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EvDo's free quests for peoples, or how to make a floran wizard...

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by EvDo, Oct 18, 2016.

  1. EvDo

    EvDo Man with accent

    Mar 1, 2016
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    Greets, players. Here I will be post my crazy ideas for you, when my mind makes good ideas (IMHO of course). All quests here will be posted as an instructions to how to play. If you want to make your carma black you can change quest as you want. Take it and enjoy! Don't ERP, only for business.
  2. EvDo

    EvDo Man with accent

    Mar 1, 2016
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    It's inside.

    The purpose of the quest: to hold out as long as possible in the colonial complex, with limited supplies of provisions, until the repair of the communication module.
    Number of players: 5 + GM + administrator or moderator, acting as a representative of the owner of the complex (it has no power to change the course of the main story, but may speak on behalf of AI)
    Event venue: Any planet in size from 4000 Midnight biome. On the planet atmosphere is not breathable.

    Act I. Arrival

    Company Groundcraft Inc. starts recruiting volunteers of all races on the program of terraforming, with further training and the opportunity to further a career in the company and a decent salary, work period of 5 years. As a place selected newly built complex, with the necessary equipment. With control helps artificial intelligence Thea (GM or moderator), and managed by her builders and repairmen drones.
    Players meet at the appointed place with curator (moderator) from a company with experience in the three worlds, which will provide training and assign roles according to their skills. After roles in the interview, the command is sent to the planet on the vessel (there will need additional staff such as pilots), where they are introduced to Thea. AI tells them its purpose in the complex and the plan of the premises, as well as system repair by drones.
    The flight lasts for a day game, allowing players to become better acquainted. The planet itself is very remote, outside the space sector Antares, or other well-known sectors. Such an odd choice is due to interest from the Counsil to explore new territories and woned tender by company Groundcraft Inc, which operated for a long time developed scheme of involving employees of the kind of projects.
    Starship enters the orbit of the planet. Players and curator puts on branded suits, and Thea transports them into the cargo unit with the necessary provisions for a week, spare parts for the construction of the farm unit, seeds, tools to work, and spare parts. AI also said that it has started drilling in the area of 01, 04 and 05 and the activation of the protective fields of radiation and EMI from the external environment, which covers all the gaming space (including mine). AI also reports unknown activity in the shaft 04 and asks for permission to continue drilling of the curator, to which he gives a positive answer to her and asks to send him information on the computer. If these players are concerned, then curator's task will be report that things happen very often, and there is no reason for concern. Players go to their cabins, training is assigned to the next real day in a conference room. Players can walk around the complex in those places where the doors will open.

    Act II. Beginning of problems

    During training the players, Thea, reports that drill buried in metal, and its structure is more like rafting than ore. It is assumed that part or all of the players will be very interested in this, and the curator of all calls from a control center. After studying data from the AI, and after listening to proposals in this regard from the players, he decides to drill further. After four game dialogue, GM reports the event of the explosion at the mine 04, which is accompanied by a powerful electromagnetic radiation. Since the EMI occurred inside the protective field, disabling all digital electronics, including the AI core, remained working only analog communication systems and emergency life-support systems. The problem is in the restoration of Thea's core, since the drones are able to repair the damage much faster. Curator announces the first task of the players that can cope with it, leaving yourself at least one person to help coordinate. Unfortunately core located in the module that is not yet connected to the control module with corridors. Players go outside.
    Along the way, GM randomly selects one of the players and says that he notices the movement behind rocks. If the players it is reported to the center, the curator decides whether someone will go to exploration or not, perhaps this is one of the drones, and it can be switched to offline mode:
    Someone goes to the exploration: Scout (s) are sent to the nearest rocks, and they are attacked by an unknown creature. Depending on whether the players take their weapons with them or not will be decided by the outcome:
    Players disarmed: If scout alone, he disappears, as soon GM announces that players outside see as the beast ripping a scout. If there are several, is one of them dies to choose by GM. The ability to survive is if the second is not cold feet and somehow drive away the creature, but the second player is seriously injured. Survivor(s) told about what they saw.
    Players are armed: A creature attacks, but after receiving a bullet moving away. All scouts are alive, and talk about the threat.
    Curator announced to all as quickly as possible locked in the module with the AI core and began to work on the launch, since the drones will be able to protect all. Due to the complexity of schemes, Thea started partially, and reports that the database is clean, it is impossible to further functioning at full strength. Repair Drones are activated and begin the construction of the corridor between AI core unit, centrat unit and farm unit, a period of one day.
    The OOC task to the GM and curator, to build a corridor and a farm unit to the next act.
    End of the second act

    Act III. Survival.
    The corridor between the control unit and the AI core and farm unit completed. Here, the non-linearity of the plot begins. The main task is to survive. Next, the curator is given the freedom in the management of the players, but the main motivation at the same time no one to lose, do not let the monster to get into the complex and fix the communication module. Is GM in the plot will give different events in order to destroy the players one by one.
    The problems, which should be ready curator:
    - Destruction of the communication module physically. The creature responsible for the attack on the scouts, will destroy the drone one after the other, and when a few will fix the receiving antenna outside his being break. Since the drones will be destroyed, and the AI will not be able to repair them because of their own faults and banal removal schemes, players must to fix on their own. This event is a must, and avoid it will not work.
    - Finish the stocks before the food replicators have been installed. A week later, this condition is fulfilled necessarily.
    - One or more players, including curator, was ill. Medicines produced in the farm unit.
    - Emergency shutdown of one of the systems. oxygen enrichment system, synthesizing water, waste treatment, thermal regulation, energy supply may decline, which will be a message from AI. While Thea operates, everything will be repaired quickly by internal mini drones, but with the help of players (eg hand start of the generator, etc.).
    - The raid by the creatures. Sometimes the creature will try to penetrate the complex. The task is by no means avoid it.
    - The mental state of one of the players fails (it is impossible for the curator). Maybe the players themselves want to feel in the role of a maniac or just a break, but sometimes the GM will inform about this a random player.
    - Hallucinations (possibly for all). It is not known what exactly ran a drill in the shaft 04, however, sometimes the players, including curator, will experience hallucinations. It can be as pink elephants, and Freddy Krueger or other Boogeyman.
    - AI fails, and considers you a threat. At some point a failure in the AI is so serious that it will take all the players threatened and try to withdraw them from the complex or kill. The creature will also be considered a threat. This event is sure, it can not be avoided.
    - The creature penetrated the complex. Here you just need something quick to come up with, otherwise the end will overtake all.

    After 20 days of play to the colonists arrive rescue ship that rescued them from captivity, provided that the communication module to be repaired. Otherwise the term is extended for 30 days.
    #2 EvDo, Oct 18, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2016