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Faction Idea - The Unforgotten

Discussion in 'Concerns and Suggestions' started by Oleksandra, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. Oleksandra

    Oleksandra New Member

    May 20, 2016
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    As written in my little illustration,

    " The Unforgotten hail from the Carina-Sagittarius Sector, having been an infamous, “Fanatriditionalist Movement,” from many years in the area. They were driven out by the combined effort of several powerful settlements that it once held within it’s tight, near-totalitarian administration.

    Now a fraction of what it once was due to infighting and defection, the last faithful chapter of the Unforgotten seek to stake a new claim elsewhere. It’s hoping to bring enlightment to the Fringe, whether they want it, or not.

    They seek to bring Humanity and other intelligent life to their view of the ‘Golden Age’ of technology. Things they otherwise view as atrocities, are cybernetic limbs, energy-based weapons, and artificial life, like the Glitch. Floran as well are hated by the group, for their knack for reverse engineering, and biologically crafting organic, bastard copies of salvaged weaponry.

    The only remaining veteran officer they have left is Iolanta, prefered to be called by her codename, ‘Headmistress’. She is as ruthless as she is unstable, and follows her cause with a borderline religious fantacism. Most entities outside the organization theorize she suffers from a wide variety of trauma, brought upon by abuse by her family during her childhood. She has also been suspected to have risen through the ranks of the organization through manipulation of her male superiors. She has no history of formal military training, or experience.

    The Unforgotten are to be avoided at all costs. They have a long history of violence, manipulation, and cruelness. Their strict and very specific recruitment policy make it so very few manage to join it’s ranks, or more so, that many don’t want to. The chapter run by the Headmistress currently finds itself frequenting the employ of many undesireable entities, most being organized crime syndicates around the sub-sectors. Their ship, the Song of Retribution, an old Kronos-class factory vessel, has been spotted making jumps around Council Space. What they want, however, is unclear. "

    I thought this would be a good place to post the idea, and have a civil discussion on it. I'm not the best writer, so please bear with me. I just wanted to jot down a quick little thing about the faction, the leader, and to some extent their motives. It's not very fleshed out, but the idea is there, and I'd like to expand upon it with suggestions from the community.

    It also came to my attention that the community also has a lot of antagonists already, but I'd feel as those this faction can't, and won't always be 'the bad guy'. I feel there's flexibility in the idea, that they flip-flop on the spectrum of good and evil. Maybe Chaotic Neutral, or just Neutral, but not entirely evil.

    Thanks for reading. Conversation, suggestions, and criticism is welcome, but please no ad-hominem about me, or anyone elses opinions please.

    Also - Unit ideas. Not set in stone, and may not be used at all.
    3 people like this.
  2. Kralion

    Kralion Lore Writer

    Jul 31, 2014
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    So what level of technology would they consider acceptable? I see they are using WW2 era gun models, but it looks like they don't shy away from FTL travel. I still very much like this faction, though.
  3. I personally like the idea, they are sort of a good guy bad guy thing. I am starting an antagonistic faction currently, and we have a few good factions starting too, so a in the middle faction seems to be a good idea. One Issue though with this middle ground they have is that this faction seems like it would side with the same people multiple times from their bias'. For example, even they will always support people when fighting florans ((as you said they hate florans)), so they would be sort of predictable. Anyways I would support you, although I will have my hands full with my faction most likely. ((One last note, did you make those sprites? Because they look pretty nice))
  4. Oleksandra

    Oleksandra New Member

    May 20, 2016
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    I did make those sprites, thanks!

    And to reply to your issue with their hatred of Floran, I'd say you could factor in Iolanta's tendency to not make the best decisions. The possibility of aiding Floran's in attacking a tech-filled city, however, is a possibility. It might or might not end in betrayal, as well, so there's that. They can fuck over anyone, or work with anyone.

    Thanks for replying.
  5. Oleksandra

    Oleksandra New Member

    May 20, 2016
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    I made them to look 'vintage'. They see FTL as necessary, as it allows the spread of their 'ideals', but things like Cloning, Cyber Prosthetics (Which they consider on par with artificial life.), and aforementioned artificial life, such as Glitch, and androids.

    Their equipment is, ICly, around 40-60 years old. The older it is, the more pure. The newer it is, the more tainted. They outright refuse to use energy weapons, too. They only use ballistic weaponry. Their factory ship is a museum piece, as well.
  6. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    I like the idea. I'm assuming they view clones as abominations?
    1 person likes this.
  7. Oleksandra

    Oleksandra New Member

    May 20, 2016
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    Yes. They view clones as a crime against the intelligent races. At least, clones of sentient beings - animals aren't really cared about.
  8. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    I think it might be important to your faction to consider the difference between elective and reparative cases of cybernetics. I can't predict the next 400 years, but Human culture is already celebrating the advancements in cyber technology when it comes to restoring an individual's lost function. I believe with the strong military and medical culture we have, that will continue to be something that is generally unquestioned.

    The waters will get muddy when we talk about using them for personal advancement. We already saw this debate briefly when it was talked about to let some runner with those prosthetic leg things into the Olympics. There's the roots of a "separate but equal" movement there, which we know how well that ends up.

    I'm just curious how morally they would justify persecuting say, a person who lost their eyes in an accident that had cybernetics. Do they have more of a "accept your fate" attitude, or would they weaken their faction by not taking a hard stance?
  9. Oleksandra

    Oleksandra New Member

    May 20, 2016
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    Sorry it's been so long since you posted this, and taht I'm just now respond AGH SCHOOL

    In regards to your question - they have the stance of, 'tough shit, live without it'. They will remove the cybernetics whether they want to or not, as well. Surgically or just simply tearing them out, the Unforgotten don't care. If you lost it, you lost it.