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Felith's Audio Log

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by GuardianPotato, Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    ((This material can only be accessed by either hacking into the "Spirit of Vengeance", Felith's ship. Or directly accessing one of the terminals inside of the ship. You may comment OOC wise. But IC wise a note cannot be left on the audio logs, unless you were to access the logs.))

    Entry 1: *His voice is calm, not betraying any other emotion* I'll be keeping a journal now, seeing as I just stole this ship. Her name used to be "Bloody Eagle", decided to change it to "Spirit of Vengeance", I think it fits. I'll be looking for a place to stay now, Tetanus sounds good.

    Entry 2: *His voice is rather happy* I've decided on tetanus. Despite the.. Metal bugs... eating the city. It sounds good enough. And none of the Red Hawk comes around here, probably a good idea for them.

    Entry 3: *He sounds even happier* Went down to the surface today, landed inside of a camp. I met a rather nice looking, and nice, Floran down there. She goes by the name Petaldancer. I think I'm going to be enjoying my stay here.

    Entry 4: *His voice is calm once more* The city's being rebuilt again. Nothing more to report, really. Besides that I'm considering joining the Boards militia.

    Entry 5: *His tone is mostly calm, but there is that hint of anger in it* Was browsing starnet for the hell of it. And I ran into what Traptooth did.. *There is the sound of heavy breathing* No one should be able to do such a thing. Or have to live through it.

    Entry 6: *He sounds rather exited* Traptooth's sister just came by today. I never thought such a monster could have such a nice sister... Anyways, her coming by sparked an idea in my head. I'll be fully fleshing it out. But I think this just might work... *After a few seconds, there is a depressed sigh. And he now sounds depressed* God dammit I wish Glethin were here... She'd have thought of this plan the instant upon seeing Watchleaf, and probably ten more...

    Entry 7: *There is the sound of heavy, ragged breathing. His voice indicates that he is in a great deal of pain* He fucking.... Came down.. With a launcher.... Nat.. And Rudy... Weren't... In position... Shot me.. And took petal... I'm... A fucking.... Dumb ass.... All I have to do... Is not bleed out... Until... I can tell.. DB.... Then... I'd rather die......

    Entry 8: *His voice is sad, and depressed* Final log.... Everyone is hounding on me for fucking up... And.. Getting petal captured again... The USCM assholes came around and robbed me of all of my pixels at gun and sword point... Like my day wasn't already fucked up enough by being shot by a rocket... I wish I'd die already.... Make the pain end.... *There is the sound of a pistol being drawn. After a few moments of heavy breathing, there is a click of the pistol being fired* Dammit..... *There is the sound of the pistol being dropped. And then heavy crying. After a few seconds the log cuts out*

    Entry 9: *His voice is now just depressed* They got petal back while I was recovering... I haven't seen her yet... But I'm not sure I'm willing to face what I caused...

    Entry 10: *His voice is even more depressed* The fucker took out her eyes and her foliage.... Her head is wrapped in one giant bandage...

    Entry 11: *His voice is emotionless* Finally got to take a swing at Josh, the dumb ass that robed me.. And everyone has forgiven me for fucking up now.. Besides Josh, and probably others I don't know.. If someone tries to kill me... it'd be a relief... If they succeed....

