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Approved Eridano Application

Discussion in 'Colony Questions' started by Tamurbus, Jul 31, 2016.

  1. Tamurbus

    Tamurbus A-X-O-L-O-T-L

    Jun 3, 2016
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    View attachment 4319

    Eridano is a western-themed, primarily Novakid-occupied colony. It will begin quite small, and rely on other characters to take land and build their own shops and homes there.

    At the moment, Eridano is a small colony, consisting of a bar, a "sheriff's office," an office for the mayor, a small shooting range, and a planned gunsmith shop. As mentioned above, players will have a chance to purchase their own land and build as they please, allowing for the colony's growth.

    Eridano is quite famous for its skilled gunsmith. Most come to the colony to receive their own custom ranged weaponry from a known Novakid gunsmith who creates quite advanced weaponry in the guise of guns in the colony's western theme.

    Additionally, the colony is quite well known for its relaxed gun laws compared to other colonies. Anyone who wishes to have a gun in their possession while within the colony must first have it approved by the colony's leader. Although there are specific guidelines to weapon approval, these are often disregarded as the colony leader uses their own judgement. If approved, the weapon would receive a large white sticker, thus making it easier to see if a weapon had or hadn't been approved at a glance. If the sticker is lost, the weapon must go through the approval process again to receive a new one. Not only are approvals handed out very frequently, but it is quite easy to produce a counterfeit approval sticker, and although counterfeits are quite easy to identify when thoroughly examined, it's extremely difficult to tell a true approval from a fake just at a glance.

    The colony has been able to thus far support itself through its numerous underground collections of water. A particularly intelligent Novakid colonist figured out how to utilize these underground water sources to create underground farms, which are still in use to this day (Not built into the colony). These farms produce enough food to keep the colony self-sustaining, plus some to sell to travelers.

    Finally, Eridano is lucky enough to be the owner of one of the only locations in the Antares sector to sell quality plasma for Novakid. Although it has begun selling alcohol for the sake of other species entering the colony, it prides itself on its quality plasma, taken from a forgotten star long ago (Was it truly long ago this plasma was collected? Or was it simply a few years ago, and the Novakids forgot? Who knows?).

    If there's any further questions, feel more than free to ask below. Also feel free to travel to the specified coordinates above to check out the buildings so far.
  2. Tamurbus

    Tamurbus A-X-O-L-O-T-L

    Jun 3, 2016
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    This isn't overly important, but I thought I would mention as well that the colony has a public note board in which players may place notes upon on the forums. I know another pre-1.0 colony had this feature, and I believe it was Loswake?

    I didn't know if it was too significant, but better safe than sorry.
  3. Tamurbus

    Tamurbus A-X-O-L-O-T-L

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Update: It was suggested by another player that the planet which the colony is situated upon happens to have stores of oil under the sand, which could be used for further trading with other colonies.

    An oil well is being added to the colony

    Additionally, the gunsmith's shop is completed- as of now, there is no more planned construction on the colony.
  4. Tamurbus

    Tamurbus A-X-O-L-O-T-L

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Official Gun Possession Forum
    This forum must be approved by the town mayor with a personal meeting to test the gun in question.

    Full Name:
    Weapon Name (If applicable):
    Weapon Type:
    Circle one: One handed / Double Handed
    Rate of Fire:
    Intended Use:
    Any Past Criminal History (If none, leave empty):

    Banned weapon types:
    - Sniper Rifle
    - Flamethrower
    - Bows
    - Whips
    - Grenade Launchers
    - Rocket Launcher
    - Melee Weapons

    Anyone in possession of non-approved guns (unless being taken in for approval) shall be confiscated, and the individual in possession of the weapon shall be asked to leave the colony. Law enforcement has the right to ask to check any weapon at any time.
  5. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    No staff member spoke about or approved this, but you started building anyways. Please don't do this in the future. It's our fault for not replying sooner, but we are trying to control the amount of colonies post-1.0.

    I'll approve this, but be warned that there may be population problems due to the amount of colonies. View attachment 4355