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[Factional Interest Check] New, Terran-centric and lawful regulatory faction.

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by DavidHeinrich, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. DavidHeinrich

    DavidHeinrich Space Corps Judge

    Jul 19, 2014
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    Hello. I was wondering, in many ways, about whether or not anyone would have any interest in a faction based upon the reformation of a primarily human faction. It would involve several things that I feel Antares could do with, such as a very rigid and vaguely expansive military structure, colonies based heavily upon technological development, and the mentality of manifest destiny. It would focus quite a bit on the re-establishment of human culture and both the protection and physical welfare of factional citizenry; admittedly, it would likely be a military-centric faction, of sorts, but I don't feel that's a particularly unneeded quantity, at this moment. I suppose the main worry that may be seen would be the similarity to something like the USCM, which I'd dispute with the thought that the USCM, as it was, was always a primarily military faction; this would be a faction that, while aimed towards and engaged with its military, is not entirely dependent upon it for roleplay. It would depend heavily upon civilian contractors for many things, and would have a massive amount of positions open for researchers, engineers, construction workers, all sorts of things that have nothing to do with the military whatsoever. This would be a society with a heavy basis in and focus on military, but it would be a militant society, not just a massive faction of nothing but armed forces.

    I feel as though, in character, something like this would be welcome in Antares, a faction that could be trusted to entirely protect its people and colonies and that would go out of its way to remove criminal elements; and out of character, it would certainly give an outlet to some who'd be interested in playing characters part of something larger than themselves, along with people who want to play pacifistic engineers and scientists, or just pacifists in general, and who don't want to have to worry about making their character a 20th degree black belt with a plasma cannon just so they don't have to deal with the possibility of being beaten to a pulp by a Floran for walking down the street. I welcome opinions on it of all kinds, be they positive or negative, and I'd love to hear suggestions relative to the idea; I have specifics in store, but I'm reserving them until I can see generated interest.
  2. Sen

    Sen Guest

    glory for all
    like a glory hole
  3. DavidHeinrich

    DavidHeinrich Space Corps Judge

    Jul 19, 2014
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    I'd quite appreciate if you put some actual thought into your posts, and if you found them to be utterly meaningless, you simply didn't post them; if you're not interested in this topic, you don't need to post. If you feel you dislike it, please provide criticism; don't just act childish and crude in response to it.
  4. Sen

    Sen Guest

    I'd appreciate it if you'd not try the same old recipe for disaster that literally everyone on every server has tried forever: a militant-orientated faction that ultimately exists only to fulfill the power fantasies of the glory seeking edgelords that make it up with a shallow justification for why such an activity is not inappropriate.

    For some reason, this reminds me of glory holes.
  5. DavidHeinrich

    DavidHeinrich Space Corps Judge

    Jul 19, 2014
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    I'd appreciate if you would refrain from insulting me personally. I've done nothing to you, and I'd ask you to not act as though I have; I understand that someone, perhaps, was mean to you in the past. They did something you disliked, or made a character who was at odds with yours. I am not that person; I am, in fact, an entirely different person from the one you have in mind. I have no power fantasies, I have no willingness to seek out 'glory', and I'm unsure what, exactly, an 'edgelord' is, though I'd find it likely that it's simply a buzzword for something you personally dislike, and I find it entirely more likely that you failed to do anything but have a relatively kneejerk reaction without taking into account anything but your own bias against an entirely different faction. I'm here to roleplay. I'm here to make a collaborative story with others. I feel that this faction would facilitate that goal; now, I ask you to please provide some actual criticism, not just an unrelated tangent on how much you hate factions you've seen in the past that have nothing to do with this one.
  6. Sen

    Sen Guest

    I am not the one calling others childish and crude.

    This idea, like every other attempt on this server at a militant-orientated faction justified by X, existing primarily to be a militant-orientated faction, will ultimately result in the same conclusion this community has seen time and time again: self serving "badasses" seeking glory with shallow justification as to why their badassery is justified.

    You may call it a knee-jerk reaction, but I have yet to be proven wrong throughout the entire history of this server.
  7. DavidHeinrich

    DavidHeinrich Space Corps Judge

    Jul 19, 2014
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    You came into the thread and compared my idea to a sexual act, with no basis for doing so; that's very childish and crude. Besides that, I didn't call you childish and crude, I called your actions childish and crude. Please understand the difference. Also, I'm not a self-serving person; that assertion is laughable at best. My character isn't terribly 'badass', and I feel a faction that has a strong focus on a military doesn't necessarily have to be one filled with poor RP. I'm calling it a knee-jerk reaction because it is. If you're so ready to be proven correct, it feels impossible to think you'd ever find yourself proven wrong; the moment anyone does anything within the faction, you'd immediately be screaming accusations at them. You're already screaming accusations at me and I haven't done anything at all. Are you just the type of person who is willing to assert that something will fail for no reason but that you feel it will?

    I wonder why, exactly, you think this specific faction will fail; do you have even a single fact, or thought to back that assumption up? Or is it conjecture, based upon your dislike for another faction that has nothing to do with this one?
  8. John_McFakename

    John_McFakename New Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    I believe it's called "pessimism", which is justified on this topic as a military-focused colonies have come and gone with varying degrees of success.

    Such colonies which have passed:
    Fort Mattis/Marathon with USCM.
    Luminaria with Emperor Suwedi's Empire/RA.
    Liberty Mills with the Holy Fleet.
    Union with USAF.

    Current one's keeping the cycle rolling:
    Gryphon Cluster with The Order.
    Port Last with RA.
  9. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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  10. DavidHeinrich

    DavidHeinrich Space Corps Judge

    Jul 19, 2014
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    Pessimism is never really justified, I don't think. I believe that caution can be justified, and in this case is; it's a very divisive topic. But there are factions that it seems to have worked for, and factions that it seems to have not worked for; to assume the absolute worst baselessly is a bit needless, I think. If you'd like it not to turn out poorly, and not to turn out as the others have, instead of being overly defeatist and stating that it's impossible to do, offer suggestions or other assistance. Even if it fails, afterwards, at least you made all attempts to keep it from doing so instead of decrying it from the sidelines.

    As for the Mini-Knog thing, I think that's a very interesting idea, but I don't, personally, play Apex characters. To this end, I doubt it'd work out.
  11. DavidHeinrich

    DavidHeinrich Space Corps Judge

    Jul 19, 2014
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    Please do not turn this thread into cattily taking swipes at one another over resentment you may have over other factions. To be honest, I don't find the Order or the Armada to be terribly relevant, in this; they're both extremely different factions from the one I'm proposing.
  12. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    I find it a great idea and I would love to see it come to reality and if it does I will gladly make a character to join it.