    Entry 12: *His voice is calm* Dunno if I should be doing these this often or not.. But whatever.. Things have mellowed down.. mostly.. People talked about going after Traptooth.. Fucking said they want him ALIVE. Who the hell wants someone like that alive? Besides to use him? Anyways.. Petal seems to not care that I got her into the mess.. but it still hurts to look at her.. And not because her head is all... Ya'know.. But because I know I caused it..
    #1 GuardianPotato, Mar 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2014
  2. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 13: *He sounds rather happy* Things went semi-well today. Well, they went great! In the morning I talked with DB. Told her I wasn't getting much sleep and why. She told me to have a talk with Petal about it. After that she tried to get me laid. I went for her PDA and she "accidentaly" hit one for a male floran. After that she "dropped" it and the screen cracked. She threatened to tell Stanza, so we made a deal. I fix her PDA, and she gets to chose a date for me. But it is going to be someone from Tetanus, so thats a bonus. After that things were rather mellow. In the evening I had a talk with Petal, and we cleared things up. I had spilled my guts to her, basically. And she -does- forgive me. And agreed that if I wanted to talk to her about anything else, I could. All in all, today went ****ing great.
  3. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 14: *His voice is depressed* Today was shit... Reaper had gotten back yesterday, and was being all bitchy. Then this person by the name of Greg came in, was talking to petal about a doctor. I asked what it was about, and got blocked. Normally I wouldn't mind that much. But then this person named Tarl came up, and said I was "incompetent" because I had gotten Petal captured. That made Greg immediately not trust me, and I wasn't trusting him back. But I also got pissed as hell. So eventually I just went out on patrol. Because when Reaper got back, I gave him Korpser back, and went down to normal basher. When I got back I took a seat above the actual bar. Next thing I know, Reapers dead and Petal is crying. After trying to comfort her I left. If people can't ****ing forgive me for making a mistake. Then fine. I'll go after Trap. And I hope I die trying.
  4. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 15: *His voice is once more calm* Upon looking back on my logs, I realized that I need to get control of myself. Part of me must of realized that, because I sent a message to DB.. *He chuckles* And, she told me exactly "Don't you -dare- leave without talking to me, scrummer". She had Nat talk to me, actually. She doesn't seem so bad. At least from what I've heard. So I wont be going after Trap. Or trying to kill myself, anytime soon. Other than that, nothing much happened. We had a Pyromaniac run around Tetanus. Me, Lydia, and Greg were chasing after him. Along with this Glitch. We got em though, and hes now banned from Tetanus. And Greg took Petal to get cybernetics, I don't know what for exactly. Other than that, all is good.
  5. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 16: *He sounds slightly amused* Well, I uh. "Made a move" on Petal today, if you can call it that. We went to the park, then I got us something to eat. I know she didn't realize what it REALLY was, but that's fine by me. I just like being around her, honestly.... That fucking AI remote thingy is a bitch though. Its a smart alek, and kept on bugging me about things I didn't do. I just want to rip its voice box out... One thing I hope though, is that DB doesn't notice, for now at least. I don't want to imagine what she'll do... And I also have yet to think of a way to get out of that date, still a virgin..
    Anyways, things are going to get interesting, fast.
  6. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 17: *He sounds just, normal* Well, I haven't done an entry in awhile. So, here it goes. Work on the HQ has started, rust storms tore down some of what was built though. Blinker, Petal's remote thing. Tricked me into saying I had a thing for her when she was right there. So yeah, that happened. Before I left out of sheer embarrassment, she told me that she still only views me as a good friend. Because she wasn't ready to love someone yet, because the last person she loved left her forever. So I'm stuck at the friend level, but I don't mind that much. Oh lets see here.. Right, apparently Trap and Muck mated, somewhere. And now there are a shit ton of florans running around in the sewers. And then Muck tricked Petal into getting her to give him some of her pollen, so she's a mom now, so yeah. I'm willing to help out, but so far she seems to have either ignored me, or not wanted to respond. But, thats all I can remember for now.
  7. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 18: *He sounds slightly in pain. There is the sound of him moving about, and a chair being scraped across the ground. Then the clink of his LMG hitting the ground. There is a "Thunk" as he sits down* Ok, well. I got my right leg broken today. 674 is the one that started it all. Apparently someone shit all over her, so she decided to spread it. She said she wanted to "Talk" to me about petal. And she said that "She is a burden to Tetanus" or something along those lines. I told her to shove it up her ass. But then she decided she wanted to fight it out, so we did. She cut me on my forehead and broke my right leg. But I'm pretty sure I did a number on her. Rudy came in and broke us up after she broke my leg, though. I've been suspended from duty until I recover. I now know how petal feels, wanting to get out there and do things. But is unable to. *He sighs*
  8. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 19: *He doesn't sound great, but not all depressed* Well, I'll try to say things in order this time. Ok lets see here.. Right, we found out there was a bomb in the sewers. But we didn't have enough people to go get it, so the best we could do was warn everyone on tetanus and evacuate all of the supplies we could. After that started I learned that petal is leaving tetanus for good, because she didn't feel safe or wanted anymore.. *He goes silent, and there is the sound of him shifting about. After about 2 more minutes he starts up again* I feel like its my fault. I know I was busy with all of the damn florans and stuff, but I should of noticed. 674 should of been a warning to me, but I didn't fucking notice. And now she is gone. I can still visit her and all, but still... Its not the same... *He sighs* Anyways... After we evacuated tetanus and I shut down the warp pad, the bomb went off. Tetanus was turned into a smoking crater. After that I went up and talked to Petal alone, then Rudy came along. We both talked to her and we decided to host a BBQ, it'll be happening tomorrow, Friday. But I have some shit I need to take care of before then. Other than that, re-building is going well. The HQ is done now, all it needs is power.
  9. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 20: Well, a lot of shit has happened. Everything was going good till the BBQ, people got drunk and did stupid stuff. After the BBQ trap got me, he took out my right eye, left arm, and right leg. Then this other tourturer, "Frenchie", took off my right ring finger. Then he dropped me off at tetanus. I got patched up then got myself some cybernetics. After that is has been rather uneventful, I haven't seen petal in awhile, and from her last post on the conversation on the BBQ, she is blaming herself. I think.
  10. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 21: *He sounds monotone* Well, cybernetics are doing good so far... But my arm's been hurting like a bitch recently, I think I need someone to check out the nervous connections or whatever. I don't even know. Besides that... *He sighs* Petal turned herself into the USCM, the first time I've seen her after Traptooth's hit-n-run, was when me and Crow went in to see her. *He goes silent for a bit* Last I heard we were working on getting bail for her, but I've been thinking, and decided to see if I can find out what the hell Red's up to.. She's the only one that would want me killed or injured, so she could of had Trap do it, explains why it was a hit-n-run. *A few more moments of silence* Anyways, yeah.. Petal turned herself in.. Not fucking right to have the criminal status on her in the first place... Rrrrgh, thats all I can think of now.. Oh, right, I beat up my crate pretty bad after leaving Marathon. If josh wasn't the one at the desk, I probably would of punched some poor marine's face in. *He lets out a long breath* Damn I'm making these things pretty damn long, I like to talk, don't I? Hrmpf, anyways, Felith out, or whatever...
  11. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 22: *The sound of shifting is heard, and a clunk as he props his new found USCM issue shotgun against the wall.* Well, not much to say this time, really. Joined the USCM, more friends here, and Tetanus is a ghost town now. Feeling alright, and that's about it. I'm gonna stop doing the damn summary of everything now, made these things really fucking long.
  12. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 23: *He sounds Calm* Everything's going well in the USCM, but not so much for Tetanus.. *His tone gets a bit angrier as he goes on* RA "Seized" it yesterday, and just heard a bit ago that they might not exactly like Florans, but petal is insisting on staying on Tetanus to help... I just hope she stays safe.. *He takes a few deep breaths before his tone returns to normal* I need to go get ready for the wedding I'm going to soon, so, Felith out.
  13. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 24: *He sounds very -very- excited* Well, a lot of shit happened recently, -a lot- a lot. Went to Alyx's wedding, she's a friend of mine. And basically everyone forced me to admit o petal that I love her. Aaaaand, she loves me back! I've also been able to sleep now that she sleeps with me. I'm glad the gunny didn't say anything, I'm not even sure if its allowed or not. But still! Things are gonna go better now, I can just feel it.
  14. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 25: Havn't done this in awhile, so here goes nothing. Josh died and then came back.. *He sighs, going silent for a moment.* Shook us all up, I nearly broke. Met Sharptooth as well, can't tell if she respects me because I don't fear her, or what... Thats all for now.
  15. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 26: Welp, new avian. Kluex worshiper and holy up the ass. Had some things happen with Rookster, another avian. Poor girl, she seems so lonely. Gonna stop getting myself shot up so much now. And that's about it. Oh right, note to self, stick to standard issue. Damn knee is gonna take a week to fully heal.
  16. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 27: Knee's better, so that's a plus. Fully healed for once, and made PFC. But for some fucking reason, Josh promoted -Kidei- to Lance Corporal! *His tone gets a little angrier as he goes on* I mean, Matt made corporal, yet he still wont be commanding a fire-team, yet Kidei suddenly jumps up to LC -and- controls a fire-team? Bull shit if you ask me. Somethings up.
  17. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 28: *He sounds Irritated* Hrngh.. Why do I even do these anymore? I could always talk to petal... *His tone brightens, the irritatedness going away for now* Right, petal! I finally proposed to her, and she said yes! Gonna have the wedding soon... *His voice calms down some* Other shit... Friends with sharp, proven by when she drew a gun in my defense when I was brawling with Rookster. Asked her to -not- do that again, she refused.. *He chuckles* Not sure if I should be glad or not, but oh well... Hrm... *Tone darkens some* Finally got rid of Kath and Tide and them, told em to fuck off. Kath didn't handle it well, but she had it coming if you ask me.... That's all for now.
  18. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Entry 29: *He sounds tired, worn out, and generally a mess* Welp.... Rook bashed me with a chair... Nearly just straight up shot her... So much shit has been on me recently... Having to help keep Sharp from doing stupid shit when I'm around, or at least, the stupid shit she does when I'm around... Gold... Rook.... All the other shit... *He lets out a low growl of annoyance* I try to fucking help people... Yet all that ends up for me is tearing myself apart.... *A slam is heard before the recording abruptly ends*
  19. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    *All recordings from here on out can only be found on his wrist device, AKA you need to literally get his left arm to access them without his permission*
    //Program Starting....//
    //Password Required....//
    ::> Password: *****
    //Password Accepted...//
    //Recording Start: 8:52 PM 8/1/2414//

