to work on what he had planned to do all along, manufacturing drugs of all kinds.

    Eventually, after making a name for himself in the underworld, he acquired the alias "Dwelm", which meant "drug" in his native language.
    After some unfortunate run-ins with the local authorities, "Dwelm" had to abandon his old drug lab, meaning he now had to look for a new place to settle and rebuild his empire. However, the pixels that were left to him wouldn't make for a spectacular start.

    Personality: Damian has been through a lot in Abodroc streets, from stabing someone with a pen, to witnessing a bunch of drunk guys saving a kitten from a fire, so generally he gets along with everyone and sometimes people are forced into doing bad things. Damian follows some sort of moral code and whether or not he will offer to help someone, or not, depends solely on how he views them.
    Dwelm has got some problems with the language, because he doesn't have an universal translator and his native language isn't among the ones standarised languages across the galaxy.

    Appearance: He is a 6' ft. (1.83 m) tall human, with black, partially greyed out hair, despite only being 26 years old.
    He is in fairly good shape, not overly muscular or fat one way or another, but he can lift his own weight without much of a problem. He has brown eyes and always has a grin on his face.

    Thank you for reading this and sorry if there are grammar mistakes, englsih isn't my first language.
    *Khaltor made this grammatical correction, thank you very much and thanks too for the great ideas.
    #1 Capitan_Donete, Dec 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2015
  2. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    By Skuma are you speaking of Skooma ? Isn't that a drug from The elder scrolls universe ? Because I went searching for the word on google and the only thing I was able to find with the word ''Skuma'' is a woman more hoe than a hoe.
  3. Capitan_Donete

    Capitan_Donete New Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Yes, it's the elder scrolls drug khajiits sell you. I said skuma because that's how it's written in the spanish version (oo it's pronounced like a u in spanish).
  4. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    *cracks knuckles*
    I'll start off by correcting the text.

    I woudln't use drugs like Slowmo, Base and Skooma from other media, try to come up with some drugs yourself, invent some weird sounding drug names and describe what they'd do. It's alright to be inspired by other fictional and actual drugs, but don't try to just rip off other drugs from other fiction.

    Make sure to put a focus on the fact that Dwelm doesn't posses a universal translator and that his local dialect or native language isn't among one of the standarised languages that get translated by one, this wil help in your RP experience when you are having trouble with the language barier, it can just be a part of your character's background.

    If you want to be a drug dealer you'd be better off with pharmacy than just "medicine" because the term "medicine" is too broad, it refers to health care in general, including stiches and operations. If you want to make pills and drugs, you'd be better off with Biochemistry (not Bioquimy, that's not the correct English term for it) and Pharmacy.

    I literally have no clue what you meant here.

    Other than that, I hope you enjoy being a drug dealer/manufacturer.
  5. Capitan_Donete

    Capitan_Donete New Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Thank you very much, i'll make up some names for the drugs and will change the lore a little bit to put the pharmacy instead of Medicine and Biochemistry (i didn't know it was the term, in spanish is BioquĂ­mica).
    What I tried to say was: In Killer Mike words: "Just be good to each other cause no one else is gonna be good to you".
    Sorry if my mistakes made you angry (for the *cracks knuckles*), i'm not the best using this language, this is one of the reasons I am in a foreing server, to improve myself.
  6. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    cracking knuckles wasn't to emote anger, it was more of a "let's get to work"-kind of knuckle cracking.
  7. Capitan_Donete

    Capitan_Donete New Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Ah, ok ok, can I use the grammatical correction you made of my thread?
  8. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    of course
  9. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    To help out, I play Jazz who is a pharmacologist that makes medicine and drugs.

    I agree with Khaltor. If you have a big problem with language, make it a part of your character that they speak a combination of Spanish and English. It helps us learn the language and helps us help you get integrated into the server. For example, you can make it a part of your character to speak Spanish words and phrases along with English.

    Biochemistry is simply the manufacturing of chemical compounds for use in medicine and the body. Pharmacology is the study of how certain compounds work together and how they interact with the body.

    You shouldn't use drugs from pop culture. We make it a point on the server to keep ourselves creative and only take some inspiration from pop culture.
  10. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    When I made a character like this, Hector, I had made up a few different drugs. One was an amphetamine, 'Razor', because it always put the user 'on edge'. The other was 'Astroturf,' because they don't smoke grass in space. Hec also had a chemistry degree c,:
    I miss that character.
    Anyhoot, just think about what your drugs do, and try to come up with a creative name for them. WIth an understanding in chemistry your character isn't pigeonholed to just drugs; Hec also made and sold explosives on the side for when drug business was slow.
  11. Capitan_Donete

    Capitan_Donete New Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Thank you for the ideas, I actually had in mind something with explosives and such things.
    Thanks for the help and Merry Chritmas.