(( Those entries aren't available IC, No chronicle order)) [...] Another day in Avalon's bar. The music was loud. The atmosphere was good. The only thing that was missing were the beat ups and Blood yelling "NO GUNS IN MY BAR". Or the cheerfully Aiko Yori. I heared she cut of someone's finger for no reason. Also I had a pleasant conversation with Doc, he said he is a nano surgeon and can heal cancer. However his method has risks if there are still some dangerous cancer cells left. If I'd be in need of a patch up, I bet he could get the job done. [...] [...] Recent events lead me to consider leaving the USAF, but I'm not one-hundred percent certain. After the military putsch things went worse, things were going to be handled differently . One might say they became like the red army fraction.[...] [...] No one wanted to listen to him. They wanted to send him to Crater's End. The only one listening was me. The red guy had luck, if I wouldn't have been around, he'd probably be dead by now. Just another corpse to feed the rats at Crater's. I let him go, did I regret it? Not at all.[...] [...] Everyone tried to save their already doomed souls. Deschemblaine, some kind of a gentlemen, his decisions weren't always the best, but we followed his orders, probably dead. Verita, off duty I would call you my best friend , on duty you were like a different person, whereabouts unknown. Morris, probably still fighting, that damn bear of a man. I miss him. Traitor Ryan Wesrt, killed with my own hands. Well I wish I did...status unknown. At least I know where Scheffler, Felith, Mattulip are. RA.Relzurautt Armada. In Opportunity, Port Last.While I kept with the USAF for a while[...] [...]Today is a sad day. We held a ceremony for Gunnery Sergeant Michael Morris. I was so sad, that I cried at his funeral. How could a man like him even die? It was said, that he wrestled with grizzlies in his free time![...] [...] I've issued my resignation. However there might be still people around, thinking I'm USCM. Somehow I don't want to be affiliated with the USAF anymore.[...] [...] Ashe Deschemblaine clapped his hand on his desk and then he dropped back into his office chair. Then he calmly that things will be changed in my USCM database file and I'd be a Private for the USCM from now on. God I was relieved when he said that.[...] [...]Things are fortunate, Joshua just asked me if I'd assist in JTF operations. A random bunch of mercenaries, well trained soldiers and rookies. [...] [...] Tarl seems odd lately, he swallows a lot of pills. And he seems gloomy and depressed, when he didn't take some pills for a while. I hope he is not addicted to those pill. Might going to report his odd behavior.[...] [...] I made it to Opportunity. I found them, yes! I felt so much lighter when I found out that most of my old squads members were alive. Joshua made it up to second lieutenant. Hell, I still remember what kind of private he was. He changed a lot. Also Matt changed too. To be honest I don't understand how that is even possible. He changed his gender! Unbelievable. And Felith , shit, you could consider him the most damaged one of them all. He turned into a fully cybernetic bird![...] [...] We were ordered to Honeydew Prior. A simple mission, calm the situation and resolve it. If that would have been so easy as said! Jared, the local peacekeeper and one head of the Prior flipped out about some barbed wire, which Jinx set up to stop trespassing people on his ground. In the end every thing turned against us, the official press release regarding that gave us such a bad reputation.[...] [...] I met a guy who is a gun fanatics, Luke is his name. I gave him one of my old M45 USCM service pistols. Under one condition, he shall keep one bullet for my self. It is not like I want to die now but just in case I will be crippled and my life isn't worth it anymore. However that stupid jerk got caught by outcasts... They cut of his arms and burned his nerves... IDIOT you were supposed to shot me, but now? How are you freaking going to pull a trigger without hands?[...]
As it looks my old hard drive is unfixable, it spits out random entries of my log, like " I think I'm going to visit Tallest Tree. It's a Floran settlement, of which Firedrinker is the chief. Rumors say, that there is more to discover than just a big tree. For example, I heard about the bloody arena, where people fought out duels of honor. The uncontested champion with not even a single match lost is John M893-CV, once called John Mc Fakename, but many already have forgotten his old name. Anyway a tournament has been announced on Starnet. Maybe I could do both, visit Tallest Tree and see John fighting. I have to admit I am a huge fan of John." or "A horrible place Alex Flyn brought me to. Underpass, low gravity, a settlement dug into stone caves of that planet to cover them from frequent meteor showers. He meant he had something important to do there and asked me to tag along. Unfortunately he got into trouble with the locals. Everyone had drawn their guns and faced them towards Alex. I had to do something about that, so I pulled a lie out of the blue. I claimed to be his girlfriend. And for some unreasonable reason that worked out. We got out of there. What he didn't knew was, that the lie actually was somehow half true.". However, I bought a new one to continue writing. A lot of stuff happened these past few days. The first thing that comes into my mind is that we managed to rescue Duskfeather. He must have been out there for a month. He looked really bad, probably fought the whole time against those Florans. I was really happy the moment we found him, curled up in a ball almost dead. However things were unfortunate for me. I was poisoned by the quills that hit me, which caused me to pass out half way into the mission. Last thing I remember is that I wanted to rest for a few seconds and the next moment I was in Port Last's hospital. I don't even know how long I passed out. Was it a few hours or few days? I can't tell. I don't like knowing that I was somewhere and not remember what happened. Sometimes I have the feeling that I don't even know what's going on, even though I just talked with someone or was eating stuff, just common things. If that's persisting I should consider visiting a doc. I don't want to forget everything again. I should dig in my past to find out what happened. Speaking of digging and sniffing around, Mute asked me to look some things up but I kinda feel bad about digging around undercover when I can't even manage my true self; How should I live an alter ego's life? It is kind of bugging me, that I don't know my given name. No one even asked why my name is a date. And tomorrow another year will have been passed without knowing for sure who I really am. Additionally, really sad was yesterday's occasion. The funeral of Tarl August Hollow, founder of the RA, great leader and friend. However as if that wasn't enough, we also had to bury Petadancer, a floran who once joined the USIM. She was quite naive at the beginning, but really grew into a pretty nice 'Flower', though she sadly just withered. All in all we buried three people; the last one was a comrade who recently had fallen to an outcast threat. Like it is common custom for marines, twenty-one shots were fired in honour of the legislator, after everyone held a short speech.