    First recording on my wrist device, so here it goes... *He sighs* Lost my remaning biological limbs and eye. I'm basicaly half robot now... Sharp got herself shot and then infected with something like the Ape Flu... Was working on tracking down the bastard hat did it, but they arleady got him. Wedding is delayed until she recovers. Not leaving a friend out of it.... *A sigh is heard* Today's been hell week.. Gonna see if I can get a vacation after the wedding.. Felith out.

    //Recording End: 8:53 PM 8/1/2414//
    //Exiting Program...//
    //Program Closed//
  20. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    //Program Starting....//
    //Password Required....//
    ::> Password: *****
    //Password Accepted...//
    //Recording Start 8:41 PM 8/12/2414//

    *His tone is haggard, and tired* Not much has happened recently... Got shot in the shoulder, right one. Think a part's damaged, I'll have it checked out later... Also got a chunk of my face torn off, by the same fucker that shot me. Got it stitched up, doctors actually let me out this time... Right, and met DB at Taranis, she dragged me to Tetanus, and then got me knocked out drunk, literally. Head's killing me... *He chuckles* I meet her again, and bam, already getting myself into shit... Heh... Anyways, nothing else to report. Felith out.

    //Recording End: 8:44 PM 8/12/2414//
    //Exiting Program...//
    //Program Closed//
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