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Eva's Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by WholesomeBURN, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. WholesomeBURN

    WholesomeBURN New Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    -A diary owned by Aelita Kuzma, kept on her PDA which she keeps on her at all times. That being said, it isn't exactly hidden, and anyone who can swipe it from her can easily find it.-

    *Day 1
    My first day in the frontier, and what a strange one at that. I spent a better part of the day trying to find my way around, getting coordinates for the colonies of this sector, and generally trying to figure out what my first move is from here. From what I can gather, there seems to be little-to-no apex presence in this sector. The last apex-of-note was killed and the town he controlled was "fucking melted like a ice cube". I am sorta worried about sticking out like a sore thumb, but the less apex means the less minikong I need to worry about.

    I decided that I need to get rid of this ship as soon as possible, leave nothing for them to track if they even want to bother with it. Just a small corvette, barely big enough for it's role, I think it might have been some sort of smuggler-ship? Something to worry about though, found a lot of weapons in it... Sold those off though, I think I have enough to keep myself alive for a while after I sell off this ship... I don't know anymore. I will try to post a message about it on the starnet and see if I can get a sale, until then I should be able to hide it in an asteroid field or something.

    Lastly, I need to find somewhere to stay after I sell this thing. I checked out a few small colonies on the way here, nothing that made a big impact. Two colonies however stick out, Loswake and Mud. Mud isn't exactly somewhere I would want to stay unless I had to, I heard those jungle-planets are full of viruses and the lack-of-electricity would be kinda hard to adapt to. Loswake seems like the best bet, who knows? Maybe I can get a job as a cook?
  2. WholesomeBURN

    WholesomeBURN New Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    *Day 3
    A lot of good news today, I have been renting rooms at that mud-planet while I am busy looking for a more permanent home and source of income. Not a bad place, all things considered! Very friendly inhabitants, a lot of them are avians and humans, all very kind and don't seem outwardly hostile towards me. I even met a floran who was peddling knick-knacks from his home planet, he sold me a bone-trinket that would "Ward off spirits" and the like. I managed to sell off the ship to a novakid, very nice one too, from what I can tell he was just going to scrap the thing anyways, so I don't think I will have to worry about any minikong knocking down his door in the evening, considering the ship will be gone. I have some money to live-off-of for a while, until I can find a job. If push comes to shove, I think the mud-planet is hiring guards, can't be all that bad, right?